Religion and Philosophy GK Questions and Answers | Indian Culture MCQs

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

Awards & Honours GK Questions 2024 (Latest Updated)

1. World’s largest religion (population wise) is:
  1. Hindu
  2. Muslim
  3. Christian
  4. Buddhists

Answer: Christian

2. Which of the following is the earliest Vedic state?
  1. Panchal Kingdom
  2. Kuru Kingdom
  3. Magadha Kingdom
  4. None of these

Answer: Kuru Kingdom

3. What was the name of 23rd Thirthankar of Jainism?
  1. Mahavira
  2. Parshvanatha
  3. Rishabha
  4. Aristanemi

Answer: Parshvanatha

4. Which philosophy says “Do not care to know various theories about God and Soul; do good and be good; that will take you to whatever truth there is” ?
  1. Sankhya
  2. Buddhism
  3. Vedanta
  4. Jainism

Answer: Buddhism

5. God knows man’s virtues and inquires not his caste; in the next world there is no caste.” This teaching is of_?
  1. Kabir
  2. Guru Nanak
  3. Chaitanya
  4. Ramananda

Answer: Guru Nanak

6. Santhara is a religious ritual related to:
  1. Jain
  2. Saiva
  3. Sakta
  4. Vaishnava

Answer: Jain

7. Both ———————-raise the life of man and society to a higher and nobler level
  1. Science and Art
  2. Science and Wealth
  3. Philosophy and Religion
  4. None of these

Answer: Philosophy and Religion

8. Which of the following Upanishad is embedded inside the last section of the Samaveda?
  1. Isha Upanishad
  2. Kena Upanishad
  3. Taittiriya Upanishad
  4. Chandogya Upanishad

Answer: Kena Upanishad

9. Which of the following Veda contains the sacrificial formula?
  1. Rigveda
  2. Yajurveda
  3. Samaveda
  4. Atharvadeva

Answer: Yajurveda

10. The Nalanda University was founded by which of the following Gupta Emperor?
  1. Chandragupta I
  2. Samudragupta
  3. Kumargupta I
  4. Chandragupta II

Answer: Kumargupta I

11. The Mankuwar Buddha was inscribed during the reign of which of the following Gupta Emperor?
  1. Kumargupta I
  2. Samudragupta
  3. Chandragupta I
  4. Vikramaditya

Answer: Kumargupta I

12. Which of the following combinations is not correct
  1. Rig Veda - Ayurveda
  2. Sama Veda - Shilpaveda
  3. Yajur Veda - Dhanurveda
  4. Atharva Veda - Arthaveda

Answer: Sama Veda - Shilpaveda

13. Which of the following ancient texts describes surgical training, instruments and procedures?
  1. Caraka Samhita
  2. Sushruta Samhita
  3. Bhela Samhita
  4. None of these

Answer: Sushruta Samhita

14. Which of the following river is not mentioned in the Vedas?
  1. Ganga
  2. Yamuna
  3. Saraswati
  4. Narmada

Answer: Narmada

15. Iron Pillar of Delhi was constructed by which of the following Gupta Emperor?
  1. Chandragupta I
  2. Samudragupta
  3. Kumargupta I
  4. Chandragupta II

Answer: Chandragupta II

16. The two basic divisions in Schools of Indian Philosophy are
  1. Vedanta and Buddhism
  2. Advaita and Dwaita
  3. Theistic and Atheistic
  4. Orthodox and Heterodox

Answer: Orthodox and Heterodox

17. The pali tripitaka texts are important texts of Buddhist education. Which amongst the following is NOT a tripitaka?
  1. Dhamma Pitaka
  2. Gyan Pitaka
  3. Vinay Pitaka
  4. Sutta Pitaka

Answer: Gyan Pitaka

18. Which of the following philosophies are most tilted to individualism?
  1. Jainism
  2. Samkhya
  3. Buddhism
  4. None of these

Answer: Jainism

19. Who among the following Advaita Vedanta scholar is the author of the Book Mandukya Karika?
  1. Gaudapada
  2. Adi Shankara
  3. Swami Vivekananda
  4. None of these

Answer: Gaudapada

20. Which among the following orthodox school of India philosophy is described as “Samkhya school with God”?
  1. Nyaya
  2. Vedanta
  3. Yoga
  4. Vaisheshika

Answer: Yoga

21. The primary Rig Vedic concepts was employed in which of the following ancient kingdom of Syria?
  1. Mitanni Kingdom
  2. Sumerian Kingdom
  3. Akkadians Kingdom
  4. None of these

Answer: Mitanni Kingdom

22. The most celebrated craftsmen of the Vedic age is:
  1. Blacksmith
  2. Goldsmith
  3. Carpenter
  4. Barber

Answer: Carpenter

23. Which of the following was the first work to give doctrine of transmigration (punarjanma) and deeds(karma)
  1. Jabala Upnishad
  2. Brihandaranyaka Upnishad
  3. Taittiriya Upanishad
  4. Mandukya Upanishad

Answer: Brihandaranyaka Upnishad

24. The ceremony of initiation of education in Buddhism is called
  1. Vidyarambam
  2. Upanayanam
  3. Pabajja
  4. Uparampada

Answer: Pabajja

25. Which of the following orthodox school of Indian Philosophy focuses on interpreting the philosophy of Upanishads, particularly metaphysics related to Atman and Brahman?
  1. Nyaya
  2. Vedanta
  3. Samkhya
  4. Yoga

Answer: Vedanta

26. The Battle of Ten Kings is described in which of the following Veda?
  1. Rig Veda
  2. Yajur Veda
  3. Sama Veda
  4. Arthava Veda

Answer: Rig Veda

27. “Ayurveda” has origin in which of the following Veda?
  1. Rig Veda
  2. Samaveda
  3. Yajurveda
  4. Atharvaveda

Answer: Atharvaveda

28. Which of the following Veda is a Vedas of melodies and Chants?
  1. Rigveda
  2. Yajurveda
  3. Atharvaveda
  4. Samaveda

Answer: Samaveda

29. The Sultanganj Buddha, currently located in the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery of England is made of which of the following metal?
  1. Gold
  2. Copper
  3. Iron
  4. Silver

Answer: Copper

30. The primary ethics in the Vedas were based on:
  1. Satya and R’ta
  2. Satya and Soma
  3. Satya and Ahimsa
  4. None of these

Answer: Satya and R’ta

31. Who among the following Navaratnas of Vikramaditya was a Sanskrit grammarian?
  1. Kalidasa
  2. Amarasimha
  3. Vararuchi
  4. Vetala Bhatta

Answer: Amarasimha

32. A common feature of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism is belief about
  1. the unreality of the world
  2. the existence of God
  3. the soul
  4. karma and rebirth

Answer: karma and rebirth

33. According to the beliefs of the Pasupata sect, Siva is the lord of Pasu. Pasu here refers to?
  1. Lion
  2. Bull
  3. Parvati
  4. Jiva

Answer: Jiva

34. One of the incarnations of Vishnu is represented in art as raising the Earth from the Ocean. Identify Him from the given options:
  1. Kumara
  2. Varaha
  3. Matsya
  4. Nrisingha

Answer: Varaha

35. Who defines religion as, “ethics heightened, enkindled, lit up by feeling”?
  1. Swami Vivekananda
  2. Hoffoding
  3. Mathew Arnold
  4. W.T Stace

Answer: Mathew Arnold

36. Who among the following gave most of his preaching at 'Gridhrakuta'?
  1. Gautama Buddha
  2. Vardhaman Mahavira
  3. Guru Nanak Dev
  4. Ramakrishna Paramhansa

Answer: Gautama Buddha

37. Which of the following is the oldest Indian philosophy that separates body(matter) from the soul (consciousness) completely?
  1. Buddhist Philosophy
  2. Jain Philosophy
  3. Nyaya Philosophy
  4. Samkhya Philosophy

Answer: Jain Philosophy

38. Which among the following orthodox school of Indian philosophy is a rationalism school with atheistic themes?
  1. Vedanta
  2. Samkhya
  3. Nyaya
  4. Vaisheshika

Answer: Samkhya

39. Who among the following is the pioneer of Yoga?
  1. Patanjali
  2. Kapila
  3. Banabhatta
  4. None of these

Answer: Patanjali

40. Raghuvamsha, a Sanskrit Mahakavya was written by:
  1. Kalidasa
  2. Harsha
  3. Vararuchi
  4. Vetala Bhatta

Answer: Kalidasa

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