Karnataka Public Service Commission Syllabus for Mains 2021

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Download Karnataka PSC Syllabus for Mains Optional Paper - Management PDF

Karnataka Public Service Commission, chiefly known as KPSC is a government agency of Karnataka state, aimed to make recruitments to various civil services through competitive and departmental examinations. Here is a Detailed Syllabus for KPSC Mains Optional Paper - Management.

Karnataka PSC Syllabus

KPSC Mains Optional Paper - Management


The candidate should make a study of the development of the field of management as a systematic body of knowledge and acquaint himself adequately with the contributions of leading authorities on the subject. He should study the role, function and behaviour of a manager and relevance of various concepts and theories to the Indian context. Apart from these general concepts, the candidate should study the environment of business and also attempt to understand the tools and techniques of decision making. The candidate would be given choice to answer any five questions.

Organisational Behaviour & Management Concepts : Significance of social, psychological factors for understanding organizational behaviour. Relevance of theories of motivation, Contribution of Maslow, Herzberg. Mc. Gregor, Mc. Glelland and other leading authorities, Research studies in leardership. Management by Objectives. Small group and inter-group behaviour. Application of these concepts for understanding the managerial role, conflict and co-operation, work norms and dynamics of organizational behaviour Organisation change.

Organisational Design : Classical, non-classical and open systems, theories of organization, Centralization, decentralization, delegation, authority and control, Organisation structure, systems and processes, strategies, policies and objectives, Decision making, communication and control. Management information system and role of computer in management.

Economic Environment: National Income, analysis and its use in business forecasting. Trends and structure in Indian Economy, Government programmes and policies. Regulatory policies, monetary, fiscal and planning and the impact of such macropolicies on enterprise decisions and plans — Demand analysis and forecasting, cost analysis, pricing decisions under different market structures — Pricing of joint products and price discrimination —capital budgeting — applications under Indian conditions. Choice of projects and cost benefit analysis, choice of production techniques.

Quantitative Methods: Classifical Optimization : Maximum and minimum of single and several variables; optimization under constraints — Applications. Linear programming; Problems formulation — Graphical solution — Simplex Method Quality — Post optimality analysis —Applications of integral programming and dynamic programming — Formulation of Transportation and assignment Models of linear programming and methods of solutions.

Statistical Methods : Measures of Central tendencies and variations - Application of Binomial, Poison and Normal distributions. Time series - Regression and correlation - Tests of Hypotheses - Decision making under risk; Decision Trees - Expected Monetary Value - Value of Information - Application of Eaye's Theorem to posterior analysis. Decision making under uncertainity. Different criterion for selection optimum strategies.

Paper - II

Section - I Marketing Management

Marketing and Economic Development - Marketing Concept and its applicability to the Indian Economy - Major tasks of management in the context of developing economy - Rural and Urban marketing their prospects and problems. Planning and strategy in the context of domestic and expert marketing - Concept of marketing mix-Market Segmentation and Product differentiations strategies - Consumer Motivation and Behaviour-Consumer Behavioural Models - Product, Brand, distribution; Public distribution system, price and promotion.

Decisions: Planning and control of marketing programmes - marketing research and Models -Sales Organisational dynamics - Marketing Information System. Marketing audit and control. Export incentives and promotional strategies-Role of Government, trade association and individual organization - problems and prospects and export marketing.

Section - II Production and Materials Management

Fundamentals of production from management point of view. Types of manufacturing systems, continuous repetitive, Intermittent. Organising for Production, Longrane, forecast and aggregate Production Planning. Plant Design : Process planning. Plant size and scale of operations, location of plant, layout of physical facilities, Equipment replacement and maintenance. Functions of Production Planning and Control Routing. Loading and Scheduling for different types of production systems. Assembly Line, Balancing, Machine Line Balancing. Role and Importance of material management, Material handling, Value analysis, Quality Control, Waste and Scrap disposal, Make or Buy decision, Cofidication, Standardisation and spare parts inventory, Inventory control-ABC analysis Economic order quantity, Recorder point. Safety work. Two Bin system. Waste management DGS & D purchase process and procedure.

Section - III Financial Management

General tools of Financial Analysis : Ratio Analysis, funds flow analysis, cost-volume — profit analysis, cash budgeting, financial and operating leverage.

Investment Decision: Steps in capital expenditure management, criteria for investment appraisal, cost of capital and its application in public and private sectors. Risk analysis in investment decision, organizational evaluation of capital expenditure management with special reference to India.

Financing Decision: Estimating the firms of financial requirements, financial structure determinations, capital markets, institutional mechanism for funds, with special references to India, security analysis, leasing and sub-contracting.

Working Capital management: Determining the size of working capital, managing the managerial attitude towards risk in working capital, management of cash, inventory and accounts receivables, effects of inflation on working capital management.

Income Determination and Distribution: Internal financing, determination of dividend policy, implication of inflationary tendencies in determining the dividend policy, valuation and dividend policy. Financial management in Public Sector with special refernce to India. Performance budgeting and principles of financial accounting. Systems of management control.

Section — IV Human Resource Management

Characteristics and significance of Human Resources, Personnel Policies —Manpower, Policy and Planning — Recruitment and Selection Technique — Training and Development Promotions and Transfers; Performance Appraisal — Job Evaluation Wage and Salary.

Administration: Employee Morals and Motivation : Conflict Management : Management of Change and Development. Industrial Relations, Economy and Society in India; Worker Profile and Management Styles In India; Trade Unionism in India; Labour Legislation with special reference to Industrial Disputes Act; Payment of Bonus Act; Trade Unions Act; Industrial democracy and Worker's,,particIpation In Management; Collective Bargaining; Conciliation and adjudication; Discipline and Grievances Handling In Industry.

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