Radiology Quiz | Radiology Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

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61 Contrast used in liver scan is
A Biligraffin
B 1131 Rose Bengal
C Gallium 238
D Thallium 201

Answer: 1131 Rose Bengal
62 Calcification in Heart Wall is suggestive of
A Scleroderma
B Carcinoid Syndrome
C Fibroelastosis
D Endomyocardial ibrosis

Answer: Carcinoid Syndrome
63 IVP is done using
A Conray240
B Conray380
C Calcified pineal gland
D Pituitary adenoma

Answer: Calcified pineal gland
64 Suprasellar calcification is seen in
A Craniopharyngioma
B Meningioma
C Conray480
D Conray 540

Answer: Craniopharyngioma
65 Ultrasonogram is not useful in
A CBD stones at the distal end of the CBD
B Breast cyst
C Ascites
D Full Bladder

Answer: CBD stones at the distal end of the CBD
66 In nephrogram, one sees
A Renal capillaries
B Renal pelvis
C Only renal cortex
D Collecting tubules

Answer: Collecting tubules
67 The characteristic X-ray feature of Pancoast tumour is
A Coin shadow
B Apical consolidation
C Apical mass lesion with erosion of neck of 1 & 2 ribs
D Hilar mass

Answer: Apical mass lesion with erosion of neck of 1 & 2 ribs
68 Hydrocephalus in children, first seen is
A Sutural diastesis
B Post clinoid erosion
C Large head
D Thinned out vault

Answer: Post clinoid erosion
69 The following is not true of MRI
A Imaging perfusion of brain
B Superior to CT scan for bone scanning
C Blood vessels visualized without contrast
D presence of Hydrogen ions

Answer: Imaging perfusion of brain
70 In the plain film of the abdomen small bowel obstruction can be diagnosed by
A Central location
B Volvulae connivantes can be made out
C In the erect film, air fluid levels
D All of the above

Answer: All of the above
71 In a case of renal failure with total anuria, ultrasound was found to be normal. Next line of investigation is
A Retrograde pyelography
C Anterograde pyelography
D DTPA renogram

Answer: IVP
72 Which of the following is the best test for screening a case of proximal internal carotid artery stenosis
A Digital subtraction angiography
B Magnetic resonance angiography
C colour Doppler ultrasonography
D CT angiogram

Answer: colour Doppler ultrasonography
73 Obliteration of Left heart border in PA chest X-ray is suggestive of
A Lingular pathology
B Left upper lobe lesion
C Left hilar lymph nodes
D Left lower lobe lesion

Answer: Lingular pathology
74 Hilar dance on fluoroscopy is seen in

Answer: ASD
75 Radiologically appreciable earliest sign of osteomyelitis is
A Loss of muscle and fat planes
B Periosteal reaction
C Callus formation
D Presence of sequestrum

Answer: Loss of muscle and fat planes
76 Newborn Chest x-ray with Respiratory distress shows multiple air containing lesions in Left Hemithorax and mediastinal shift is suggestive of
A Neonatal emphysema
B Diaphragmatic hernia
C Pneumatocele
D congential lung fcysts

Answer: Diaphragmatic hernia
77 Bull’s eye lesion in ultrasonography is seen in
A Candidiasis
B Aspergillosis
C Sporotrichosis
D Cryptococcosis

Answer: Candidiasis
78 The most common cause of spontaneous pneumothorax is
A Rupture of subpleural blebs
B Pulmonary tuberculosis
C Bronchial adenoma
D Bronchogenic carcinoma

Answer: Rupture of subpleural blebs
79 Best diagnostic procedure in acute pancreatitis is
A CT Scan
B Ultrasound
C M. R. I.
D Pipida scan

Answer: CT Scan
80 Isotope used in myocardial perfusion scan is
A Technetium
B Thallium
C Stannous pyrophosphate
D Gallium

Answer: Thallium
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