Ecosystem MCQs | Ecosystem Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

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1 Through, which of the following, energy enters in an ecosystem?
A Herbivores
B Producer
C Decomposer
D Primary producers

2 Why is algae placed in first place of food chain?
A Algae is first to synthesize food
B Algae is first to consume food
C Every living organism can utilize food
D None of the given

Answer: Algae is first to synthesize food
3 In which of the following wheat eating pegions included ?
A Decomposer
B Primary consumer
C primary producers
D secondary consumer

Answer: Primary consumer
4 which of the following is placed in upper most (highest) level of ecological pyramids.
A Herbivores
B Carnivors
C Primary and Secondary Producers
D Primary and Secondary consumer

5 As we proceed in food chain, bio-mass
A Remain Same
B Decreases
C Increases
D Initially same and later keep decreasing

Answer: Decreases
6 In ecosystem the source of energy is
B Sun
C The Green plant
D Sugar

Answer:The Green plant
7 Who is primary consumer of biotic community ?
A Herbivores/ Grazing animal
B Omnivores
C Scavengers
D Carnivores

Answer:Herbivores/ Grazing animal
8 In which of the following weeds are placed?
A Primary producers
B Secondary consumer
C Primary consumer
D Decomposer

Answer:Primary producers
9 When does the energy flow start in an ecosystem ?
A When material cycle starts
B When sun rises
C When any living organism gain food
D When light energy is converted in chemical energy

Answer:When sun rises
10 Which of the following option is correct for storage place phosphorus and nitrogen respectively?
A Consumer
B Parental rock and environment
C Environment and producers
D Environment and parental rock

Answer: Parental rock and environment
11 Which of the following is trophic level of the orchid staying on mango tree?
A First
B Tertiary/ Third
C Second
D Fourth

Answer: First
12 Which age group in pyramid indicate less reproductive potential?
A Bell shaped
B Triangular
C Inverted Bell shaped
D All of them have equal (same) potential

Answer: Inverted Bell shaped
13 It is correct for ecosystem
A (Plants, Animals, Microorganisms) + Abiotic environment
B Community formed by various species present in a particular region
C Animal, plants and micro- organisms
D Abiotic factors

Answer: (Plants, Animals, Microorganisms) + Abiotic environment
14 What is the original source of energy for the living organisms?
A Carbohydrate
B Sun light
D Lipid

Answer:Sun light
15 In which of the following curd eating people are included?
A Producer
B First
C Tertory
D Second

Answer: Producer
16 The functional efficiency of ecosystem is effected when decomposers are removed from it, because
A Energy flow will stop
B Rest components decomposition will become faster
C Herbivors will not get sun light
D Flow of nutrient will stop

Answer:Flow of nutrient will stop
17 From which of the following detritus food chain will start ?
A Algae
B Bacteria
C Protozoa
D Virus

18 Which of the following is gaseous cycle?
(1) Sulphur cycle
(3) Phosphorous cycle
(2) Carbon cycle
(4) Nitrogen cycle
A 1
B 1,2
C 3, 4
D 1,3,4

Answer:3, 4
19 At Each trophic level, in which form energy is lost ?
A Heat
B Chemical
C Light
D None

20 Which Source of eutrophication is the modern source of phosphorus ?
A Detergent
B Fertilizer
C Faecal of animal
D Rivers

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