Education Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Education Quiz Set 38

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1 Who makes decisions in grass-root model of Curriculum development ?
1 Community
2 Students
3 District Inspector of Schools
4 Teacher

Answer: Teacher
2 In a test, a question was correctly answered by only 10 students out of 50. The difficulty level of that question is
1 40
2 10
3 80
4 20

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3 By summative evaluation we mean
1 Sum of marks obtained in all tests during the year.
2 Marks obtained in the year end examinations.
3 Sum of marks obtained by the whole class in a test.
4 Sum total of marks obtained in all tests during the semester.

Answer:Marks obtained in the year end examinations.
4 In a school organization system each member, whether teacher, headmaster or inspector of schools, has to follow certain rules and regulations. The functions, areas, seniority of each worker and officer are predecided. This approach of educational administration will be called,
1 Bureaucratic Management
2 System Management
3 Scientific Management
4 Administrative Management

Answer: Bureaucratic Management
5 Which of the following are descriptive of average, typical or mediocre performance and are not to be regarded as standards or as desirable levels of attainment ?
1 Profiles
2 Grades
3 Standardized scores
4 Norms

Answer: Norms
6 For any trait or characteristic that shows a progressive and relatively uniform increase from one school grade to the next we can prepare as set of grade equivalents. Identify the type of grade equivalent from the list given below, which indicates number of standard deviations an individual falls above or below average.
1 Age norms
2 Percentile norms
3 Grade norms
4 Standard score norms

Answer: Standard score norms
7 On a test with a mean of 80 and a standard deviation of 20, an individual with a score of 60 will have a z-score of
1 0.1
2 1.0
3 – 0.1
4 – 1.0

Answer: – 1.0
8 The structure of a frame in linear, branching and computer assisted instruction consists of three important components. What is the usual sequence underlying this structure. Select from the alternatives given below.
1 Feedback given, Response made, Prompted answer.
2 Information given, Response made, Feedback delivered.
3 Partial information given, No response asked for, Feedback delayed.
4 Part of the information with held, Response asked for, No feedback given.

Answer: Information given, Response made, Feedback delivered.
9 In designing instructional systems, what is the correct sequence insisted ? Choose from the alternatives given below ?
1 Deciding of instructional strategy, task analysis, formulation of objectives and evaluation rubrics.
2 Formulation of objectives, deciding evaluation rubrics, task analysis, choice/use of instructional strategies.
3 Formulation of instructional objectives, task analysis, designing of instructional strategies and evaluation rubrics.
4 Deciding evaluation rubrics, formulation of instructional objectives, task analysis, designing instructional strategies.

Answer: Formulation of instructional objectives, task analysis, designing of instructional strategies and evaluation rubrics.
10 What are the various strategies used for modifying teaching behaviour in ET ? Select from the following list of alternatives to indicate your answer.
1 Micro-teaching, Interaction Analysis, action research, use of hardware, conducting understanding level teaching and simulation.
2 Sensitivity training, micro teaching, action research, simulation, interaction analysis, proceeding and programmed instructional strategy.
3 Programmed instructional strategy, discussion, projects, brainstorming, action research and lecturing.
4 Lecturing, discussions, use of computers, brainstorming, projects and teachingmachines.

Answer: Sensitivity training, micro teaching, action research, simulation, interaction analysis, proceeding and programmed instructional strategy.
11 Anoxia is one of the causes of :
1 Mental retardation due to deprivation of oxygen at birth.
2 Physical disability due to weakness.
3 Hard of hearing due to bacterial infection
4 Speech Impairment due to Psychological cause

Answer:Mental retardation due to deprivation of oxygen at birth.
12 According to Legal Perspective, a person with which of the following visual acuity will be called partially sighted ?
1 Upto 20/200 or less
2 Between 20/70 and 20/200
3 Between 20/100 and 20/70
4 Upto 20/60 or less

Answer:Between 20/70 and 20/200
13 Which of the following is not characteristic of the intellectually challenged child ?
1 He/She tends to be retarded in his/her physical development.
2 He/She is above average in sensory motor and artistic aptitude.
3 He/She is lacking in ability to conceptualise and generalise.
4 He/She tends to display socially undesirable traits very often.

Answer: He/She is above average in sensory motor and artistic aptitude.
14 Which of the following could you associate to the greatest extent with the education of the Mentally Retarded Children ?
1 Leta Hollingworth .
2 Lewis M. Terman
3 Nancy Bayley
4 Christine Ingram

Answer:Christine Ingram
15 Down’s Syndrome is a
1 Physical disorder
2 Mental disorder
3 Genetic disorder
4 None

Answer:Genetic disorder

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