Cell Membrane MCQs | Cell Membrane Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

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1 Which of the following is the simplest amino acid?
A Glycine
B Alanine
C Aspergine
D Tyrosine

Answer: Glycine
2 Polythene chromosomes are found due to?
A Mitosis
B Endomixes
C Endomitosis
D Meiosis

Answer: Endomitosis
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3 r-RNA is synthesized by __________
A Cytoplasm
B Golgi body
C Nucleolus
D Nucleus

Answer: Nucleolus
4 Glycocalyx is associated with ___________
A Cell wall
B Plasma membrane
C Nucleus
D Ribosomes

Answer: Plasma membrane
5 Detoxification of lipid drugs and other harmful compounds in ER is carried out by?
A Cytochrome P450
B Cytochrome bf
C Cytochrome D
D Cytochrome F

Answer: Cytochrome P450
6 Digestive enzymes are present in __________
A Liposomes
B Lysosomes
C Ribosome
D Mitochondria

Answer: Lysosomes
7 Which among the following is known as mitoplast?
A Mitochondria without outer membrane
B Mitochondria without inner membrane
C Mitochondria without membranes
D None Of The Above

Answer: Mitochondria without outer membrane
8 Cell drinking is ____________
A Exocytosis
B Endocytosis
C Pinocytosis
D Phagocytosis

Answer: Pinocytosis
9 Centrioles take part in the formation of ___________
A Cell plate
B Spindle
C Nucleus
D None of the Above

Answer: Spindle
10 Who discovered cell in 1665?
A Robert Hook
B Robert Crook
C David Thomson
D Marie Francois

Answer: Robert Hook
11 Name the process in which the ingestion of material by the cells is done through the plasma membrane?
A Egestion
B Diffusion
C Osmosis
D Endocytosis

Answer: Endocytosis
12 Which among the following sentence is not correct about the organelles?
A They are found in all Eukaryotic cells
B They are found in multicellular organisms
C They coordinate to produce the cell
D They are small sized and mostly internal

Answer: They are found in multicellular organisms
13 Name the process in which the membrane of a vesicle can fuse with the plasma membrane and extrude its contents to the surrounding medium?
A Exocytosis
B Endocytosis
C Osmosis
D Diffusion

Answer: Exocytosis
14 Blue green Algae are:
A Prokaryotes
B Eukaryotes
C Both a) and b)
D Neither a) nor b)

Answer: Prokaryotes
15 The jelly like substance present inside the cell is known as:
A Cytoplasm
B Ectoplasm
C Nucleoplasm
D None of the above

Answer: Cytoplasm
16 Name an organism which contains single chromosome and cell division occurs through fission or budding?
A Eukaryotes
B Prokaryotes
C Bacteria
D None of the above

Answer: Prokaryotes
17 Name the process in which the passage of water goes from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration through a semi permeable membrane?
A Diffusion
B Osmosis
C Both a) and b)
D Neither a) nor b)

Answer: Osmosis
18 Name the outer most boundary of the cell?
A Plasma membrane
B Cytoplasm
C Nuclear membrane
D None of the above

Answer: Plasma membrane
19 Name an Organelle which serves as a primary packaging area for molecules that will be distributed throughout the cell?
A Mitochondria
B Plastids
C Golgi apparatus
D Vacuole

Answer: Golgi apparatus
20 Amyloplasts are articles storing _________
A Fats
B Proteins
C Lipids
D Starch

Answer: Starch
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