Secondary Education in India MCQs | Secondary Education in India Objective Type Questions and Answers

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21 The first Committee to be constituted after independence by the Government of India on Women’s Education was
A Dr. Radhakrishnan Commission
B Dr. Durgabai Deshmukh Committee
C The Mudaliar Commission
D None of these

Answer: Dr. Durgabai Deshmukh Committee
22 MOOC stands for
A Massive Open Online Course
B Massive Online Objective Course
C Massive Online Open Course
D None of these

Answer: Massive Open Online Course
23 Schools established on__________basis,must be registered.
A Educational
B Economical
C Commercial
D Mercantile

Answer: Commercial
24 Government should make_________responsible to allot land for schools.
A Developmental Authority
B Provincial Authority
C Divisional Authority
D Secondary Educational Board

Answer: Developmental Authority
25 For the guidance of teachers they should take______by and by that would introduce new teaching methodologies to them.
A Teaching Courses
B Refresher Courses
C Vocational Courses
D None Of These

Answer: Refresher Courses
26 In exams 75% marks should be allotted to _____ and remaining 25% Should be given according to the performance and punctuality at school.
A Respective institute
B Students
C Board and University
D None of these

Answer: Board and University
27 Until and unless the primary education is not extended to 8th class,the Secondary Education has to be divided into two classes,namely.
A Elementary and Secondary Education
B Primary and Secondary Education
C Secondary and Higher Secondary Education
D None of these

Answer: Secondary and Higher Secondary Education
28 One of the objectives of the Secondary Education is to encourage the individuals to struggle for the social_____of the country.
A Expansion
B Development
C Training
D None of these

Answer: Development
29 For which class of people secondary schools are recommended to be constructed?
A Higher Class
B Middle Class
C Upper Class
D None of the above

Answer: Middle Class
30 The statement by the then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi that a new education would made so as to “Prepare Indians for the 21st Century in the year
A 1996
B 1985
C 1987
D None of these

Answer: 1985
31 All levels of education are provided from the nursery to the University stage in
A Brahmo Samaj
B Shantiniketan
C Ashram at Pondicherry
D None of these

Answer: Ashram at Pondicherry
32 Following attributes would correctly define learning
A Understanding, imagination and workmanship
B Belief, creativity, and endurance
C Change of behaviour, practice and experience
D None of these

Answer: Belief, creativity, and endurance
33 Vivekanand was a
A Religious guru
B Poet
C Philosopher
D All of the above

Answer: All of the above
34 Annie Besant inspired the opening of schools in many cities in
A End of nineteenth century
B End twentieenth century
C Early nineteenth century
D None of these

Answer: End of nineteenth century
35 Tagore was a
A Poet
B Philosopher
C Both a & b
D None of these

Answer: Poet
36 ERIC which sponsors research projects in education is a unit of
D All of the above

Answer: NCERT
37 The mid-day meal programme for Pr. Schools was initiated with a view to
A Involve community
B Increase the employment
C Increase enrolment
D None of these

Answer: Increase enrolment
38 Children must be given education,according to the __________.
A Traditions
B Customs
C Islamic Standards
D None of the above

Answer: Islamic Standards
39 How many grant the Government should give to the institutes consisting on building and staff?
A 50%
B 20%
C 10%
D None of the above

Answer: 20%
40 ____ must be taught Agricultural Economics and arts.
A Girls
B Boys
C Women
D All above

Answer: Girls