Home Science Multiple Choice Questions and Answers | Home Science Quiz Set 17

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Assertion (A) : Theories based on research done on the lives of women have evidenced in equality of the sexes.

Reason (R) : The concepts of Gender, Patriarchy and sex roles are implicated in the inequality.

Codes :
1 (A) is correct and (R) is incorrect
2 (A) is incorrect and (R) is correct
3 Both (A) and (R) are correct
4 Both (A) and (R) are incorrect

Answer: Both (A) and (R) are correct

Assertion (A) : Extension workers have to be sensitive to the cultural changes taking place in the communities, they work with.

Reason (R) : Outsiders do not realize that villages ever change because often there is little outward change as compared with urban areas.

1 (A) is correct, (R) is incorrect
2 (A) is incorrect and (R) is correct
3 Both (A) and (R) are correct
4 Both (A) and (R) are incorrect

Answer: Both (A) and (R) are correct
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3 Arrange in correct sequence the progression of the development of eye symptoms due to Vitamin A deficiency.

I. Conjunctival xerosis

II. Corneal xerosis

III. Night blindness

IV. Corneal scar

V. Keratomalacia

Codes :
1 III, I, II, V, IV
2 III, I, II, IV, V
3 I, III, II, V, IV
4 III, II, I, IV, V

Answer: III, I, II, V, IV
4 Arrange in correct sequence the steps in the pathway of Carbohydrate metabolism :

I. Glucose-6-PO4

II. Triose Phosphate

III. Fructose 1-6-Biphosphate

IV. Glycogen

V. Phosphoenol Pyruvate

VI. Pyruvate

VII. Glucose-1-PO4

Codes :
1 IV, VII, I, III, II, V, VI
2 IV, I, VII, II, III, V, VI
3 IV, VII, I, II, V, III, VI
4 VII, I, IV, II, III, VI, V

Answer: IV, VII, I, III, II, V, VI
5 Arrange in the right sequence the processes of chocolate manufacture :

I. Mixing

II. Tempering

III. Milling

IV. Roasting

V. Conching

VI. Addition of other ingredients

VII. Molding

1 III, I, II, VI, VII, V, IV
2 I, IV, III, II, V, VII, VI
3 IV, III, VI, I, V, II, VII
4 VI, I, II, IV, V, VII, III

Answer:IV, III, VI, I, V, II, VII
6 Arrange the steps involved in bulk purchasing of food in the correct sequence :

I. Estimate quantities

II. Identify amounts to be purchased

III. Determine standards

IV. Market research for vendors

V. Identify needs

VI. Develop purchase order

VII. Select and negotiate with vendors

Codes :
1 V, III, I, II, VI, IV, VII
2 I, II, VII, VI, IV, V, III
3 II, III, IV, V, I, VII, VI
4 IV, I, III, II, VI, VII, V

Answer: V, III, I, II, VI, IV, VII
7 Give the correct sequence of cut order planning in a garment industry :

I. Determining volume, size ratios for marker making and spreading.

II. Examining incoming orders and piece goods availability.

III. Developing instructions for optimum fabric utilization.

IV. Determining whether there are available markers or new markers have to be made.

V. Releasing orders for marker making, spreading and cutting.

Codes :
1 I, II, III, IV, V
2 III, II, I, V, IV
3 IV, III, II, I, V
4 II, I, IV, III, V

Answer: II, I, IV, III, V
8 Give the correct sequence of making Kanthas :

I. Collection of coloured and while threads from the border.

II. Forming a lay of fabrics and stitching it together.

III. Washing of fabric with gram flour.

IV. Compartmentalization of the surface.

V. Tearing off the coloured borders and making the fabrics uniform in size.

VI. Filling in between spaces. VII. Filling the compartments with the required design.

Codes :
1 I, III, II, IV, VI, VII, V
2 V, VI, IV, III, II, I, VII
3 III, V, I, IV, VII, VI, II
4 III, V, I, II, IV, VII, VI

Answer: III, V, I, II, IV, VII, VI
9 Arrange the following steps in making a budget in a sequence :

I. Estimate the cost of desired items.

II. List down the commodities and services needed by the family.

III. Check plans to see that they have a reasonable chance of success.

IV. Estimate total expected income.

V. Bring expected income and expenditure into balance.

Codes :
1 II, I, IV, V, III
2 III, IV, V, I, II
3 IV, III, I, II, V
4 I, V, II, III, IV

Answer: II, I, IV, V, III
10 Arrange the following steps in making time-plans in a sequence :

I. Determine time sequence.

II. List all the items to be included grouping under flexible and inflexible activities.

III. Bring total estimated time needed and total available time into harmony.

IV. Write out plan.

V. Set out as accurate on estimate for each task as is obtainable.

Codes :
1 III, IV, II, I, V
2 V, I, III, II, IV
3 II, V, III, I, IV
4 IV, III, V, II, I

Answer: II, V, III, I, IV
11 Arrange in sequence the processes that need to be undertaken to rehabilitate a child who is abandoned

I. Initiate restoration process

II. File on FIR

III. Produce the child before CWC

IV. Admit to children home

V. When child legally free place in adoption

Codes :
1 II, IV, III, I, V
2 I, II, III, IV, V
3 II, IV, III, V, I
4 II, IV, I, III, V

Answer: II, IV, III, I, V
12 Arrange in order of enactment of legislations from earliest to latest :

I. The Child Labour Act

II. The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act

III. Prevention of Child Sexual Offences Act

IV. The Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection) of Children Act

Codes :
1 III, I, II, IV
2 II, IV, III, I
3 I, II, III, IV
4 II, I, IV, III

Answer: II, I, IV, III
13 Arrange the elements of the communication process as per the Shannon’s and Weaver’s model :

I. Destination

II. Transmitter

III. Signal

IV. Receiver

V. Source

Codes :
1 V, III, II, IV, I
2 V, II, IV, III, I
3 V, II, III, IV, I
4 V, IV, III, II, I

Answer: V, II, III, IV, I
14 As per ICMR (2010) the RDA of Iron for a 16 year old girl is :
1 27 mg/day
2 28 mg/day
3 32 mg/day
4 26 mg/day

Answer: 26 mg/day
15 Following is a method of cooking by dry heat :
1 Steaming
2 Broiling
3 Stewing
4 Blanching

Answer: Broiling

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