Radiology Quiz | Radiology MCQs and Answers

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

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81 ‘H’shaped vertebra is seen in
A Phenylketonuria
B Sickle cell anemia
C Hemangioma
D Osteoporosis

Answer: Sickle cell anemia
82 The investigation of choice in acute renal failure with complete anuria and normal USG
A Renal angiography
D Retrograde pyelography

Answer: DPTA
83 Stryker’s view is used in shoulder joint to visualize
A Muscle calcification
B Recurrent subluxation
C Sub acromial calcification
D Bicipital groove

Answer: Recurrent subluxation
84 Radiological signs of perforated viscus include
A Gas under the dome of the diagphram
B Falciform ligament is visualized
C Air surrounding the bowel is present
D All of the above

Answer: All of the above
85 Pulmonary embolism is best diagnosed by
B Perfusion scan
C Angiography
D Plain X-ray

Answer: Angiography
86 Investigation of choice to diagnose sub arachnoid haemorrhage
A MRI angiography
B 4 vessel carotid angiography
C CT scan
D T2 wave MR

Answer: 4 vessel carotid angiography
87 Investigation of choice for Multiple sclerosis
B CT Scan
C X-ray

Answer: MRI
88 Parasites that may show calcification on radiographs include
A Cysticercosis
B Guinea worm
C Amoebiasis
D Loa Loa

Answer: Cysticercosis
89 The cause of homogenous opacity on X-ray is all except
A Pleural effusion
B Diaphragmatic Hernia
C Massive consolidation
D Emphysema

Answer: Emphysema
90 Retroperitoneal air is not manifested by air along
A Psoas margins
B Perinephric area
C Along spleen
D Adrenals

Answer: Along spleen
91 Water lilly appearance in chest X-ray is suggestive of
A Bronchiectasis
B Bronchopleural fistula
C Hydatid cyst
D Sequestration cyst lung

Answer: Hydatid cyst
92 The photosensitive material used in X-rays films consists of
A Cellulite
B Silver bromide
C Zinc sulphide
D Cadmium tungstate

Answer: Silver bromide
93 Best method of detecting minimal bronchiectasis is
A Abscess
B Dental cyst
C Dentigerous cyst
D Radio nuclide lung scan

Answer: Dentigerous cyst
94 Radiolucent munilocular cyst of the body of mandible is
A Abscess
B Adamantinoma
C Dentigerous cyst
D Adamantinoma

Answer: Adamantinoma
95 Parallel shotgun appearance on ultrasound is seen in
A Portal hypertension
B Biliary ascariasis
C Obstructive jaundice
D Sclerosing cholangitis

Answer: Obstructive jaundice
96 Investigation of choice to demonstrate vesico ureteric reflex
B Ultra sound
C contrast MCU
D Cystoscopy

Answer: contrast MCU
97 The number of carpal bones seen in a radiograph of an infant is
A 0
B 5
C 3
D 2

Answer: 3
98 Best position for chest X-ray to detect Left Pleural effusion is
A Left lateral
B Supine
C Left lateral decubitus
D Right lateral decubitus

Answer: Left lateral decubitus
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