Environmental Studies Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Environmental Studies Quiz Set 5

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1 Threshold of Security’ refers to the population level at which
1 Parasites damage the host body but do not cause immediate mortality
2 Predators no longer find it profitable to hunt for the prey species.
3 Functional response of the predator is very high
4 The balance between parasite and host is disturbed as the host produces antibodies.

Answer: Predators no longer find it profitable to hunt for the prey species.
2 “Bermuda grass allergy” is a type of
1 Airborne allergy
2 Contact allergy
3 Hydroborne allergy
4 Soilborne allergy

Answer: Airborne allergy
3 Parasites which initiate production of antibodies within hosts are termed as
1 Endoparasites
2 Pathogenic parasites
3 Zooparasites
4 Homoparasites

Answer: Pathogenic parasites
4 Which of the following material is not easily broken down ?
1 Cellulose
2 Hemicellulose
3 Chitin
4 Amino acids

Answer: Chitin
5 Melting of polar ice is expected to cover a sea level rise of approximately
1 10 metre
2 20 metre
3 60 metre
4 100 metre

Answer: 60 metre
6 Pleistocene represents period of
1 Cold climate
2 Warm climate
3 Alteration of cold and warm climate with high proportion of cold period
4 Alteration of cold and warm climate with very high proportion of warm period

Answer: Alteration of cold and warm climate with high proportion of cold period
7 GIS is applied to study
1 View shed analysis
2 Environmental Impact Assessment
3 Wildlife habitat analysis and migration routes planning
4 All of the above

Answer: All of the above
8 Tectonic control in landscape evolution is manifested by
1 Tilted river terraces
2 Alluvial forms
3 Increased boulder proportions in the river belt
4 River meandering

Answer: Tilted river terraces
9 Difference between mineral resource and reserve is
1 Reserve implies high degree of economic viability
2 Resource implies high degree of geological knowledge
3 Reserve implies high degree of economic viability and highdegree of geological knowledge
4 Resource implies high degree of economic viability and high degree of geological knowledge

Answer: Reserve implies high degree of economic viability and highdegree degree of geological knowledge
10 Characteristic difference between two polar Ice Caps is
1 Arctic Ice Cap is on land
2 Antarctic Ice Cap is on land
3 Both are on land but Antarctic Ice Cap is thicker
4 Both are on sea but Arctic Ice Cap is thicker

Answer: Antarctic Ice Cap is on land
11 Laterite represents
1 Regolith soil
2 Glacial soil
3 Black cotton soil
4 Red soil

Answer: Regolith soil
12 In a whole-rock chemical analysis the dividing criterion between major and trace element on weight percent basis is
1 1 %
2 0.1 %
3 0.01 %
4 0.001 %

Answer: 0.1 %
13 The mineral, most resistant to chemical weathering is
1 Olivine
2 Quartz
3 K-feldspar
4 Biotite

Answer: Quartz
14 The El Nino disappears in March and re-appears in
1 May
2 August
3 October
4 December

Answer: December
15 The elemental composition of earth’s crust in the descending order of weight percent is
1 Silicon > Aluminium > Iron > Calcium
2 Aluminium > Iron > Calcium > Silicon
3 Iron > Calcium > Silicon > Aluminium
4 Calcium > Silicon > Aluminium > Iron

Answer: Silicon > Aluminium > Iron > Calcium

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