Virus MCQs | Virus Short Questions(MCQs) & Answers

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

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41 A chemical component that is found in all viruses is:
A Protein
B Lipid

Answer: Protein
42 Cowpea virus belongs to which of the following group of viruses?
A Comovirus
B Dianthovirus
C Cucumovirus
D Carlavirus

Answer: Comovirus
43 Enterovirus belongs to which of the following family of viruses?
A Tymovirus
B Picornaviridae
C Reoviridae
D Closterovirus

Answer: Picornaviridae
44 Viruses that can remain latent (usually in neurons) for many years are most likely:
A Togaviruses
B Herpesviruses
C Enteroviruses
D Rhinoviruses

Answer: Herpesviruses
45 Bacteriophage are readily counted by the process of:
A Immunoassays
C Plaque assays
D Tissue cell culture

Answer: Plaque assays
46 Which of the following is not an RNA virus?
A Retrovirus
B Enterovirus
C Rhabadovirus
D Adenovirus

Answer: Adenovirus
47 Viruses which infect bacteria are called
A microphages
B bacteriophages
C autophagy
D Congo virus

Answer: bacteriophages
48 Subunits of capsid are called
A capsule
B capsomeres
C centromeres
D centrioles

Answer: capsomeres
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