Role and significance of Chief of Defence Staff (CDS)

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Role and significance of Chief of Defence Staff (CDS)

The Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) is a high military office that oversees and coordinates the working of the three defence Services in India. A single Service Chief is responsible for the operational control of his force, as well as the execution of his responsibilities to a higher Authority within an integrated command structure. The CDS is responsible for formulating and directing higher defense policy, joint doctrine, integrated logistics, strategic planning and crisis management for the Indian defense forces.

Role of Chief of Defence Staff

Principal Military Adviser: The role of a Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) is looking after various activities and making strategies in key areas of contribution from various units. A CDS acts as the Principal Military Adviser to the Defence Minister on tri-services matters. He also the military adviser to the Nuclear Command Authority (chaired by the Prime Minister), which handles India’s nuclear arsenal.

Department of Military Affairs’ Head: The Department of Military Affairs (DMA) is a new department to be established at the apex level of the armed forces headed by the CDS as an Additional Secretary-level officer. The DMA not have any bearing on formations or establishments but deals with departmental issues concerning the Services. It is expected that the DMA would facilitate a restructuring of military commands for optimal utilization of war reserves, manpower, and infrastructure.

Permanent Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee: The appointment of a permanent Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee (COSC) makes it possible for the coordination and joint planning of all military activities by the three services, Navy, Army, and Air Force.

Significance of CDS in India’s security

Coordination among services: The three defence Services, Army, Navy and the Air Force, in India function under the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to defend our nation from external aggression and internal disturbance. Though their autonomy remains intact in terms of manning, recruitment, training, equipment etc. but the CDS ensures the better coordination between them.

Effective leadership: There is a perception in the country that we don't have a full-time designated military service chief because of whom the top most armed forces brass could not be effective. The CDS provides effective leadership at the top level to the three wings of the armed forces – Army, Navy and Air Force.

Resource optimization: The Indian CDS also coordinate with the Ministries of Finance; Defence; External Affairs as well as Ministers of various Departments of Government of India for the determination of the strategic objectives to be achieved by the defence forces. The CDS then effectively prioritises the resources available in order to achieve these goals which would eventually enable India’s more effective and efficient participation in global security efforts.

Coherence: Coherence is a concept that is particularly relevant in the security domain - it allows everyone to be working towards the same goal, and crucially within all viewpoints: inside and outside the organisation. It ensures that everyone has a clear understanding of why we do what we do, and that we can get to the best possible outcome.

Holistic management: The CDS is a synonym for holistic management of national security. It is meant to be the apex military authority in matters related to national security, headed by the Cabinet Secretary with representatives from three services— Army, Navy and Air Force and also the Intelligence Bureau.

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