Soil Science Quiz | Soil Science Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

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1 Microorganism involve in conversion from nitrite to nitrate
A Nitrosomonas
B NitrobactorMore
C Pseudomonas
D Bacillus

Answer: Nitrobactor
2 Denitrification is a process of ______
A Oxidation
B Reduction
C Hydration
D Carbonation

Answer: Reduction
3 Immobilization of sulphur occur in soil when C:S ratio is _____
A < 300:1
B > 300:1
C > 400:1
D > 200:1

Answer: > 400:1
4 Base saturation in lateritic soil
A < 40 %
B > 40%
C < 20%
D > 20%

Answer: > 40%
5 Hydrogen bond found in which clay mineral
A Kaolinite
B Montmorillonite
C Vermiculite
D Beidelite

Answer: Kaolinite
6 Mica is a type of clay mineral
A 1:1
B 2:1
C 2:1:1
D None of the above

Answer: 2:1
7 Which plant is used for indication of permanent wilting point?
A Safflower
B Sunflower
C Marigold
D None of the above

Answer: Sunflower
8 The central cation on silica tetrahedron is _____
A Al3+
B Si4+
C Fe2+
D None of the above

Answer: Si4+
9 Soil colloidal particle shows the phenomena
A Plasticity
B Adhesion and cohesion
C Flocculation
D All of the above

Answer: All of the above
10 Available water held between
A Saturation to wilting point
B Field capacity to hygroscopic coefficient
C Only field capacity
D Field capacity to wilting point

Answer: Field capacity to wilting point
11 pF scale for Field capacity is _____
A 2
B 2.5
C 3.5
D 4.5

Answer: 2.5
12 In munsell colour chart hue 10 represents as ______
A Red
B Black
C Grey
D Yellow

Answer: Yellow
13 Which organic fraction not soluble in both acid and alkali
A Fulvic
B Humic
C Humin
D All the above

Answer: Humin
14 The phenomenon slickenside found in which soil
A Inceptisol
B Vertisol
C Gelisol
D Spodosol

Answer: Vertisol
15 The conversion factor for calculating P from P2O5
A P2O5 x 2.29
B P x 0.44
C P x 2.29
D P2O5 x 0.44

Answer: P2O5 x 0.44
16 Rock phosphate has P2O5
A 10-20%
B 20-40%
C 30-50 %
D 20-30%

Answer: 20-40%
17 Maximum N content found in N fertilizer
A Urea
B Anhydrous ammonia
C Sodium nitrate
D Ammonium sulphate

Answer: Anhydrous ammonia
18 Which fertilizer produce acidity in soil?
A Ammonium sulfate
B Sodium nitrate
C Calcium ammonium nitrate
D Calcium nitrate

Answer: Ammonium sulfate
19 Phosphorus uptake in alkali soil in the form of _____
A H2PO4–
B HPO42–
C PO43–

Answer: PO43–
20 Hue denotes
A Dominant spectrum
B Lightness or brightness
C Purity
D Intensity

Answer: Dominant spectrum