Karnataka Public Service Commission, chiefly known as KPSC is a government agency of Karnataka state, aimed to make recruitments to various civil services through competitive and departmental examinations. Here is a Detailed Syllabus for KPSC Mains Optional Paper - Anthropology.
Karnataka PSC Syllabus
KPSC Mains Optional Paper - Anthropology
Paper — I: Foundation of Anthropology:
- Meaning and scope of Anthropology and Its main branches;
- Social and cultural anthropology;
- Physical Anthropology;
- Archaeological Anthropology;
- Linguistic Anthropology;
- Applied Anthropology.
- Community and Society Institutions, group and association; culture and civilization; band and tribe.
- Marriage : The problems of universal definition; incest and prohibited categories; preferential forms of marriage; marriage payments; the family as the corner stone of human society; universality and the family, functions of the family, diverse forms of family, nuclear, extended, joint etc., Stability and change in the family.
- Kinship: Descent, residence, alliance, kins, terms and kinship behaviour, Lineage and clan.
- Economic Anthropology Meaning and scope; modes of exchange, barter and ceremonial exchange; reciprocity and redistribution; market and trade.
- Political anthropology: Meaning and scope: The locus and power and the functions of Legitimate authority in different societies. Difference between State and Stateless political systems, Nation-building processes in new State, Law and justice in simpler societies.
- Origins of Religions: Animism and animatism, Difference between religion and magic, Totamism and Taber.
- Field work and field work tradition In Anthropology:
Foundations of the theory of organic evolution, Lamarckism, Darwinism and the synthetic theory; Human evolution, biological and cultural dimensions. Microevolution;
The Order Primate: A comparative study of Primates with special reference to the anthropoid apes and man.
Fossil evidence, for human evolution; Dryopithecus, Ramapithecus, Australopilecines, Homo erectus (Pithecanthroplines) Homosapiens, Neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens.
Genetics definition : The medelian principles and its application to human population. 5. Racial differentiation of Man and bails of racial classification morphological, serlological and genetic, Role of heredity and environment In the formation of races, 8. The effects of nutrition, Inbreeding and hybridization.
- Technique, method and methodology distinguished.
- Meaning of evolution-biological and socio-cultural the basic assumptions of 19' century evolutionism, The comparative method, Contemporary trends in evolutionary studies.
- Diffusion and diffusionism-American diffusionism and historical ethnology of the German speaking ethnologists, The attack on the comparative method by diffusionists and Franz Boss. The nature, purpose and methods of comparison in social cultural anthropology Radelife-Brown, Eggan, Oscar Lewis and Sarana.
- Patterns, basic personality construct and model personality. The relevance of anthropological approach to national character studies, Recent trends in psychological anthropology.
- Function and cause, Mainowski's contribution to functionalism in social anthropology, Function and structure, Redciliffe-Brown, Firth, Fortes and Nadel.
- Structuralism in linguistics and in social anthropology, Levi-Strauss and Leach in viewing social structure as a model the structuralist method in the study of myth. New Ethnography and formal semantic analysis.
- Norms and Values, Values as a category of anthropological description. Values of anthropologist and anthropology as a source of values, Cultural relativism and the issue of universal values.
- Social anthropology and history, Scientific and humanistic studies distinguished. A critical examination of the plea for the unity of method of the natural and social sciences. The nature and logic of anthropological field work method and its autonomy.
Paper — II Indian Anthropology
Paleolithic, Mesolithic. Neolithic, Protohistoric (Indus civilization) dimensions of Indian culture. Distribution and racial and linguistic elements in Indian population. The basis of Indian social system, Verna, Ashram, Purusharatha, Caste, Joint Family. The growth of Indian anthropology, Distinctiveness of anthropological contribution In the study of tribal and peasant sections of the Indian population, The basic concepts used, Great tradition and little tradition; sacred complex Universalization and parochialization; Sanskriiization and Westernization; Dominant caste, Tribe-caste continuum, Nature-Man-Spirit complex. Ethnographic profiles of Indian tribes; racial linguistic and socioeconomic characteristic, Problems of tribal peoples, land-alienation, indebtedness, lack of educational facilities, shifting-cultivation, migration, forests and tribals unemployment, agricultural labour. Special problems of hunting and food-gathering and other minor tribes. The problems of culture-contact; impact of urbanization and industrialization depopulation, regionalism, economic and psychological frustrations. History of tribal administration, The constitutional safeguards for the Scheduled Tribes, Policies, Plans, programmes of tribal development and their implementations, the response of the tribal people to the Government measures for them, the different approaches to tribal problems, the role of anthropology in tribal development. The constitutional provisions regarding the scheduled castes, Social disabilities suffered by the Scheduled Castes and the socio-economic problems faced by them. Issues relating to national integration.
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