Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQs | Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

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1 Oxygen containing carotenoids are
A Carotenes
B Xanthophylls
C Phycobilins
D Anthocyanins

2 Oxygen liberated during photosynthesis comes from
B Glucose
D Fructose

Answer: H2O
3 P700 is a special from of which pigment
A Chlorophyll-b
B Carotenes
C Chlorophyll-a
D Phycobilins

Answer: Chlorophyll-a
4 Path of dark reaction of photosynthesis was traced through the use of
A 32P
B 14CO2
C 18O2
D X-rays

Answer: 14CO2
5 In the calvin cycle, the assimilatory power is used during
A Formation of PGA
B Conversion of PGA to PGAL
C Formation of fructose 1-6 diphsophate from PGAL
D Formation of glucose from fructose – di- phosphate

Answer: Conversion of PGA to PGAL
6 Unidirectional flow of e- in non-cyclic photophosphorylation is
A PS II — e- —> PS I — e- —> NADP — e- —> water
B Water — e- —> PSII — e- —> PS I — e- —> NADP
C PS I — e- —> NADP — e- —> water — e- —> PS II
D Water — e- —> PS I — e- —> PS II — e- —> NADP

Answer: Water — e- —> PSII — e- —> PS I — e- —> NADP
7 Which is sensitive to longer wavelength of light?
A Photolysis
D Photophosphorylation

Answer: PSI
8 Phytol tail is present at
A 3rd carbon of IInd ring
B 2nd carbon of IIIrd ring
C 7th carbon of IVth ring
D 3rd carbon of IVth ring

Answer:3rd carbon of IVth ring
9 Reduction of co-enzyme NADP depends on
A Reduction of CO2
B Evolution of O2
C Photolysis of water
D Formation of ATP

Answer:Photolysis of water
10 Loculus is the internal space of
A Grana
B Stroma
C Thylakoid
D Quantasome

Answer: Thylakoid
11 Calvins cycle involves
A Oxidative phosphorylation
B Oxidative carboxylation
C Reductive carboxylation
D Reductive phophorylation

Answer: Reductive carboxylation
12 In C4 plants, carboxylation is twice, it can be represented as
A Pyruvic acid + CO2 malic acid + CO2
B RUDP + CO2 and pyruvic acid + CO2
C PEPA + CO2 and RUDP + CO2
D PEPA + CO2 and malic acid + CO2

Answer:PEPA + CO2 and RUDP + CO2
13 In non-cyclic photophosphorylation, all the participants acts as electron donor and acceptor except
A Chl-a of PS I
B Chl-a of PS II
D Both (A) and (B)

Answer: NADP
14 Which of the following protist is a photoautotroph
A Thiobacillus
B Ferrobacillus
C Diatoms
D Chlorobium

Answer: Diatoms
15 Photosynthesis occurs in
A Chloroplast
B Golgi body
C Endoplasmic reticulum
D Nucleus

Answer: Chloroplast
16 The optimum temperature for photosynthesis is
A 25-35℃
B 10-15℃
C 35-40℃
D 20-25℃

17 Photorespiration occurs in
A Four cell organelles
B Two cell organelles
C One cell organelle
D Three cell organelle

Answer: Three cell organelle
18 Reduction of NADP occurs in
A Oxidative photophosphorylation
B Cyclic photophosphorylation
C Non-cyclic photophosphorylation
D None

Answer: Non-cyclic photophosphorylation
19 Kranz anatomy is found in the leaves of
A Wheat
B Mustard
C Potato
D Sugarcane

Answer: Sugarcane
20 Peroxisomes are involved in which type of reactions
A Calvin cycle
B Glyoxylate cycle
C Glycolate cycle
D Bacterial photosynthesis

Answer: Glycolate cycle