Answer: 7% increase
Answer: 7% increase
Answer: 27 mg/day
Answer: SBP>120, DBP>80
Answer: Seeking acceptance and approval.
Answer: Cognitive development
Answer: Bounces back from circumstances that would harm most others
Answer: Class 100
Answer: Esprit De Corps
Answer: Ergonomics
Answer: Informal Sector
(a) Serves as an evidence
(b) Reduces ambiguity
c) Enables authority
(d) Enables uniformity
Code :Answer: (a), (b) and (d)
Answer: Chi-square test
Answer: paired ‘t’ test
(a) Serum bilirubin elevated
(b) SGOT and SGPT lowered
(c) Serum albumin lowered
(d) Serum globulin elevated
(e) Serum alkaline phosphate lowered
Code :Answer:(a), (c) and (d)