Education Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Education Quiz Set 36

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1 The Islamic educational practice of combining knowledge of skills along with the knowledge of “one God” runs parallel to the thesis of
1 Advait Vedanta
2 Bhedabhed Vedanta
3 Vishisht Vedanta
4 Poorva Mimamsa

Answer: Bhedabhed Vedanta
2 According to Sri Aurbindo the human mind
1 has evolved to its maximum limit
2 is still in the process of evolution
3 has evolved to the level of ‘Sat-chit-Anand’
4 is in need of proper education for evolving

Answer: is still in the process of evolution
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3 The concept of “Equality of educational opportunity” implies :
1 Identical educational opportunity to each and every child irrespective of differences.
2 Everybody to be given his/her due.
3 Providing educational facilities to all.
4 Education on the basis of ability neutralizing negative factors.

Answer:Education on the basis of ability neutralizing negative factors.
4 Which of the following has been the main consideration in establishing various social classes ?
1 Economic consideration
2 Social inheritance
3 Biological inheritance
4 Training and education

Answer: Economic consideration
5 Which of the following Articles of Indian Constitution is related to educational provision for weaker sections of Indian Society ?
1 Article 45
2 Article 46
3 Article 21
4 Article 13

Answer: Article 46
6 Which of the following features belongs to intellectual development during adolescence stage ?
1 Moral development
2 Conflict in motivation
3 Capacity for convergent and divergent thinking
4 Hero-worship

Answer: Capacity for convergent and divergent thinking
7 The term ‘habit family hierarchy’ was used to explain learning situations by whom ?
1 Pavlov
2 Tolman
3 Hull
4 Skinner

Answer: Tolman
8 In explaining the development of ‘problem solving’ capability which of the combination is most appropriate ?
1 discrimination, generalization and logical thinking.
2 memorization, conceptualisation and assimilation.
3 discrimination, conceptualization and assimilation.
4 convergent thinking skills, divergent thinking skills, seeing of relation between means and end.

Answer: convergent thinking skills, divergent thinking skills, seeing of relation between means and end.
9 The concept of functional autonomy of motives was advanced by
1 D.C. Mclelland
2 Frederick Herzberg
3 Harry F. Harlow
4 Gordon W. Allport

Answer: Gordon W. Allport
10 For the concept of Emotional Intelligence which theory of intelligence is considered to be the fore-runner ?
1 Thurstone’s Multiple factor theory
2 Vernon’s hierarchical structure theory
3 Burt’s Group factor theory
4 Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence

Answer: Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence
11 In a learning situation, a student is able to give the same or similar responses to a class of stimuli. This will be called a case of
1 discrimination linked with acquisition
2 extinction connected with elimination of behaviour
3 generalization explaining transfer of learning
4 spontaneous recovery of a response

Answer: generalization explaining transfer of learning
12 For performance in learning to take place in a positive way which of the following combinations provides an appropriate explanation
1 Prior experience, training and ability.
2 Prior experience, ability and motivation.
3 Training, social background and ability.
4 Training, Practice and Socio-cultural background

Answer:Prior experience, ability and motivation.
13 It is difficult to acquire and extinguish behaviour in the context of any subject. In the case of which of the following schedule of reinforcement/motivation this holds good ?
1 Continuous schedule of reinforcement when every response has been followed by a reinforcer.
2 Fixed interval schedule where the reinforcer is delivered after a period of time having elapsed.
3 Variable interval schedule where reinforcer is delivered without any fixed period of time.
4 Variable intermittent schedule where reinforcer is delivered without any certainity with different amount of responses produced

Answer: Variable intermittent schedule where reinforcer is delivered without any certainity with different amount of responses produced
14 The emphasis of guidance programme is relatively more on :
1 Individual
2 Problem
3 Both Individual and Problem
4 Neither on Individual nor on Problem

15 Which of the following is correct in the context of eclectic counselling ?
1 Role of Counsellor is conspicuous
2 Role of Counselee is relatively more visible.
3 Depending upon the context the role of the counsellor and the counselee may undergo a change.
4 Counsellor’s role is of a minor nature.

Answer:Depending upon the context the role of the counsellor and the counselee may undergo a change.

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