Deccan Sultanates Questions & Answers | Deccan Sultanates MCQs

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

Awards & Honours GK Questions 2024 (Latest Updated)

1. After victory over Vijaynagara, two of the following states Ahmadnagar, Bijapur and Golconda, claimed Sholapur, the states are:
  1. Ahmadnagar and Bijapur
  2. Golconda and Ahmadnagar
  3. Bijapur and Golconda
  4. None of the above

Answer: Ahmadnagar and Bijapur

2. Which of the following rulers divided his empire into 4 provinces?
  1. Alauddin Bahmanshah
  2. Muhammad Shah I
  3. Tajuddin Firuz Shah
  4. Kaleemullah Shah

Answer: Alauddin Bahmanshah

3. In which of the following year, the Mughal army invaded Khandesh?
  1. 1570
  2. 1576
  3. 1580
  4. 1584

Answer: 1576

4. The powerful zamindars of the time in Deccan region were called as the
  1. Zamindars
  2. Ryots
  3. Deshmukhs
  4. Mansabdars

Answer: Deshmukhs

5. Which of the following cities was sacked by victorious armies after the battle of Talikota?
  1. Vijayanagar
  2. Ahmadnagar
  3. Bijapur
  4. Golconda

Answer: Vijayanagar

6. Which of the following rulers was given the title of “Vali or Saint”?
  1. Alauddin Bahmanshah
  2. Muhammad Shah I
  3. Tajuddin Firoz
  4. Ahmad Shah

Answer: Ahmad Shah

7. Which of the following rulers did not collect Jizya the tax from Hindus?
  1. Alauddin Bahmanshah
  2. Muhammad Shah I
  3. Tajuddin Firuz Shah
  4. Kaleemullah Shah

Answer: Alauddin Bahmanshah

8. Who among the following was the youngest son of Akbar:
  1. Jahangir
  2. Daniyal
  3. Sultan Murad Mirza
  4. Hassan

Answer: Daniyal

9. Consider the following statements regarding the policy of Ibrahim Adil Shah of Bijapur:

I. Ibrahim Adil Shah of Bijapur who ascended the throne in 1555 was the leading advocate of policy of winning over the Marathas to their side.

II. It is said that he entertained 30,000 Maratha auxiliaries (bargis) in his army, and showed great favour to the Marathas in the revenue system.

III. Ibrahim Adil Shah was supposed to have introduced Marathi in revenue accounts at all levels. Advertisement

Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?

  1. Only I
  2. I and II
  3. II and III
  4. All of the above

Answer: All of the above

10. Which of the following rulers was called by Timur Lang as his son?
  1. Alauddin Bahmanshah
  2. Muhammad Shah I
  3. Tajuddin Firuz Shah
  4. Kaleemullah Shah

Answer: Tajuddin Firuz Shah

11. Which of the following rulers made Bidar his capital in place of Gulbarga?
  1. Alauddin Bahmanshah
  2. Muhammad Shah I
  3. Tajuddin Firoz
  4. Ahmad Shah

Answer: Ahmad Shah

12. Kankoji Narsi, one the Maharashtrian Brahmans accorded the title of Peshwa by which of the following rulers:
  1. Bijapur ruler
  2. Ahmadnagara ruler
  3. Awadh ruler
  4. Mughal ruler

Answer: Ahmadnagara ruler

13. The battle of Bannihatti was fought by Deccan Sultanate with:
  1. Mughal Empire
  2. Vijayanagara Empire
  3. Gupta Empire
  4. Maurya Empire

Answer: Vijayanagara Empire

14. In which year the Bahmani kingdom was established?
  1. 1347
  2. 1345
  3. 1330
  4. 1322

Answer: 1347

15. What was the original name of Alauddin Bahman Shah?
  1. Hasan
  2. Zafar Khan
  3. Virbhadra
  4. None of the above

Answer: Hasan

16. Which of the following rulers is known as “Nero and bloodthirsty of the South”?
  1. Alauddin Bahmanshah
  2. Muhammad Shah I
  3. Tajuddin Firoz
  4. Humayun

Answer: Humayun

17. Who was the last ruler of the Bahmani kingdom?
  1. Alauddin Bahmanshah
  2. Muhammad Shah I
  3. Tajuddin Firuz Shah
  4. Kaleemullah Shah

Answer: Kaleemullah Shah

18. During the reign of which of the following rulers Mahmud Gawan came to the Bahmani kingdom?
  1. Alauddin Bahmanshah
  2. Muhammad Shah I
  3. Tajuddin Firoz
  4. Ahmad Shah

Answer: Ahmad Shah

19. Which of the following book was not written by Mahmud Gawan?
  1. Raujat-ul-Insha
  2. Manazir-ul-Insha
  3. Diwan-i-Asra
  4. Amuktamalyada

Answer: Amuktamalyada

20. What was the prime minister called in the Bahmani kingdom?
  1. Vakil-us-Sultanate
  2. Amir-e-Jumla
  3. Wazir-e-Ashraf
  4. None of the above

Answer: Vakil-us-Sultanate

21. What was the highest officer of the army called in the Bahmani kingdom?
  1. Vakil-us-Sultanate
  2. Amir-e-Jumla
  3. Wazir-e-Ashraf
  4. Amir al-umara

Answer: Amir al-umara

22. Consider the following statements regarding the Mughal invasion of Khandesh:

I. The Mughal invasion was led by prince Murad, who was the governor of Gujarat, and by Abdur Rahim Khan-i-Khanan.

II. Due to factional fights among the Ahmadnagar nobles, the Mughals encountered little opposition till they reached the capital, Ahmadnagar.

III. After a close siege of four months in which Chand Bibi played a valiant role, the two sides came to an agreement to cede Berar to the Mughals in return for their recognition of the claim of Bahadur.

Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?

  1. Only I
  2. I and II
  3. II and III
  4. All of the above

Answer: All of the above

23. Who was the founder of the Bahmani kingdom?
  1. Alauddin Bahman Shah
  2. Muhammad Shah I
  3. Tajuddin Firuz Shah
  4. Ahmad shah

Answer: Alauddin Bahman Shah

24. During which of the following rulers did the Russ Traveller Nikitin visit the Bahmani kingdom?
  1. Alauddin Bahmanshah
  2. Muhammad Shah III
  3. Tajuddin Firoz
  4. Humayun

Answer: Muhammad Shah III

25. How many provinces did Mahmud Gawan increase in the Bahmani kingdom?
  1. 8
  2. 10
  3. 12
  4. 5

Answer: 8

26. What was the foreign minister called in the Bahmani kingdom?
  1. Vakil-us-Sultanate
  2. Amir-e-Jumla
  3. Wazir-e-Ashraf
  4. None of the above

Answer: Wazir-e-Ashraf

27. Consider the following states regarding the impact of Mughal’s annexation of Berar in the Deccani states:

I. The Mughal annexation of Berar alarmed the Deccani states and they felt, not without reason, that Berar would give the Mughals a permanent foothold in the Deccan which could be enlarged upon at any time.

II. The Deccani states sided with Ahmadnagar and created obstacles in the Mughals taking possession of Berar.

III. A combined force of Bijapur, Golconda and Ahmadnagar led by a Bijpur commander invaded Berar in strength

Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?

  1. Only I
  2. I and II
  3. II and III
  4. All of the above

Answer: All of the above

28. Which of the following rulers used to earn their living by copying the Quran?
  1. Alauddin Bahmanshah
  2. Muhammad Shah I
  3. Tajuddin Firoz Shah
  4. Kaleemullah Shah

Answer: Tajuddin Firoz Shah

29. Who among the following had the title “Malik-ut-Tujjar”?
  1. Alauddin Bahmanshah
  2. Muhammad Shah III
  3. Tajuddin Firoz
  4. Mahmud Gawan

Answer: Mahmud Gawan

30. Who among the following is the collection of letters “Riyaz-ul-Insha”?
  1. Alauddin Bahmanshah
  2. Muhammad Shah III
  3. Tajuddin Firoz
  4. Mahmud Gawan

Answer: Mahmud Gawan

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