Preamble of Indian Constitution Questions and Answers | Indian Constitution MCQs

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1. Which of the following word has not been written in the preamble of the Indian Constitution?
  1. Sovereign
  2. Socialist
  3. Democratic
  4. Indians

Answer: Indians

2. What is the meaning of "social equality" in the Indian Constitution?
  1. Lack of opportunities
  2. Lack of equality
  3. Equal opportunities for all sections of the societies
  4. None of the following

Answer: Equal opportunities for all sections of the societies

3. "The language of Preamble" of the Indian constitution is taken from the constitution of......
  1. America
  2. Canada
  3. Australia
  4. Ireland

Answer: Australia

4. Indian President and Prime Minister are a replica of the heads of the State of which country?
  1. Britain
  2. U.S.A
  3. Ireland
  4. Russia

Answer: Britain

5. The Constitution of India is designed to work as a unitary government :
  1. in normal times
  2. in times of emergency
  3. when the parliament so desires
  4. at the will of the President

Answer: in times of emergency

6. The part of the Constitution that reflects the mind and ideals of the farmers is:
  1. directive principles
  2. fundamental rights
  3. preamble
  4. citizenship

Answer: preamble

7. There is a Parliamentary system of government in India because :
  1. the Lok Sabha is directly elected by the people
  2. the Parliament can amend the Constitution
  3. the Rajya Sabha cannot be dissolved
  4. the Council of Ministers is responsible to the Lok Sabha

Answer: the Council of Ministers is responsible to the Lok Sabha

8. Secularism means :
  1. suppression of all religions
  2. freedom of worship to minorities
  3. separation of religion from State
  4. a system of political and social philosophy that does not favours any particular religious faith

Answer: a system of political and social philosophy that does not favours any particular religious faith

9. Which one of the following statements is correct?
  1. Preamble of the Constitution is the part of the Constitution and can be amended under Article 368
  2. Preamble of the Constitution is not a part of the Constitution and cannot be amended
  3. Preamble is the part of the basic structure of the Constitution and can be amended only if no change in the basis structure is made
  4. Preamble can be amended by Parliament simply by an objective resolution

Answer: Preamble is the part of the basic structure of the Constitution and can be amended only if no change in the basis structure is made

10. India is a democratic republic, because :
  1. there is independence of judiciary
  2. the Head of the state is elected by the people
  3. there is distribution of powers between the Centre and the States
  4. there is Parliamentary supremacy

Answer: the Head of the state is elected by the people

11. Which of the following is a feature of the Parliamentary form of government?
  1. Executive is responsible to Judiciary
  2. Judiciary is responsible to Executive
  3. Executive is responsible to Legislature
  4. Legislature is responsible to Executive

Answer: Executive is responsible to Legislature

12. The Indian Constitution closely follows the constitutional system of:
  1. USA
  2. UK
  3. Switzerland
  4. Russia

Answer: UK

13. Indian President and Prime Minister are a replica of the heads of the State of which country?
  1. Britain
  2. USA
  3. Ireland
  4. Russia

Answer: Britain

14. Which of the following is NOT an ideal mentioned in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution?
  1. Justice
  2. Equality
  3. Prosperity
  4. Fraternity

Answer: Prosperity

15. Which of the following is a feature of the Parliamentary form of government ?
  1. Executive is responsible to Judiciary
  2. Executive is responsible to Legislature
  3. Judiciary is responsible to Executive
  4. Legislature is responsible to Executive

Answer: Executive is responsible to Legislature

16. Which of the following features and their source is wrongly matched?
  1. Judicial review – British practice
  2. Concurrent List – Australian Constitution
  3. Directive Principles – Irish Constitution
  4. Fundamental Rights – U.S.A Constitution

Answer: Judicial review – British practice

17. The Indian Constitution closely follows the constitutional system of :
  1. USA
  2. U.K
  3. Switzerland
  4. Russia

Answer: U.K

18. Which of the following describes India as a Secular State ?
  1. Fundamental Rights
  2. Ninth Schedule
  3. Directive Principles
  4. Preamble to the Constitution

Answer: Preamble to the Constitution

19. Which of the following features of the Constitution of India does not resemble the American Constitution?
  1. Written Constitution
  2. Federal form of government
  3. Fundamental Rights
  4. Parliamentary form of government

Answer: Parliamentary form of government

20. The word ‘Socialist’ was added to the Preamble, its main aim is to :
  1. eliminate inequality in economic and political status
  2. eliminate inequality in political and religious affairs
  3. eliminate inequality in income and status and standards of life
  4. eliminate class based society

Answer: eliminate inequality in economic and political status

21. Which of the following determines that the Indian Government is federal?
  1. A written and rigid Constitution
  2. An independent Judiciary
  3. Vesting of residuary powers with the Centre
  4. Distribution of powers between the Centre and States

Answer: Distribution of powers between the Centre and States

22. Which one of the following statements regarding the Preamble is correct?
  1. It is not enforceable in a court of law
  2. the Supreme Court has recently ruled that it is not a part of the Constitution
  3. it has been amended twice
  4. All the above are correct

Answer: It is not enforceable in a court of law

23. The Preamble of our Constitution :
  1. is a part of the Constitution
  2. contains the spirit of the Constitution
  3. is a limitation upon the granted power
  4. None of these

Answer: contains the spirit of the Constitution

24. Which of the following is a feature common to both the Indian Federation and the American Federation?
  1. A single citizenship
  2. Dual Judiciary
  3. Three lists in the Constitution
  4. A Federal Supreme Court to interpret the Constitution

Answer: A Federal Supreme Court to interpret the Constitution

25. The President of the Indian Union has the same constitutional authority as the:
  1. British Monarch
  2. President of USA
  3. President of Egypt
  4. President of Russia

Answer: British Monarch

26. Which statement is not correct in the case of "Sovereign India"?
  1. India is not dependent on any country
  2. India is not a colony of any other country
  3. India can give any part of its country to any other country
  4. India is obliged to obey the UN in its internal affairs

Answer: India is obliged to obey the UN in its internal affairs

27. Who among the following said that the preamble of the Indian Constitution is "The Keynote of the Constitution"?
  1. Ernest Barker
  2. Jawaharlal Nehru
  3. Dr. Ambedkar
  4. Nelson Mandela

Answer: Ernest Barker

28. The Preamble of the Indian Constitution was adopted on:
  1. 26th January 1950
  2. 26th November 1949
  3. 15th August 1947
  4. 9th December 1946

Answer: 26th November 1949

29. Which of the following features does the Indian Constitution borrow from the Weimar Constitution of Germany ?
  1. The idea of a federation with a strong centre
  2. The method of presidential elections
  3. The Emergency powers
  4. Provisions concerning the suspension of fundamental rights during National Emergency

Answer: Provisions concerning the suspension of fundamental rights during National Emergency

30. Which of the following is a feature common to both the Indian Federation and the American Federation?
  1. A single citizenship
  2. Dual Judiciary
  3. Three lists in the Constitution
  4. A Federal supreme court to interpret the Constitution

Answer: A Federal supreme court to interpret the Constitution

31. Which of the following is not a basic feature of the Indian Constitution?
  1. Presidential Government
  2. Parliamentary Government
  3. Federal Government
  4. Independence of Judiciary

Answer: Presidential Government

32. The Indian Constitution has borrowed the ideas of Preamble from the :
  1. Italian Constitution
  2. Canadian Constitution
  3. French Constitution
  4. Constitution of U.S.A

Answer: Constitution of U.S.A

33. The word ‘socialist secular’ and ‘unity and integrity of the Nation’ were added to our Constitution by :
  1. 42nd Amendment of the Constitution
  2. 44th Amendment of the Constitution
  3. 46th Amendment of the Constitution
  4. none of the above

Answer: 42nd Amendment of the Constitution

34. The source of India’s sovereignty lies in the :
  1. President
  2. Prime Minister
  3. People of India
  4. Preamble to the Constitution

Answer: Preamble to the Constitution

35. The word ‘Federation’ is described in which part of the constitution?
  1. First Part
  2. Second Part
  3. Forth Part
  4. not mentioned anywhere

Answer: not mentioned anywhere

36. The Preamble of the Indian Constitution starts with the phrase:
  1. "We, the People of India..."
  2. "In the name of God..."
  3. "India, a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic..."
  4. "To secure to all its citizens..."

Answer: "We, the People of India..."

37. The Preamble of the Indian Constitution reflects the influence of which historical document?
  1. The United States Constitution
  2. The Magna Carta
  3. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  4. The Indian Independence Act, 1947

Answer: The United States Constitution

38. Which Constitution has inspired the Indian concepts of rule of law, parliamentary system and law-making procedure?
  1. U.S. Constitution
  2. British Constitution
  3. Canadian Constitution
  4. All the above

Answer: British Constitution

39. The inspiration of ‘Liberty, Equality and Fraternity’ was derived from :
  1. American revolution
  2. French revolution
  3. Russian revolution
  4. None of these

Answer: French revolution

40. In a parliamentary form of government, real powers of the state are vested in the :
  1. Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister
  2. President
  3. Government
  4. Parliament

Answer: Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister

41. The Preamble enshrines certain ideals that were first spelt out in :
  1. the speech by Jawaharlal Nehru on the banks of Ravi when he called for Puma Swaraj
  2. the Nehru Report
  3. a resolution adopted at Karachi session of the Indian National Congress
  4. the Objectives Resolution adopted by the Constituent Assembly

Answer: the Objectives Resolution adopted by the Constituent Assembly

42. In a federal state :
  1. states are more powerful than the Centre
  2. Centre is more powerful than States
  3. a Presidential form of government functions
  4. Constitution effects division of powers between the Centre and States with safeguards against transgression of jurisdiction

Answer: states are more powerful than the Centre

43. The Preamble of the Constitution of India envisages that :
  1. it shall stand part of the Constitution
  2. it could be abrogated or wiped out from the Constitution
  3. it does not acknowledge, recognise or proclaim anything about the Constitution
  4. it has separate entity in the Constitution

Answer: it has separate entity in the Constitution

44. Which of the following features does the Indian Constitution borrow from the Weimar Constitution of Germany?
  1. The idea of a federation with a strong centre
  2. The method of presidential elections
  3. The Emergency powers
  4. Provisions concerning the suspension of fundamental rights during National Emergency

Answer: Provisions concerning the suspension of fundamental rights during National Emergency

45. The Indian Constitution is regarded as :
  1. federal
  2. unitary
  3. parliamentary
  4. federal in form and unitary in spirit

Answer: federal in form and unitary in spirit

46. India opted for a federal form of government because of :
  1. vast territory
  2. cultural integration
  3. linguistic and regional diversity
  4. administrative conveniences

Answer: linguistic and regional diversity

47. The correct nomenclature of India according to the Preamble is :
  1. Sovereign, Secular, Democratic Republic
  2. Sovereign, Democratic Republic
  3. Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic
  4. Sovereign, Secular, Socialist Democracy

Answer: Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic

48. The Constitution of India borrowed the scheme of Indian Federation from the Constitution of:
  1. USA
  2. Canada
  3. Ireland
  4. UK

Answer: Canada

49. The inspiration of “Liberty. Equality and Fraternity’ was derived from:
  1. American revolution
  2. French revolution
  3. Russian revolution
  4. None of the above

Answer: French revolution

50. K.M. Munshi was related to......
  1. Constitution draft committee
  2. Preamble Committee
  3. Public Accounts Committee
  4. None of the following

Answer: Constitution draft committee

51. What is the true meaning of "Secular"?
  1. All religions are equal in the eyes of the government
  2. Special importance to a religion related to minorities
  3. One religion is promoted by the government
  4. None of the following

Answer: All religions are equal in the eyes of the government

52. Which of the following ideals in the Preamble emphasizes the unity and integrity of the nation?
  1. Justice
  2. Liberty
  3. Equality
  4. Fraternity

Answer: Fraternity

53. The Constitution of India borrowed the scheme of Indian Federation from the Constitution of :
  1. U.S.A
  2. Canada
  3. Ireland
  4. U.K.

Answer: Canada

54. The President of the Indian Union has the same constitutional authority as the :
  1. British monarch
  2. President of U.S.A
  3. President of Egypt
  4. President of Russia

Answer: British monarch

55. From which of the countries, Constitution of India has adopted fundamental duties?
  1. USA
  2. Canada
  3. Erstwhile USSR
  4. UK

Answer: Erstwhile USSR

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