Plant Physiology MCQs | Plant Physiology Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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1 Transpiration is least in
A good soil moisture
B high wind velocity
C dry environment
D high atmospheric humidity

Answer: high atmospheric humidity
2 Phenyl mercuric acetate (PMA) results in
A reduced transpiration
B (a*e)=(a+e)
C reduced respiration
D killing of plants

Answer: reduced transpiration
3 Movement of leaves of sensitive plant, Mimosa pudica are due to
A thermonasty
B seismonasty
C hydrotropism
D chemonasty

Answer: seismonasty
4 Gibberellins promote
A seed germination
B seed dormancy
C leaf fall
D root elongation

Answer: seed germination
5 Cut or excised leaves remain green for long if induced to root or dipped in
A gibberellins
B cytokinins
C auxins
D ethylene

Answer: cytokinins
6 Hormone primarily connected with cell division is
C cytokinin/zeatin
D gibberellic acid

Answer: cytokinin/zeatin
7 Carbon dioxide joins the photosynthetic pathway in
C light reaction
D dark reaction

Answer: dark reaction
8 NADP+ is reduced to NADPH in
C Calvin cycle
D noncyclic photophosphorylation

Answer: noncyclic photophosphorylation
9 Phosphorous and nitrogen ions generally get depeleted in soil because they usually occur as
A neutral ions
B negatively charged ions
C positively charged ions
D both positively and negatively charged but disproportionate mixture

Answer: negatively charged ions
10 Which one is an essential mineral, not constituent of any enzyme but stimulates the activity of many enzymes
A Zn
B Mn
D Mg

Answer: K
11 Which one increases in the absence of light?
A uptake of minerals
B uptake of water
C elongation of internodes
D ascent of sap

Answer: elongation of internodes
12 Mowing grass lawn facilities better maintenance because
A wounding stimulates regeneration
B removal of apical dominance and stimulation of intercalary meristem
C removal of apical dominance
D removal of apical dominance and promotion of lateral meristem

Answer: removal of apical dominance and stimulation of intercalary meristem
13 Leaf fall can be prevented with the help of
A abscisic acid
B auxins
C florigen
D cytokinins

Answer: cytokinins
14 Which of the following hormones can replace vernalisation?
A auxin
B cytokinin
C gibuerellins
D ethylene

Answer: gibuerellins
15 Differentiation of shoot is controlled by
A high auxin : cytokinin ratio
B high cytokinin : auxin ratio
C high gibberellin : auxin ration
D high gibberellin : cytokinin ratio

Answer: high cytokinin : auxin ratio
16 Stomata of CAM plants
A are always open
B open during the day and close at night
C open during the night and close during the day
D never open

Answer: open during the night and close during the day
17 Which element is located at the centre of the porphyrin ring in chlorophyll?
A calcium
B magnesium
C potassium
D manganese

Answer: magnesium
18 Which of the following is not caused by deficiency of mineral nutrition?
A etiolation
B shortening of internode
C necrosis
D none of these

Answer: etiolation
19 What will be the effect on phytochrome in a plant subjected to continuous red light?
A phytochrome synthesis will increase
B level of phytochrome will decrease
C phytochrome will be destroyed
D first (b) then (a)

Answer: first (b) then (a)
20 If a tree flowers thrice in a year (Oct., Jan. and July) in Northern India, it is said to be
A photo and thermo-insensitive
B photo and thermo-sensitive
C photosensitive but thermo-insensitive
D thermosensitive but photo-insensitive

Answer: photo and thermo-insensitive