Answer:Promotional pricing
Answer:Promotional pricing
Statement – II : A company may run multiple ad campaigns at the same time, each emphasizing different aspects of its brand and service.
Answer: Both Statements – I and II are correct.
Answer: An automated carwash
Answer: Gang process chart
Answer: Sampling plan
Answer:Hurwicz criterion
Answer:The probability of success on any trial is equal to the probability of failure.
Statement – II : The product of coefficient of correlation between X and Y variables and the ratio between standard deviation of X variable to standard deviation of Y variable measures the slope of the regression line of X on Y variable.
Codes :Answer:Both the Statements are correct
Statement – II : When a sampling distribution of mean is prepared by taking small sized samples from a normally distributed population, the distribution takes the shape of normal distribution.
Codes :Answer:Both the Statements are correct
Reasoning (R) : One of the important limitations to utilize the foreign capital is the absorptive capacity of the recipient country.
Codes :Answer:(A) and (R) both are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(a) When an organization’s survival is threatened and it is not competing effectively, retrenchment strategies are often needed.
(b) Turnaround strategy is used when an organization is performing well but has not yet reached a critical stage.
(c) Divestment strategy involves selling the business or setting it up as a separate corporation.
(d) Liquidation strategy involves closure of business which is no longer profitable.
Codes :Answer:Only (a), (c) and (d) are correct
Statement – II : A “Star” is the market leader in a high-growth market, but it does not necessarily provide much cash.
Answer:Both the Statements are correct
Answer:Business strategy
Answer:Administrative entrepreneurship