World Bee Day 2023 Observed On 20th May

World Bee Day 2023 Observed On 20th May

World Bee Day 2023 Observed On 20th May

World Bee Day 2023

World Bee Day is an annual event conducted on May 20th to raise awareness and understanding of the critical role that bees and other pollinators play in our ecosystem. The United Nations established this observation in 2017 to highlight the importance of bees in sustaining both ecosystems and food production. The celebration of World Bee Day seeks to encourage efforts that safeguard bees and their habitats, while also emphasizing the significance of pollinators in preserving biodiversity and ensuring worldwide food security.

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Theme of World Bee Day 2023

The theme for World Bee Day 2023 has been chosen as "Engaging in Pollinator-Friendly Agricultural Production." This subject emphasises the urgent need to adopt agricultural practises that benefit pollinators, notably bees. It urges worldwide efforts to advocate for evidence-based agricultural practices that prioritize the protection and support of pollinators. By prioritizing agricultural techniques that are friendly to pollinators, we can improve the vitality and population of bees and other pollinators. This, in turn, ensures the sustainability of our food systems and the preservation of biodiversity.

Significance of World Bee Day

World Bee Day is significant because it draws attention to the huge benefit that bees and other pollinators provide. Bees play an important role in pollinating flowering plants, which is critical for plant reproduction and diversity. Through their pollination activities, they contribute to the growth of diverse crops, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, thereby supporting food systems and guaranteeing worldwide food security. By acknowledging World Bee Day, we show appreciation for the essential role bees play in upholding ecosystem equilibrium and promoting biodiversity.

History of World Bee Day

In 2017, the United Nations established World Bee Day to highlight the critical role that bees and other pollinators play in our ecosystems. May 20th was selected as the date to honor the birthday of Anton Janša, a Slovenian beekeeping pioneer and renowned bee expert. The United Nations hopes that by establishing this annual event, it would stimulate worldwide recognition, mobilisation, and collaboration in protecting bees and conserving their critical contributions to our environment and food supply systems.

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