Secondary Education in India MCQs | Secondary Education in India General Awareness Questions and Answers

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1 9th to 12th grades must be under the control of __________.
A Higher Educational Board
B Secondary Educational Board
C Primary Board
D Elementary Educational Board

Answer: Secondary Educational Board
2 Teachers teaching 6th to 10th grade students,are liable to work for ______ days a year.
A 125
B 415
C 225
D None

Answer: 225
3 Teachers who give good performance must be awarded with medals by ________.
A Institute
B Principal
C President and Governor
D Prime Minster

Answer: President and Governor
4 It is compulasory to work for 225 days per an academic year that is______hours.
A 1500
B 1600
C 1270
D None of these

Answer: 1600
5 From ______ grade religious studies must be Compulsory but later it should be considered as an Elective subject.
A 7th to 9th
B 6th to 12th
C 6th to 8th
D None Of These

Answer: 6th to 8th
6 English should not be taught as Literature but as ______language.
A Compulsory
B Practical
C Elective
D None of these

Answer: Practical
7 For the countries solidarity, it is very important to generate ______ in students.
A Responsibility
B Need for education
C Awareness
D Patriotism

Answer: Patriotism
8 The Secondary Education is needed to be given individual and ______ importance.
A Special
B High
C Elementary
D Secondary

Answer: Elementary
9 How do we get knowledge and how can we be sure it is true and not error? This area of philosophy is called
A Epistemology
B Neurology
C Beyond Philosophy
D None of the above

Answer: Epistemology
10 Rama Krishna Mission was founded by
A Swami Dayanand
B Guru Nanak Dev
C Swami Vivekanand
D None of these

Answer: Swami Vivekanand
11 The concept of totalitarian education in the West was in favour of
A Treating education as a binding factor of international understanding
B The education of the individual for development of his total personality
C Making the state responsible to evolve education as a means of satisfying individual’s needs and interests
D Making the education of the individual as an instrument for realising the ends of the state

Answer: Making the education of the individual as an instrument for realising the ends of the state
12 Who formed Brahmo Samaj
A Raja Ram Mohan Roy
B Guru Nanak
C Ramanand
D None of these

Answer: Raja Ram Mohan Roy
13 “The affection brought about a lossening up of the rigidity of Hindu Society and has been an admirable modern influence on Hindu thought” said by
A Raja Ram Mohan Roy
B Swami Vivekanand
C Swami Dayanand
D None of these

Answer: Swami Vivekanand
14 The right to free and compulsory education for children between age group of 6 to 14 has been inserted in Indian Constitution as
A Article 21A
B Article 46
C Article 16
D None of these

Answer: Article 21A
15 DIET stands for
A District Institute of Educational Technology
B District Institute of Elementary Teachers
C District Institute of Education and Training
D District Institute of Elementary Training

Answer: District Institute of Elementary Teachers
16 As per the NCTE norms the man power required for starting up M.Ed. with a strength of 25 students is
A 1 + 3
B 1 + 4
C 1 + 2
D 1 + 9

Answer: 1 + 4
17 Who have signed MOU for recognition of Teacher Education in Special Education Programme in India?
D None of these

Answer: RCI and NCTE
18 VEC under SSA stands for
A Village Enabling Council
B tVillage Environment Committee
C Village Education Committee
D None of the above

Answer: Village Education Committee
19 In which year IGNOU was established?
A 1985
B 1996
C 2007
D None of the above

Answer: 1985
20 The meaning of Universalisation of Primary Education is to provide
A Education to all
B Free and compulsory education to the children of 6 – 14 years age
C Education to all girls children
D All above

Answer: Free and compulsory education to the children of 6 – 14 years age
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