Environmental Studies Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Environmental Studies Quiz Set 10

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1 Depending upon the amount of net primary productivity the various ecosystems can be arranged in a decreasing sequence of yield.
1 Tropical seasonal forest –Tropical rain forest – Temperate Grassland – Woodland and Shrubland.
2 Tropical seasonal forest –Tropical rain forest – Woodland and Shrubland– Temperate Grassland
3 Tropical rain forest – Temperate Grassland – Woodland and Shrubland – Tropical seasonal forest.
4 Tropical rain forest – Tropical seasonal forest – Woodland and Shrubland–Temperate Grassland.

Answer: Tropical rain forest – Tropical seasonal forest – Woodland and Shrubland–Temperate Grassland.
2 Raunkiaer’s normal biological spectrum for phanerogamic flora of the world exhibits one of the following sequence of occurrence (%) of different life forms.
1 Phanerophytes,Hemicryptophytes, Therophytes, Cryptophytes, Chaemophytes.
2 Phanerophytes,Hemicryptophytes, Therophytes,Chaemophytes, Cryptophytes.
3 Phanerophytes,Hemicryptophytes,Cryptophytes,Chaemophytes Therophytes.
4 Phanerophytes, Chaemophytes,Hemicryptophytes, Cryptophytes, Therophytes.

Answer: Phanerophytes,Hemicryptophytes, Therophytes,Chaemophytes, Cryptophytes
3 One of the following categories of earthworms is most suitable for wasteland reclamation.
1 Epigeic
2 Anecic
3 Endogeic
4 None of the above

Answer: Epigeic
4 How many mega-bio-diverse countries have been identified in the world ?
1 2
2 12
3 17
4 35

Answer: 17
5 Which one of the following is an Ex-situ method of biodiversity conservation ?
1 Seed storage
2 DNA Bank
3 Tissue culture
4 All the above

Answer: All the above
6 Which one of the following is a methyl isocyanate (MIC) based pesticide ?
1 Sevin (Carbaryl)
2 Temix (Aldicarb)
3 Furadon (Carbofuran)
4 All the above

Answer: All the above
7 The sequence of fossil fuels in the order of higher to lower heating value is as follows :
1 Coal, Petroleum, Natural Gas,Hydrogen.
2 Hydrogen,Natural Gas,Petroleum, Coal.
3 Hydrogen, Coal, Natural Gas,Petroleum.
4 Natural Gas, Petroleum, Coal,Hydrogen.

Answer: Hydrogen,Natural Gas, Petroleum, Coal.
8 Natural ore of radioactive materials does not contain which one of the following isotope ?
1 U235
2 Pu239
3 U238
4 Th232

Answer: Pu239
9 The process of splitting bigger hydro-carbon into smaller hydrocarbon molecules is called
1 Pyrolysis
2 Thermal decomposition
3 Cracking
4 Combustion

Answer: Cracking
10 Which one of the following is a complex in organic fertilizer ?
1 Urea
2 Potash
3 R2 value

Answer: NPK
11 Average composition of biodegradable waste in Municipal Solid Waste(MSW) of India is
1 30 – 35%
2 40 – 45%
3 55 – 65%
4 60 – 70%

Answer: 40 – 45%
12 The treatment method recommended for the human anatomical waste generated from hospitals is
1 Chemical disinfection
2 Autoclaving
3 Incineration
4 All the above

Answer: Incineration
13 Which of the following is true when frequency of occurrence of risk is remote but possible ?
1 Risk is acceptable
2 Risk reduction measures should be implemented.
3 Risk is unacceptable.
4 Both (A) and (B) are true.

Answer: Risk is acceptable.
14 An earthquake measuring over 8 on Richter Scale is rated as
1 Destructive
2 Major
3 Great
4 Damaging

Answer: Great
15 In a false – color set, human visual perception is limited to how many independent coordinates ?
1 Three
2 Four
3 One
4 Five

Answer: three

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