Environmental Studies Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Environmental Studies Quiz Set 1

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1 National Land Reform Policy stresses on
1 Restoration of ecological balance
2 Natural regeneration
3 Tenancy reforms
4 Watershed approach

Answer: Tenancy reforms
2 Nalgonda technique of fluoride removal involves the use of
1 Aluminium salts
2 Sodium salts
3 Potassium salts
4 Magnesium salts

Answer:Aluminium salts
3 The Stockholm Convention is a global treaty to protect humans from
1 toxic gases
2 hospital acquired infections
3 persistent organic pollutants
4 carbon monoxide

Answer: persistent organic pollutants
4 Which of the following is not a Millennium Development Goal ?
1 Ensuring environmental sustainability
2 Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger
3 Developing global partnership for development
4 Achieving universal energy security

Answer: Achieving universal energy security
5 In turbidity analysis, formazin is used
1 to stabilize the samples
2 to preserve the samples
3 to make turbidity standards
4 to remove colour interferences

Answer: to make turbidity standards
6 pE values in water range from approximately
1 – 1 to 14
2 1 to 12
3 0 to 14
4 – 12 to 25

Answer: – 12 to 25
7 Point out the right match concerning the toxic metal and associated adverse impact.
1 Zn – Brain tissue damage
2 Ni – Keratosis
3 Ar – Renal poisoning
4 Hg – Pulmonary disease

Answer: Zn – Brain tissue damage]
8 Amount of 8-hydroxyquinoline (M.W. 145.16) required for preparing 1000 ml of 5 ppm solution is
1 1.45 mg
2 5 mg
3 7.25 mg
4 14.5 mg

Answer: 5 mg
9 Radioactive waste management in our country is governed under :
1 HazardousWaste (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement
2 Atomic Energy Act, 1962
3 Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
4 BiomedicalWaste (Management & Handling) Rules 1998

Answer: Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
10 Which of the following parameters is not an indicator of water vapour present in a certain quantity of air ?
1 Virtual temperature
2 Potential temperature
3 Wet bulb temperature
4 Dew point

Answer:Potential temperature
11 The background noise level in an area is represented by which of the following noise indices ?
1 L10
2 L50
3 L90

Answer: L90
12 Particles which have maximum ability to attract and hold K+, Ca++ and NH4+ ions on their surface are
1 Clay
2 Sand
3 Loam
4 Loamy sand

Answer: Clay
13 Compared to CO2, methane has global warming potential of
1 5 – 10 times more
2 20 – 25 times more
3 40 – 45 times more
4 60 – 65 times more

Answer: 20 – 25 times more
14 Laterite soil contains more of
1 Iron and Aluminium
2 Magnesium and Boron
3 Manganese and Silicate
4 Potassium and Lead

Answer: Iron and Aluminium
15 Universally accepted method for isolating semivolatile organic compounds from their matrices is
1 Double infiltration
2 Solvent extraction
3 Sedimentation technique
4 Permeation

Answer: Solvent extraction

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