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1 Arrange the steps in decision making in proper sequence :

I. Finding alternatives.

II. Accepting consequences.

III. Thinking through alternatives.

IV. Identifying the problem.

V. Selecting an alternative.

Codes :
1 IV, I, V, III, II
2 IV, I, II, III, IV
3 IV, I, III, V, II
4 IV, III, V, I, II

Answer: IV, I, III, V, II
2 Arrange in order of sequence of language development in infancy :

I. Cooing

II. Telegraphic speech

III. Holophrastic speech

IV. Babbling

Codes :
1 IV, I, II, III
2 I, IV, III, II
3 I, IV, II, III
4 IV, I, III, II

Answer: I, IV, III, II
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3 Arrange the following ‘Canons’ of public speaking as given by Aristotle in the sequential order of preparation to delivery :

I. Arrangement

II. Delivery

III. Style

IV. Memory

V. Invention

Codes :
1 V, I, III, IV, II
2 IV, II, I, III, V
3 III, IV, V, I, II
4 II, III, IV, V, I

Answer: V, I, III, IV, II
4 Folic acid deficiency results in
1 Hypochromic microcytic anaemia
2 Megaloblastic anaemia
3 Pernicious anaemia
4 Normochromic microcytic anaemia

Answer: Megaloblastic anaemia
5 The following method is used for the estimation of amino acids :
1 Kjeldhal’s test
2 Fehling’s test
3 Ninhydrin test
4 Benedict’s test

Answer: Ninhydrin test
6 A structural method of learning better processes or techniques from other similar establishments and implementing them in your own system is called
1 Forecasting
2 Scheduling
3 Directing
4 Benchmarking

Answer: Benchmarking
7 Which of the following is obtained from leaf ?
1 Palm
2 Hemp
3 Milk-weed
4 Kapok

Answer: Palm
8 Thickener that does not require washing out after printing is
1 Emulsion binder
2 Gelatin
3 Starch
4 Gum

Answer: Emulsion binder
9 Managerial and psychosocial sub-systems are parts of which environment ?
1 Household environment
2 Near environment
3 Large environment
4 External environment

Answer: Household environment
10 Indicate the institution related to energy conservation measures :

Answer: BEE
11 Inadequate oxygen supply during labour and delivery is called _____ in babies.
1 Anorexia
2 Anoxia
3 Amnesia
4 Arrhythmia

Answer: Anoxia
12 An organised pattern of physical growth that proceeds from the centre of the body outward :
1 Proximodistal
2 Cephalocaudal
3 Preformationism
4 Epigenesis

Answer: Proximodistal
13 The total number of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to be achieved by the year 2030 are
1 10
2 12
3 15
4 17

Answer: 17
14 The full form of SITE in context of development communication and extension education is
1 Satellite Information and Training Experiment
2 Satellite Information and Training Education
3 Satellite Instructional Television Experiment
4 Satellite Instructional Tele-communication Education

Answer: Satellite Instructional Television Experiment
15 Following are Class I preservatives used in foods :

I. Salt

II. Dextrose

III. Acetic acid

IV. Sulphur dioxide

V. Spices

VI. Benzoic acid

Codes :
1 I, II, III, IV
2 II, III, V, VI
3 I, II, III, V
4 I, III, IV, VI

Answer: I, II, III, V

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