Mechatronics Test Quiz | Mechatronics Test Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) & Answers

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

Awards & Honours GK Questions 2024 (Latest Updated)

1 Arrange the following components of temperature measurement system according to measurement system Hot body, Display system, Thermocouple, Amplifier and converter
A Hot body----Display system-----Thermocouple-----Amplifier and converter
B Hot body----Amplifier and converter-----Thermocouple-----Display system
C Hot body----Thermocouple-----Amplifier and converter-----Display system
D Display system-----Hot body----Thermocouple-----Amplifier and converter

Answer: Hot body----Thermocouple-----Amplifier and converter-----Display system
2 The characteristic that provides an output with respect to the relation with the input is called as ___________
A calibration of a system
B response of a system
C characteristic relation of a system
D instrumentation of a system

Answer: response of a system
3 The study of relationship between the input and output, when the input is invariant with respect to time is called as_____
A static characteristics of instruments
B dynamic characteristics of instruments
C variable characteristics of instruments
D none of the above

Answer: static characteristics of instruments
4 The process of establishment of a relationship between the input to the instrument and output from the instrument is called as_____
A static sensitivity
B static characterization
C static accuracy
D static calibration

Answer: static calibration
5 ________ is the curve plotted between input and output by giving known inputs to an instrument and obtaining corresponding outputs.
A characteristic curve
B accuracy curve
C calibration curve
D sensitivity curve

Answer: calibration curve
6 The displacement of a mass attached to a spring in mechanical system is corresponding to _______ in the electrical system
A inductance
B resistance
C capacitance
D current

Answer: current
7 Which of the following statements are true for block diagrams?

1. Block diagrams are the pictorial representation of the system

2. The complicated systems can be easily represented by connecting different blocks

3. Block diagram represents the relationship between input and output of the system

A Statements (1) and (2)
B Statements (2) and (3)
C Statements (1) and (3)
D Statements (1), (2) and (3)

Answer: Statements (1), (2) and (3)
8 A corresponding block of an element is drawn by inserting ________ of that element inside the block.
A the value of corresponding input
B a transfer function
C the value of corresponding output
D the name

Answer: a transfer function
9 If the value of error increases, the changing speed of controller output __________.
A increases
B decreases
C remains constant
D cannot say

Answer: remains constant
10 The range of control of controller __________ due to presence of offset.
A increases
B decreases
C remains constant
D cannot say

Answer: decreases
11 Shifting of set point and adjusting its new value by the controller, when the value of disturbance increases, is called as_______.
A set-shift
B offset
C stabilization
D none of the above

Answer: offset
12 Which of the following is/are the drawback/s of proportional control?

1. Proportional control system is complicated and costly.

2. Proportional control system is not suitable for pressure temperature and flow control problems

3. If there are sudden disturbance, the proportional control system takes time to stabilize.

A (1)
B (2)
C (3)
D (1), (2) and (3)

Answer: (3)
13 __________ is the time required for the response to reach 50% of the final value in the first attempt.
A Rise time
B Peak time
C Settling time
D Delay time

Answer: Delay time
14 If the frequency of the input signal to a system is increased, the amplitude of the output _______.
A start reducing
B start increasing
C be remain constant
D be unpredictable

Answer: start reducing
15 In all cases of input frequency, if the gain starts reducing, the phase angle will _______.
A start reducing
B start increasing
C be remain constant
D be unpredictable

Answer: start reducing
16 What is the ratio of amplitude of response to that of the input called?
A Response
B Gain
C Phase
D Frequency

Answer: Gain
17 Which method is used for stability analysis?
A Nyquisit criteria
B Root locus method
C Routh Hurwitz criteria
D All of the above

Answer: All of the above
18 When ___________ contacts are actuated, they disrupt the power supply through them.
A normally open type
B normally closed type
C both a. and b.
D None of the above

Answer: normally closed type
19 The type of memory which is fast and temporarily stores the data which are immediately required for use is called as______.

Answer: RAM
20 How is the speed of operation of conventional relay system as compared to digital controllers?
A very slow
B very fast
C same
D almost similar

Answer: very slow