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Kerala State to go paperless under E Vidhan initiative

Kerala State to go paperless

The Kerala State Assembly is undertaking E-Vidhan, an initiative to digitize all records. The first phase of the project is expected to be completed in 14 months. The project is expected to cost around Rs.40 crore.

Once the project is completed, all the Assembly proceedings like submission of notice by a member, question and answers, and all the other correspondence and business concerning the Assembly will go paperless.


Uralungal Labour Contract Cooperative Society:

The state has awarded the work to Cyberpark, which is run by the Uralungal Labour Contract Cooperative Society.

It has started working on the ambitious project, E-Vidhan to enable the state legislature to go completely paperless.

Benefits of E-Vidhan:

The Assembly handles hundreds of various committee reports, Bills, notices, and various other reports which demand massive paperwork. E-Vidhan will completely get rid of paper in all the business transacted by the Assembly.

The functioning of various departments linked to the Assembly and library will also be made paperless as part of the project.

It will save around 35 crore to 49 crore annually as the state has been spending around 40 crore for taking tonnes of paper printouts.

What is e-Vidhan?

It is a Mission Mode Project (MMP) comes under the Digital India Programme, that functions under the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs (MoPA).

The funding for E-Vidhan is provided by the MoPA and technical support by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MietY). The funding of NeVA is through Central Sponsored Scheme. 60:40; and 90:10 for North East & hilly States and 100% for UTs.

Paperless Assembly or e-Assembly is a concept involving electronic means to facilitate the work of Assembly. It enables automation of the entire law-making process, tracking of decisions and documents, sharing of information.

Himachal Pradesh is already the first Digital Legislature of the country.