Education Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Education Quiz Set 3

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1 Purpose of creation of the universe and its relation to man and god is discussed in
1 Metaphysics
2 Ethics
3 Epistemology
4 None of these

Answer: Metaphysics
2 Which of the following agency regulates education ?
1 Church
2 State
3 School
4 Library

Answer: State
3 “The greatness of a nation is to be measured not by its material power and wealth but by the intercultural relationship of its people.” Who said this ?
1 Dr. Radhakrishnan
2 Tagore
3 Vivekananda
4 Gandhi

Answer:Dr. Radhakrishnan
4 Which of the following does not specify Max Weber’s concept of social stratification
1 Educational Status
2 Income and Wealth
3 Political Power
4 Social Prestige

Answer: Educational Status
5 If rules of multiplication helps in learning correlation or regression, then it is an example of
1 Sequential transfer
2 Horizontal transfer
3 Negative transfer
4 Vertical transfer

Answer:Vertical transfer
6 According to Freud, Super Ego is properly developed during
1 latency period
2 anal period
3 phallic period
4 none of these

Answer: latency period
7 When response is based on uncommon area of the blot, it is denoted by
1 S
2 Dd
3 DW
4 DdW

8 Individual psychology of personality was given by
1 A. Adler
2 Jung
3 Eysenck
4 None of these

Answer: A. Adler
9 Which of the following theories is most quantitatively measurable ?
1 Pavlov’s
2 Skinner’s
3 Hull’s
4 None of these

Answer: Skinner’s
10 Theory of generalization is similar to the theory of
1 Transposition
2 Identical elements
3 Both of these
4 None of these

Answer: Identical elements
11 Which is the highest level of concept formation ?
1 Formal level
2 Sensory level
3 Concrete level
4 None of these

Answer: Formal level
12 Which of the following is the apex body in the area of Teacher Education in India ?

Answer: NCTE
13 Who have signed MOU for accreditation of Teacher Education Institutions in India ?
1 NAAC and UGC
3 UGC and NCTE
4 None of the above

Answer:NCTE and NAAC
14 As per NCTE norms, what should be the pattern of teaching staff for a unit of 100 students B.Ed. level ?
1 1 + 7
2 1 + 9
3 1 + 10
4 1 + 5

Answer:1 + 7
15 There are three phases of teaching given by P. Jackson, which of the following is incorrect one ?
1 Pre-active phase
2 Underactive phase
3 Interactive phase
4 Post-active phase

Answer:Underactive phase

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