Election Commission of India Questions and Answers | Election Commission MCQs

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1. Who was the first Election Commissioner of India?
  1. Sukumar Sen
  2. VS Ramadevi
  3. Shankar Dayal Sharma
  4. Rajendra Prasad

Answer: Sukumar Sen

2. For the Election Commission, at the district level, who acts as the district returning officer?
  1. District Collector
  2. Police Commissioner
  3. Tehsildars
  4. None of the above

Answer: District Collector

3. Chief Election Commissioner of India is appointed for a period of how many years?
  1. 5 years
  2. 7 years
  3. 4 years
  4. 6 years

Answer: 5 years

4. Where are the headquarters of the Election Commission of India situated?
  1. Mumbai
  2. New Delhi
  3. Bangalore
  4. Gurgaon

Answer: New Delhi

5. Who are all included with the members of the Election commission?
  1. One Chief Election Commissioner
  2. One Chief Election Commissioner and two Election Commissioners
  3. One Chief Election Commissioner and three Election Commissioners
  4. One Chief Election Commissioner and one Election Commissioners

Answer: One Chief Election Commissioner and two Election Commissioners

6. In which year appointed M.S. Gill as the Chief Election Commissioner of India?
  1. 1999
  2. 1998
  3. 1996
  4. 2000

Answer: 1996

7. Which article of the Indian Constitution states that there would be an Election Commission to control, direct elections in India
  1. Article 344
  2. Article 324
  3. Article 333
  4. Article 370

Answer: Article 324

8. What is NOT one of the main duties of the Election Commission of India?
  1. Control and conduct elections
  2. Supervise elections
  3. Direct elections
  4. Conduct local elections

Answer: Conduct local elections

9. ________ was the first woman Chief Election Commissioner of India.
  1. Pratibha Devi Patil
  2. Meira Kumar
  3. Rama Devi
  4. Nirmala Sitaraman

Answer: Rama Dev

10. Chief Election Commissioner of India can be removed from the office by _________.
  1. Both houses of Parliament
  2. Union council of Ministers
  3. President of India
  4. Both 1 and 3 combined.

Answer: Both 1 and 3 combined.

11. The Election Commission of India (ECI) is the watchdog of free and fair elections in the country and _____ of the constitution of India provides for its establishment.
  1. Article 356
  2. Article 324
  3. Article 352
  4. Article 101

Answer: Article 324

12. Election Commission is a
  1. Constitutional Body
  2. Statutory Body
  3. Elective Body
  4. None of the above

Answer: Constitutional Body

13. When was the Election Commission formed?
  1. 1947
  2. 1948
  3. 1949
  4. 1950

Answer: 1950

14. Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner of India?
  1. Chief Justice of India
  2. Governor of India
  3. President of India
  4. Prime Minister of India

Answer: President of India

15. What is the tenure of the Chief Election Commissioner of India?
  1. 5 years or 65 yearswrong
  2. 6 years or 65 years
  3. 5 years or 60 years
  4. 6 years or 60 years

Answer: 6 years or 65 years

15. Who was the first woman to become a Chief Election Commissioner of India?
  1. V. S. Ramadevi
  2. G. D. Das
  3. S.K. Bedi
  4. R.M. Nikam

Answer: V. S. Ramadevi

16. Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner of Election Commission?
  1. Prime Minister
  2. Chief Justice of India
  3. President
  4. Lok Sabha

Answer: President

17. Who was the Chief Election Commissioner of India in 2010?
  1. H.S.Brahma
  2. S.Y. Qureshi
  3. R.K. Trivedi
  4. N. Gopalaswamy

Answer: S.Y. Qureshi

18. What is the tenure of office for the Chief Election Commissioner?
  1. 5 years or 65 years, whichever is earlier
  2. 6 years or 60 years, whichever is earlier
  3. 6 years or 65 years, whichever is earlier
  4. 5 years or 60 years, whichever is earlier

Answer: 6 years or 65 years, whichever is earlier

19. Which Article in the Indian Constitution provides for the Election Commission?
  1. Article 324
  2. Article 128
  3. Article 256
  4. Article 378

Answer: Article 324

20. Who is the state Election Commissioner of Karnataka in 2021?
  1. B. BasavaRaaju
  2. Anup Chandra Pandey
  3. R.V.S Peri Sastri
  4. T.N. Seasan

Answer: B. BasavaRaaju

21. Who is the current Election Commissioner of India
  1. Sushil Chandra
  2. Sunil Arora
  3. Om Prakash Rawat
  4. None of the above

Answer: Sushil Chandra

22. Who is the Election Commissioner of Tamil Nadu state in 2021?
  1. Rajesh Lakhoni
  2. B. BasavaRaaju
  3. V. Palani Kumar
  4. Rajiv Kumar

Answer: V. Palani Kumar

23. Where is the headquarters of the Election Commission of India?
  1. New Delhi
  2. Mumbai
  3. Tamil Nadu
  4. Kerala

Answer: New Delhi

24. The maximum limit of expenditure allowed by the Election Commission in India to contestant for the parliament and legislative assembly elections should not exceed
  1. 25 lac and 10 lac
  2. 10 lac and 25 lac
  3. 30 lac and 15 lac
  4. More than one of the above

Answer: 25 lac and 10 lac

25. Chief Election Commissioner of India is appointed for a period of how many years?
  1. 4 years
  2. 6 years
  3. 5 years
  4. None

Answer: 6 years

26. What is the tenure of the Election Commissioner of India?
  1. 5 years or 65 years of age, whichever earlier
  2. 6 years or 65 years of age, whichever earlier
  3. 4 years or 63 years, whichever earlier
  4. 5 years or 62 years, whichever earlier

Answer: 6 years or 65 years of age, whichever earlier

27. Who was the 22 Election Commissioner of India?
  1. Shri Om Prakash Rawat
  2. V. S. Sampath
  3. B.B. Tandon
  4. S.L. Shakdhar

Answer: Shri Om Prakash Rawat

28. Which of the following is not under the powers and functions of the Election Commission of India?
  1. Superintendence, direction and control of the preparation of electoral rolls
  2. Conduct of elections to the Parliament and to the Legislature of each State
  3. Appointment of the Regional Commissioners to assist’ the Election Commission in the performance of the functions conferred on the Commission
  4. More than one of the above

Answer: Appointment of the Regional Commissioners to assist’ the Election Commission in the performance of the functions conferred on the Commission

29. Municipality and Panchayat Elections are conducted by
  1. State Government
  2. Centre Government
  3. State Election commission
  4. More than one of the above

Answer: State Election commission

30. The Chief of Election Commission is appointed by the ________.
  1. Central Government
  2. State Government
  3. Chief Justice of India
  4. President of India

Answer: President of India

31. How many members in the Election Commission?
  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 1
  4. 4

Answer: 3

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