World History Questions and Answers | World History MCQs

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

Awards & Honours GK Questions 2024 (Latest Updated)

1. Who is the founder of Greek historiography?
  1. Aristotle
  2. Herodotus
  3. Hippocrates
  4. Thucydides

Answer: Herodotus

2. When did Americans gain independence?
  1. 4th July 1773
  2. 4th July 1774
  3. 4th July 1771
  4. 4th July 1775

Answer: 4th July 1775

3. The Unification of Italy happened?
  1. 1848 – 1870
  2. 1848 – 1871
  3. 1848 – 1872
  4. 1849 – 1870

Answer: 1848 – 1871

4. What was the purpose of the Treaty of Versailles?
  1. To bring peace between the nations who fought in the First World War.
  2. To bring peace between Germany and France.
  3. To bring unity between the nations of Europe.
  4. None of the Above.

Answer: To bring peace between the nations who fought in the First World War.

5. What was the immediate cause of the beginning of the First World War?
  1. The murder of William I.
  2. The murder of Archduke Ferdinand.
  3. The murder of Victor Emmanuel II.
  4. The murder of William II.

Answer: The murder of Archduke Ferdinand.

6. What was the ultimate cause of the Second World War?
  1. Invasion of Prussia.
  2. Invasion of Austria.
  3. Invasion of Poland.
  4. Invasion of Italy.

Answer: Invasion of Poland.

7. When were ancient Olympic games held first?
  1. 776 BC
  2. 780 BC
  3. 790 BC
  4. 800 BC

Answer: 776 BC

8. The ‘Age of Renaissance’ started in the century?
  1. 16th Century
  2. 15th Century
  3. 14th Century
  4. 19th Century

Answer:16th Century

9. The Reformation Movement was started by whom?
  1. King Henry VIII.
  2. Martin Luther.
  3. John Calvin.
  4. William Tyndale.

Answer:Martin Luther.

10. Who is the author of "From the Founding of the City"?
  1. Cicero
  2. Livy
  3. Polybius
  4. Sallust


11. When did the Reformation movement start?
  1. 1516
  2. 1518
  3. 1519
  4. 1517


12. Which year did Christopher Columbus discover America?
  1. 1490
  2. 1492
  3. 1491
  4. 1494


13. What was the slogan for the French Revolution?
  1. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.
  2. Liberty, Equality, Reform.
  3. Liberty, Revolution, Equality.
  4. Revolution, Reform, Fraternity.

Answer:Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.

14. The Peloponnesian War was fought between which cities?
  1. Athens and Macedonia
  2. Carthage and Athens
  3. Sparta and Carthage
  4. Sparta and Athens

Answer:Sparta and Athens

15. When was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) or the Soviet Union born?
  1. 1925
  2. 1920
  3. 1921
  4. 1923


16. Who was the first to distinguish between cause and immediate origins of an event?
  1. Herodotus
  2. Pericles
  3. Plutarch
  4. Thucydides


17. Whose teachings inspired the French Revolution?
  1. Locke
  2. Rousseau
  3. Hegel
  4. More than one of the above


18. Who is known as the father of Modern Medicine?
  1. Erastosthenes
  2. Euclid
  3. Hippocrates
  4. Pythagoras


19. Who is known as the father of History?
  1. Sophocles
  2. Homer
  3. Herodotus
  4. Aristophanes


20. What is the duration of the French Revolution?
  1. 1788 – 1792
  2. 1789 – 1799
  3. 1789 – 1799
  4. 1781 – 1790

Answer:1789 – 1799

21. Which treaty acknowledges the Independence of America?
  1. Treaty of France.
  2. Treaty of America.
  3. Treaty of Paris.
  4. Treaty of Versailles.

Answer:Treaty of Paris.

22. When did the Republican Revolution of China start?
  1. October 1910.
  2. October 1911.
  3. October 1914.
  4. October 1912.

Answer:October 1911.

23. When was the Russo – Japanese war fought?
  1. February 1901 to September 1905.
  2. February 1900 to September 1901.
  3. February 1904 to September 1905.
  4. February 1903 to September 1904.

Answer:February 1904 to September 1905.

24. Who wrote the essay "What is a Nation?"
  1. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  2. Ernst Renan
  3. Friedrich Nietzsche
  4. More than one of the above

Answer:Ernst Renan

25. Who discovered Troy?
  1. Arthur Evans
  2. Frank Calvert
  3. Heinrich Schliemann
  4. Homer

Answer:Heinrich Schliemann

26. Who discovered Troy?
  1. Arthur Evans
  2. Frank Calvert
  3. Heinrich Schliemann
  4. Homer

Answer:Heinrich Schliemann

27. When was ancient Rome founded?
  1. 776 BC
  2. 753 BC
  3. 752 BC
  4. 742 BC

Answer:753 BC

28. Where did the Industrial Revolution first start?
  1. Great Britain.
  2. France.
  3. Rome.
  4. America.

Answer:Great Britain.

29. The Thirty Years’ war was fought from _____ to _____.
  1. 1618 – 1648.
  2. 1620 – 1640.
  3. 1629 – 1649.
  4. 1619 – 1949.

Answer:1618 – 1648.

30. When did World War I start?
  1. July 28, 1914.
  2. July 28, 1915.
  3. July 25, 1914.
  4. July 28, 1920.

Answer:July 28, 1914.

31. When was the Treaty of Versailles imposed upon the nations?
  1. 10 January 1920.
  2. 10 January 1921.
  3. 11 January 1920.
  4. 11, January 1921.

Answer:10 January 1920.

32. When was the start of the Russian Revolution?
  1. 1919
  2. 1918
  3. 1915
  4. 1917


33. Who was the first president of the Republic of China?
  1. Sun Yat-Sen
  2. Yuan Shik-Kai
  3. Chiang Kai-Shek
  4. Li Yuan-Hong

Answer:Sun Yat-Sen.

34. Who was the first sailor who discovered India through the seaway?
  1. Vasco de Gama
  2. Ferdinand Magellan
  3. Christopher Columbus
  4. Marco Polo

Answer:Vasco de Gama

35. Who is the author of "The History of the World-Conquerer"?
  1. Annemarie Schimmel
  2. Clifford Edmund Bosworth
  3. Gustaf John Ramstedt
  4. John Andrew Boyle

Answer:John Andrew Boyle

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