Answer: AA code, ALA code, CCC, AACR-I
Answer: AA code, ALA code, CCC, AACR-I
(a) Stamping the date slip
(b) Identification of borrower
(c) Slipping the book card in reader’s ticket
(d) Arrange cards in juxta position
Codes :Answer: (b), (c), (a), (d)
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(a) National Knowledge Resource Consortium
(b) IIM Library Consortium
(c) Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture
(d) INDEST-AICTE Consortium
Codes :Answer: (b), (d), (c), (a)
Answer: Digital repository
Answer: e-Acharya
Answer: The Standing Conference on National and University Libraries
Answer: Controlled vocabulary
Answer: Initiation
Answer: Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation
Answer: Ownership is automatic
Answer: UNESCO
Answer: General