Recommended books at Amazon | Important Books For Competitive Exams

Recommended Books

1. air-pollution air pollution book
2. algae algae book
3. animal-kingdom  animal kingdom book
4. atomic-structure atomic structure book
5. basic-electronics basic electronics book
6. business-environment business environment book
7. carbohydratescarbohydrates book
8. computer-hardwarecomputer hardware book
9. demand-and-supply demand and supply book
10. digestive-system digestive system book
11. electrostatics electrostatics book
12. nutrition nutrition book
13. periodic-table periodic table book
14. plant-kingdom plant kingdom book
15. research-methodology-for-phd-entrance research methodology for phd entrance book
16. tenses tenses book
17. unit-and-measurement unit and measurement book
18. vitamins vitamins book
19. mcqs-on-environmental-pollution environmental pollution book
20. biomolecules biomolecules book
21. light light book
22. endocrine-systemendocrine system book
23. national-income national income book
24. water-pollution water pollution book
25. nervous-system nervous system book
26. secondary-education-in-india secondary education in india book
27. economy-of-assam economy of assam book
28. electric-charges-and-fields electric charges and fields book
29. eye eye book
30. matrices matrices book
31. natural-disasters natural disasters book
32. ancient-indian-history ancient indian history book
33. fungi fungi book
34. gravitation gravitation book
35. marketing-management marketing management book
36. noise-pollution noise pollution book
37. sound sound book
38. bacteria bacteria book
39. biological-classification biological classification book
40. cell-cycle-and-cell-division cell cycle and cell division book
41. circulatory-system circulatory system book
42. communication communication book
43. federalism federalism book
44. friction friction book
45. human-rights human rights book
46. acids-bases-and-salts acids bases and salts book
47. amino-acids amino acids book
48. amplifier amplifier book
49. analog-communication analog communication book
50. angiosperms angiosperms book
51. animal-husbandry animal husbandry book
52. anova anova book
53. antigen-and-antibody antigen and antibody book
54. apiculture apiculture book
55. asean asean book
56. bhakti-movement bhakti movement book
57. biodiversity biodiversity book
58. blood blood book
59. brain brain book
60. budget budget book
61. business-ethics business ethics book
62. cables cables book
63. centre-state-relations centre state relations book
64. central-tendency central tendency book
65. cell-organellescell organelles book
66. cell-membrane cell membrane book
67. capacitor capacitor book
68. cancer cancer book
69. chemical-bonding chemical bonding book
70. chemical-reactions-and-equations chemical reactions and equations book
71. chi-square-test chi square test book
72. chief-minister chief minister book
73. chromosomal-aberrations chromosomal aberrations book
74. company-accounts company accounts book
75. compensation-management compensation management book
76. components-of-food components of food book
77. conservation-of-plants-and-animals conservation of plants and animals book
78. consumer-protection-act consumer protection act book
79. cooperative-bank cooperative bank book
80. coordination-compounds coordination compounds book
81. coulombs-lawcoulombs law book
82. crop-production-and-management crop production and management book
83. culture-media culture media book
84. curriculum curriculum book
85. cyber-crime cyber crime book
86. dc-machines dc machines book
87. developmental-biology developmental biology book
88. dna dna book
89. dna-structure dna structure book
90. earthquake earthquake book
91. earthworm earthworm book
92. educational-management educational management book
93. educational-technology educational technology book
94. electrical-measuring-instruments electrical measuring instruments book
95. electrical-safety electrical safety book
96. electromagnetic-induction electromagnetic induction book
97. electromagnetic-theory electromagnetic theory book
98. electromagnetic-waves electromagnetic waves book
99. electrophoresis electrophoresis book
100. elements-of-remote-sensing elements of remote sensing book
101. employability-skills employability skills book
102. endoplasmic-reticulum endoplasmic reticulum book
103. environmental-engineering environmental engineering book
104. enzymology enzymology book
105. estimation-and-costingestimation and costing book
106. excretion excretion book
107. excretory-system excretory system book
108. financial-accounting financial accounting book
109. five-year-plan five year plan book
110. food-adulteration food adulteration book
111. food-and-nutrition food and nutrition book
112. force-and-pressure force and pressure book
113. forest-and-wildlife-resources forest and wildlife resources book
114. forestry forestry book
115. fundamental-duties fundamental duties book
116. gearbox gearbox book
117. genetic-engineering genetic engineering book
118. geotechnical-engineeringgeotechnical engineering book
119. globalisation globalisation book
120. graph-theory graph theory book
121. greenhouse-effect greenhouse effect book
122. health health book
123. heat heat book
124. heat-transfer heat transfer book
125. heredity-and-evolution heredity and evolution book
126. human-body human body book
127. human-eye-and-colourful-world human eye and colourful world book
128. hydrocarbon hydrocarbon book
129. hypersensitivity hypersensitivity book
130. hypothesis-testing hypothesis testing book
131. ic-engine ic engine book
132. important-days important days book
133. insulators insulators book
134. insurance insurance book
135. international-relations international relations book
136. inventory-management inventory management book
137. ion-exchange-chromatography ion exchange chromatography book
138. it-act-2000 it act 2000 book
139. jainismjainism book
140. jquery jquery book
141. lathe-machine lathe machine book
142. led led book
143. led-and-lcd-tv led and lcd tv book
144. library-automation library automation book
145. life-processes life processes book
146. locomotion-and-movement locomotion and movement book
147. lok-sabha lok sabha book
148. mahatma-gandhi mahatma gandhi book
149. material-management material management book
150. matter matter book
151. mauryan-empire mauryan empire book
152. medieval-indian-history medieval indian history book
153. meiosis meiosis book
154. mendelian-genetics mendelian genetics book
155. metals-and-nonmetals metals and nonmetals book
156. microorganisms-friend-and-foe microorganisms friend and foe book
157. milling-machine milling machine book
158. mineral-nutrition mineral nutrition book
159. mole-concept mole concept book
160. molecular-biology-techniques  molecular biology techniques book
161. multimedia multimedia book
162. muscular-system muscular system book
163. mutation mutation book
164. national-health-programmes national health programmes book
165. network-device network device book
166. network-topology network topology book
167. neural-control-and-coordination neural control and coordination book
168. nitrogen-fixation nitrogen fixation book
169. nmr-spectroscopy nmr spectroscopy book
170. non-conventional-energy-sources non conventional energy sources book
171. nucleic-acid nucleic acid book
172. ohms-law ohms law book
173. op-amp op amp book
174. open-office-writer open office writer book
175. organizational-behaviour organizational behaviour book
176. oscillator oscillator book
177. ozone-depletion ozone depletion book
178. p-block-elements p block elements book
179. people-and-environment people and environment book
180. photoshop photoshop book
181. photosynthesis-and-respiration photosynthesis and respiration book
182. plant-breeding plant breeding book
183. plant-families plant families book
184. plant-hormone plant hormone book
185. plant-physiology plant physiology book
186. plant-tissues plant tissues book
187. plant-water-relation plant water relation book
188. political-parties political parties book
189. population-ecology population ecology book
190. population-geography-of-india population geography of india book
191. porifera porifera book
192. power-and-energy power and energy book
193. power-sharing power sharing book
194. prepositions prepositions book
195. pressure-measurement pressure measurement book
196. prime-minister prime minister book
197. probability-distribution probability distribution book
198. projectile-motion projectile motion book
199. acid-rain acid rain book
200. animal-tissues animal tissues book
201. atmosphere atmosphere book
202. classification-in-data-mining classification in data mining book
203. computer-application computer application book
204. computer-history computer history book
205. protein-synthesis protein synthesis book
206. protozoa protozoa book
207. quality-control quality control book
208. reflection-and-refraction-of-light reflection and refraction of light book
209. regression regression book
210. remote-sensing remote sensing book
211. reproductive-system reproductive system book
212. resistor resistor book
213. resonance resonance book
214. ribosomes ribosomes book
215. risk-management-in-banks risk management in banks book
216. rocks-and-minerals rocks and minerals book
217. rti-act rti act book
218. rural-development rural development book
219. saarc saarc book
220. sampling-techniques sampling techniques book
221. school-management school management book
222. sebi sebi book
223. sectors-of-indian-economy sectors of indian economy book
224. semiconductor-diode semiconductor diode book
225. semiconductors semiconductors book
226. set-theory set theory book
227. sikh-gurus sikh gurus book
228. sociological-foundation-of-education sociological foundation of education book
229. soil-mechanics soil mechanics book
230. soil-pollution soil pollution book
231. soldering soldering book
232. some-basic-concepts-of-chemistry some basic concepts of chemistry book
233. sources-of-energy sources of energy book
234. state-legislature state legislature book
235. sterilization sterilization book
236. stock-exchange stock exchange book
237. stress-and-strain stress and strain book
238. sustainable-development sustainable development book
239. system-software system software book
240. thermodynamics thermodynamics book
241. training-and-development training and development book
242. training-methods training methods book
243. translation translation book
244. transmission-and-distribution transmission and distribution book
245. transportation-in-plants transportation in plants book
246. vedas vedas book
247. vitamins-and-minerals vitamins and minerals book
248. weather-and-climate weather and climate book
249. automata-theory automata theory book
250. botany botany book
251. cables-and-connectors cables and connectors book
252. compressor compressor book
253. creativity creativity book
254. development-economics development economics book
255. dns dns book
256. domestic-appliance domestic appliance book
257. economic-botany economic botany book
258. file-management-in-operating-system file management in operating system book
259. fisheries fisheries book
260. hydrology hydrology book
261. lexical-analysis lexical analysis book
262. lubricants lubricants book
263. market-structure market structure book
264. mobile-communication mobile communication book
265. national-park national park book
266. photochemistry photochemistry book
267. pn-junction-diode pn junction diode book
268. road-transport road transport book
269. sampling-theorem sampling theorem book
270. social-welfare-schemes social welfare schemes book
271. space-sciencespace science book
272. transgenic-animals transgenic animals book
273. transport-layer transport layer book
274. animal-biotechnology animal biotechnology book
275. brakes brakes book
276. cam-and-follower cam and follower book
277. capacitance capacitance book
278. cnc-machine cnc machine book
279. digital-modulation-techniques digital modulation techniques book
280. drainage-system drainage system book
281. economic-survey-2018 economic survey 2018 book
282. employee-state-insurance-act-1948employee state insurance act 1948 book
283. english-literatureEnglish literature book
284. fdi fdi book
285. gene-its-nature-expression-and-regulation gene its nature expression and regulation book
286. governor governor book
287. history-of-physical-education history of physical education book
288. inductance inductance book
289. information-technology-act-2000 information-technology-act-2000 book
290. irrigationirrigation book
291. learning-in-psychology learning in psychology book
292. marriage-in-sociology marriage in sociology book
293. microwave-engineering microwave engineering book
294. pid-controller pid controller book
295. quality-assurance quality assurance book
296. spreadsheet spreadsheet book
297. sql-server sql server book
298. bridge-to-terabithia bridge to terabithia book
299. business-economics business economics book
300. cbi cbi book
301. computer-organization-and-architecture computer organization and architecture book
302. computer-virus computer virus book
303. corruption corruption book
304. defence defence book
305. employability-skills employability skills book
306. engineering-chemistry engineering chemistry book
307. environment-and-ecology environment and ecology book
308. fairs-traditions-and-festivals fairs traditions and festivals book
309. fitter fitter book
310. freedom-fighters freedom fighters book
311. general-financial-rules-2017general financial rules 2017 book
312. harrison-bergeronHarrison bergeron book
313. coal-and-petroleumcoal and petroleum book
314. conjunctionsconjunctions book
315. correct-tensecorrect tense book
316. determinersdeterminers book
317. digital-signal-processing digital signal processing book
318. direct-and-indirect-speech direct and indirect speech book
319. diversity-in-living-organigisms diversity in living organigisms book
320. electric-circuits electric circuits book
321. electrolysis-and-storage-of-batteries electrolysis and storage of batteries book
322. group-theory group theory book
323. hiv hiv book
324. hormones hormones book
325. human-ear human ear book
326. human-health-and-disease human health and disease book
327. indian-languages indian languages book
328. indian-national-congress indian national congress book
329. legal-studies legal studies book
330. lenses lenses book
331. lipidslipids book
332. 2d-transformation-in-computer-graphics 2d transformation in computer graphics book
333. analog-communication analog communication book
334. circuit-theory circuit theory book
335. correlation-and-regression correlation and regression book
336. e-commerce e-commerce book
337. human-geography human geography book
338. irrigation irrigation book
339. lakes lakes book
340. living-world living world book
341. machines-and-graphics machines and graphics book
342. rbi rbi book
343. rectifiers rectifiers book
344. research-design research design book
345. manual-testing manual testing book
346. metals-and-nonmetals metals and nonmetals book
347. modern-indian-history modern Indian history book
348. mysql mysql book
349. quantifiers quantifiers book
350. railway-engineering railway engineering book
351. rivers rivers book
352. selenium selenium book
353. shakespeare shakespeare book
354. signals-and-systems signals and systems book
355. skeletal-systemskeletal system book
356. skin skin book
357. slave-dynasty slave dynasty book
358. switchgear-and-protection switchgear and protection book
359. taxonomy taxonomy book
360. teacher-education teacher education book
361. building-construction building construction book
362. construction-planning-and-management construction planning and management book
363. dams-and-multipurpose-projects-of-india dams and multipurpose projects of india book
364. earth-movement earth movement book
365. strength-of-materials strength of materials book
366. tool-life tool life book
367. transmission-line transmission line book
368. treestrees book
369. trigonometry trigonometry book
370. turbines turbines book
371. underground-cables underground cables book
372. units-and-measurements units and measurements book
373. unix unix book
374. virus virus book
375. waste-management waste management book
376. wireless-communication wireless communication book
377. wto wto book
378. clinical-psychology clinical psychology book
379. control-system control system book
380. curriculum-development curriculum development book
381. data-communication data communication book
382. general-mathematics general mathematics book
383. geology geology book
384. hamlet hamlet book
385. immunology immunology book
386. kidney-and-its-disease kidney and its disease book
387. marine-engineers marine engineers book
388. cpec cpec book
389. democracy-in-the-contemporary-world democracy in the contemporary world book
390. fashion-design fashion design book
391. health-economics health economics book
392. language-and-linguistics language and linguistics book
393. laser laser book
394. medical-science medical science book
395. mountain-building mountain building book
396. municipalities municipalities book
397. nursing nursing book
398. plant-growth-and-development plant growth and development book
399. soil-science soil science book
400. solar-energy solar energy book
401. solar-plant solar plant book
402. water water book
403. gynecology gynecology book
404. theory-of-computation theory of computation book
405. vision-and-hearing-physiology vision and hearing physiology book
406. wind-energy wind energy book
407. airport-engineering airport engineering book
408. apparel-industrial-manager apparel industrial manager book
409. cardiology cardiology book
410. commerce commerce book
411. design-of-machine-elements design of machine elements book
412. experienced-physician experienced physician book
413. forensic-medicine forensic medicine book
414. hematology hematology book
415. highway-engineering highway engineering book
416. infection-control infection control book
417. microbiology microbiology book
418. pharmacology pharmacology book
419. design-of-steel-structures design of steel structures book
420. engineering-economics engineering economics book
421. hybrid-parameters hybrid parameters book
422. modulation-and-demodulation modulation and demodulation book
423. neurology neurology book
424. radiology radiology book
425. rcc-structures-design rcc structures design book
426. refrigeration-and-air-conditioning refrigeration and air conditioning book
427. turbomachines turbomachines book
428. biochemistry biochemistry book
429. cell-respiration cell respiration book
430. design-of-masonry-structures design of masonry structures book
431. high-voltage-engineering high voltage engineering book
432. pediatrics pediatrics book
433. soil-mechanics-and-foundation-engineering soil mechanics and foundation engineering book
434. surveying surveying book
435. theory-of-structures theory of structures book
436. tunnel-engineering tunnel engineering book
437. voltage-current-and-resistance voltage current and resistance book
438. water-supply-engineering water supply engineering book
439. workshop-technology workshop technology book
440. bioinformatics bioinformatics book
441. human-populationhuman population book
442. mendelian-and-post-mendelian-genetics mendelian and post mendelian genetics book
443. multistage-transistor-amplifier multistage transistor amplifier book
444. single-stage-transistor-amplifier single stage transistor amplifier book
445. solid-state-switching-circuits solid state switching circuits book
446. synchronous-motor synchronous motor book
447. transformers-electrical-engineering transformers electrical engineering book
448. transistor-biasing transistor biasing book
449. welding welding book
450. banking-law banking law book
451. banks-in-india-and-their-history banks in india and their history book
452. fahrenheit-451 Fahrenheit 451 book
453. gisgis book
454. hydraulic-machines hydraulic machines book
455. microcontrollers-and-applications microcontrollers and applications book
456. optical-fiber-communication optical fiber communication book
457. physical-science physical science book
458. andhra-pradesh-economics andhra pradesh economics book
459. andhra-pradesh-geography andhra pradesh geography book
460. andhra-pradesh-history andhra pradesh history book
461. electric-traction electric traction book
462. field-effect-transistor field effect transistor book
463. microsoft-access microsoft access book
464. parallel-circuits parallel circuits book
465. silicon-controlled-rectifiers silicon controlled rectifiers book
466. single-phase-induction-motor single phase induction motor book
467. solid-state-switching-circuits solid state switching circuits book
468. transistor-audio-power-amplifier transistor audio power amplifier book
469. arunachal-pradesh arunachal pradesh book
470. kerala-geography kerala geography book
471. kerala-history kerala history book
472. maharashtra-historymaharashtra history book
473. punjab-geography punjab geography book
474. punjab-history punjab history book
475. sikkimsikkim book
476. tamil-nadutamil nadu book
477. telangana telangana book
478. west-bengal west bengal book
479. goa goa book
480. haryana haryana book
481. jharkhand jharkhand book
482. karnataka karnataka book
483. maharashtra maharashtra book
484. nagaland nagaland book
485. bihar bihar book
486. chhattisgarh chhattisgarh book
487. gujarat gujarat book
488. jammu-kashmir jammu kashmir book
489. manipur manipur book
490. meghalaya meghalaya book
491. mizoram mizoram book
492. odisha odisha book
493. rajasthan rajasthan book
494. tripura tripura book
495. andaman-nicobar andaman-nicobar book
496. chandigarh chandigarh book
497. dadra-and-nagar-haveli dadra and nagar haveli book
498. daman-and-diu daman and diu book
499. delhi delhi book
500. karnataka karnataka book
501. lakshadweep lakshadweep book
502. madhya-pradesh madhya pradesh book
503. puducherry puducherry book
504. uttar-pradesh uttar-pradesh book
505. uttrakhand uttrakhand book
506. polyphase-induction-motors polyphase induction-motors book
507. amplifiers-with-negative-feedbackamplifiers with negative feedback book
508. auditingauditing book
509. electronics-and-instrumentationelectronics and instrumentation book
510. lenses-&-mirrorslenses & mirrors book
511. microwave-communicationmicrowave communication book
512. mining-engineeringmining engineering book
513. satellite-communicationsatellite communication book
514. defence-and-armed-forcesdefence and armed forces book
515. indian-lawindian law book
516. pallava-dynasty pallava dynasty book
517. petroleum-refinery-engineeringpetroleum refinery engineering book
518. business-knowledgebusiness knowledge book
519. chemical-technologychemical technology book
520. engineering-drawingengineering drawing book
521. gas-chromatography gas chromatography book
522. introduction-to-radarintroduction to radar book
523. popular-struggles-and-movementspopular struggles and movements book
524. spherical-mirrorsspherical mirrors book
525. stoichiometry stoichiometry book
526. amino-acids-and-proteinsamino acids and proteins book
527. biochemical-basis-of-sports-performance biochemical basis of sports performance book
528. bioenergetics bioenergetics book
529. chemical-reaction-engineering chemical reaction engineering book
530. fibrous-and-globular-proteins fibrous and globular proteins book
531. ic-engines ic engines book
532. mechatronics-test mechatronics test book
533. metabolism metabolism book
534. metallurgy-test metallurgy test book
535. paediatric-surgery paediatric surgery book
536. protein-folding protein folding book
537. structure-of-dsdna structure of dsDNA book
538. structure-of-eukaryotic-cells structure of eukaryotic cells book
539. tissue-culture tissue culture book
540. automobile-engineeringautomobile engineering book
541. machine-designmachine design book
542. production-engineeringproduction engineering book
543. theory-of-machinestheory-of machines book