Organic Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions and Answers – Organic Reactions

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

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1 Identify the one which does not come under the organic addition reaction?
A Hydration
B Dehydration
C Halogenation
D Hydrohalogenation

Answer: Dehydration
2 Choose the correct one which will react faster in the SN2 nucleophilic substitution reaction?
A CH2 – CH = CH2 = Br
B CH2 = CH – CH2 – Br
C CH2 = CH – CH2 = Br
D CH = CH2 – CH2 – Br

Answer: CH2 = CH – CH2 – Br
3 What will be the reactivity of chlorobenzene in an electrophilic substitution reaction with benzene?
A Reacts very slowly than benzene
B Reacts in the same way as benzene
C Reacts faster than benzene
D Does not react with benzene

Answer: Reacts very slowly than benzene
4 Alcohol on refluxing with Cr2O7 gives ____________
A Ester
B Aldehyde
C Sugar
D Carboxylic acid

Answer: Carboxylic acid
5 Alkene under high temperature and high-pressure forms ___________
A Alcohol
B Polyalkyne
C Polyalkane
D Polyalkene

Answer: Polyalkane
6 Identify the one which on reaction with carboxylic acid at high temperature gives Ester?
A Ketone
B Alcohol
C Aldehyde
D Sugars

Answer: Alcohol
7 Select the correct statement regarding carboxylic acids.
A They form acyl chlorides on reaction with PCl5
B Aldehydes in the presence of H±/Cr2O7 forms carboxylic acids
C They combine with alcohols to form esters
D Upon polymerization, they form polymers

Answer: Upon polymerization, they form polymers
8 Primary alcohols undergo what reaction to form alkenes?
A Elimination
B Oxidation
C Reduction
D Hydrolysis

Answer: Elimination
9 Carbonyl compounds especially ketones undergo reduction to form __________
A Primary alcohols
B Secondary alcohols
C Alkanes
D Alkenes

Answer: Secondary alcohols
10 Primary amides get converted into primary amines by _________
A Addition
B Oxidation
C Reduction
D Acylation

Answer: Oxidation
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