Answer: NISSAT
Answer: P.S. Sivaswamy Aiyer
Answer: All through
Answer: 16 digits
Answer: ∆
Answer: Section
Answer: Two variables move in the same direction
Answer: M.B. Eisenberg and R.E. Berkowitz
(a) Excludes musical scores
(b) First appeared in 1951
(c) Classified part follows CC, but DDC numbers assigned at the bottom
(d) The main entries are in Roman Script
Code :Answer: (b) and (c) are correct
a) Copyright
(b) Patent
(c) Bandwidth
(d) Trademark
Code :Answer: (a), (b) and (d) are correct
(a) University of Delhi
(b) University of Madras
(c) University of London
(d) University of Pittsburgh
Code :Answer: (a) and (d) are correct
(a) Asian Recorder
(b) Data India
(c) India; a reference annual
(d) Statistical Abstract, India
Code :Answer: (a) and (b) are correct