The Meghalaya Public Service Commission is the State Public Service Commission is provided under Article 315 read with Article 316 of the Constitution of India. Here is a Detailed Syllabus for MCS & MPS Preliminary Exam Optional Paper - Medical Science.
MCS & MPS Prelims Syllabus
Optional Paper - Medical Science
Human Anatomy
- General principles and basic structural concept of gross anatomy of hip joint, heart, stomach, lungs, spleen, kidneys, uterus, ovary and adrenal glands.
- Histological features of parotid gland, bronchi, testis, skin, bone and thyroid gland.
- Gross anatomy of thalamus, internal capsule, cerebrum, including their blood supply; functional localisation in cerebral cortex, cerebellum, spinal cord, eye, ear, throat, cranial nerves.
- Embryology of vertebral column, respiratory system and their congenital anomalies.
Human physiology and biochemistry :
- Neurophysiology: Sensory receptors, re‐ticular formation, cerebellum and basal ganglia.
- Reproduction: Regulation of functions of male and female gonads.
- Cardiovascular system: Mechanical and electrical properties of heart including ECG : regulation of cardio‐
- vascular functions.
- GI system: bilirubin metabolism, liver function tests,
- Haematology: haemoglobin synthesis, abnormal haemoglobins.
- Respiration: regulation of respiration, digestion and absorption of fats, metabolism of carbohydrates.
- Renal Physiology: tubular function, regulation of pH.
- Nucleic acids: RNA, DNA, genetic code and protein synthesis.
- Pathology and Microbiology : Principles of inflammation, principles of carcinogenesis and tumour spread, coronary heart disease, infective diseases of liver and gall bladder, pathogenesis of tuberculosis.
- Immune system, immunological and scrological tests for collagen vascular disease. Histological diagnosis by fluroscent microscopy.
- Etiology and laboratory diagnosis of diseases caused by Salmonella. Vibrio. Meningococcus and hepatitis virus.
- Life cycle and laboratory diagnosis of Entamoeba histolytica, malarial parasitic, ascaros
Medicine :
- Protein energy malnutrition.
- Medical management of: Coma, cerebro‐vascular accidents, status asthamaticus, cardio pulmonary arrest, status epilepticus, acute renal failure.
- Clinical features, etiology and treatment of : Coronary heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, pneumonia, cirhosis of live, amoebic liver absess, peptic ulcer, pycolone‐phiritis, leprosy, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, poliomyelitis, meningitis, schizophrenia.
Surgery :
- Principles of surgical management of severely injured and process of fracture healing. Malignant tumours of stomach and their surgical management. Signs, symptoms, investigation and management of fractures of femur, principles of pre‐operative and post‐operative care.
- Clinical manifestations, investigations and management of: Hydrocephalus, Buerger’s disease, appendicitis, benign prostatic hypertrophy, spinabifida, brochogenic carcinoma, carcinoma breast, carcinoma colon.
- Clinical manifestations, investigations and surgical management of: Intestinal obstruction, acute urinary retention, spinal injury, haemorrhagic shock, pneumothorax, pericardial tamponade, haemetemesis.
Preventive and Social Medicine :
- Principles of epidemiology, health care delivery.
- Concept and general principles of prevention of disease and promotion of health. National health programmes, effects of environmental pollution on health, concept of balanced diet, family planning methods.
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