Home Science Multiple Choice Questions and Answers | Home Science Quiz Set 39

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1 Give the correct sequence of traditional cotton making process :

I. Opening & Carding

II . Spinning

III. Ginning

IV. Hand Picking

V. Weaving

Codes :
1 I, II, III, IV, V
2 II, I, III, IV, V
3 IV, III, I, II, V
4 III, I, II, V, IV

Answer: IV, III, I, II, V
2 Arrange the household activities according to ascending order of workload :

I. Ironing

II . Dusting

III. Mopping

IV. Dish Washing

V. Chopping Vegetables

Codes :
1 II, I, III, IV andü V
2 I, V, II, III and IV
3 II, V, I, IV andü III
4 IV, V, II, III andü I

Answer: II, V, I, IV andü III
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3 Arrange the following Legislations in order of their year of enactment (ascending order) :


II . JJ (C & P) Act



Codes :
1 I, IV, II, III
2 I, IV, III, II
3 II, I, III, IV
4 IV, I, II, III

Answer: I, IV, II, III
4 As per the Evrett Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation model, the sequence of categories of adopters is

I. Late Majority

II . Laggards

III. Innovators

IV. Early Adopters

V. Early Majority

Codes :
1 IV, V, I, II, III
2 I, II, III, IV, V
3 II, III, IV, V, I
4 III, IV, V, I, II

Answer: III, IV, V, I, II
5 Sequence the various functions of Management in extension.

I. Planning

II . Directing

III. Co-ordinating

IV. Reporting

V. Organizing

Codes :
1 I, V, II, III, IV
2 I, II, III, IV, V
3 V, I, II, IV, III
4 I, III, V, II, IV

Answer: I, V, II, III, IV
6 Arrange the following steps in correct sequence :

I.Arrive at Statistical Conclusion.

II. Analyse Data.

III. State the Research Question

IV. Collect Data

V. State Statistical Question

VI. Arrive at Research Conclusion

Codes :
1 III, IV, V, II, I, VI
2 III, V, IV, I, II, VI
3 V, III, IV, II, I, VI
4 III, V, IV, II, I, VI

Answer: III, V, IV, II, I, VI
7 Full form of FSSAI is
1 Food Security and Standards Association of India
2 Food Security and Safety Authority of India
3 Food Safety and Standards Association of India
4 Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

Answer: Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
8 The conversion factor for estimating crude protein content of food from its nitrogen content is
1 6.25
2 16.0
3 5.5
4 4.0

Answer: 6.25
9 Helicobacter pylorii infection causes the following disease :
1 Peptic Ulcer
2 Typhoid
3 Cholera
4 Constipation

Answer: Peptic Ulcer
10 The most sophisticated and extremely formal style of service is
1 Waiter service
2 Self service
3 Room service
4 Banquet service

Answer: Banquet service
11 Broca’s area is an area of the brain that is involved in
1 Language comprehesion
2 Speech production
3 Motor activity
4 Anger production

Answer: Speech production
12 NCPCR is an autonomous body which stands for
1 National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights
2 National Council for Prevention and Control of Reproduction
3 National Commission for Poverty Control and Relief
4 National Council for Preschool, Creche and Research

Answer: National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights
13 Which of the following finishes import lustre to the fabric ?
1 Sueding
2 Gigging
3 Ciré
4 Flocking

Answer: Ciré
14 Which of the following thread packages is centreless and is used in quilting and Embroidery machines ?
1 Cocoons
2 Spools
3 Cones
4 Vicones

Answer: Cocoons
15 These letters R, O, Y help us remember which colour group ?
1 Warm
2 Cool
3 Neutral
4 Primary colours

Answer: Warm

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