Philosophy Objective Questions and Answers | Philosophy MCQs with Answers | Quiz Set 10

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1 Which one among the following code is acceptable to Spinoza ? Answer considering (a), (b), (c), (d) :
  1. Nature as a self-creating reality is known as Natura Naturans
  2. Nature as a self-creating reality is known as Natura Naturata.
  3. In its aspect of a creative product, Nature is known as Natura Naturata.
  4. In its static aspect, Nature is known as Natura Naturans.

Code :

1 (a) and (b)
2 (a) and (c)
3 (a) and (d)
4 (b) and (d)

Answer: (a) and (c)
2 In the philosophy of Berkeley, all the following statements are true except
1 There are no physical objects
2 What we call objects are only ideas
3 God creates ideas in us
4 There are ideas of flying horses

Answer: There are ideas of flying horses
3 Select the correct sequence of process of evolution regarding Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy :
1 Widening, Heightening, Integration
2 Heightening, Widening, Integration
3 Heightening, Integration, Widening
4 Integration, Heightening, Widening

Answer:Widening, Heightening, Integration
4 The cause of the apprehension of past and present according to the Vaiïeîikas is :
1 AkÂïa
2 Dik
3 KÂla
4 Manas

5 According to RÂmÂnuja, apçthaksiddhi is a relation between :
1 Jiva and Jagat only
2 Jiva and Brahman only
3 Jagat and Brahman only
4 Between Brahman and Jiva on the one hand and between Brahman and Jagat on the other.

Answer:Between Brahman and Jiva on the one hand and between Brahman and Jagat on the other.
6 What is the asamavÂyikÂraàa of a dvyaàuka according to the VaÍïeîikas ?
1 ParamÂàu
2 ParimÂàa of the paramÂàu
3 ParamÂàu saØyoga
4 Êïvara

Answer:ParamÂàu saØyoga
7 According to the Vaiïeîikas satt sÂmÂnya exists in :
1 Dravya, Guàa and Karma only
2 Dravya, Guàa, Karma and SÂmÂnya only
3 Guàa and Karma only
4 Dravya and Guàa only

Answer:Dravya, Guàa and Karma only
8 Which one among the following is not a mörtadravya ?
1 Kîiti
2 Marut
3 Manas
4 Àtman

Answer: Àtman
9 Who among the following Early Greek Philosophers distinguished between appearance and reality as a contrast between apparent permanence and hidden reality of continuous change ?
1 Heraclitus
2 Anaxagoras
3 Empedocles
4 Democritus

Answer: Heraclitus
10 Consider the following statements in the light of the philosophy of Locke and mark the correct code :
  1. Primary qualities are sensible qualities that depend on the perceiver
  2. Primary qualities are Color, Sound, Taste and Texture.
  3. Secondary qualities are those whose existence is independent of any perceiver
  4. Primary qualities are objective properties of things whereas secondary qualities are subjective properties.

Code :

1 Only (a) and (b) are true
2 Only (b) and (c) are true
3 Only (c) and (d) are true
4 Only (d) is true

Answer: Only (d) is true
11 According to Cartesian dualism human beings are a combination of :
1 Incorporeal and corporeal substances each operating according to separate sets of laws.
2 Corporeal substances operating according to the same set of laws
3 Incorporeal substances each operating according to separate sets of rules
4 Incorporeal and corporeal substances both operating to the same set of laws.

Answer: Incorporeal and corporeal substances each operating according to separate sets of laws.
12 An individual for Plato can be :
1 Sensible object that can be known by perception.
2 Image that can be known by perception.
3 Sensible object that can be known by reason.
4 Sensible object that can be known by imagination

Answer:Sensible object that can be known by perception.
13 Which one of the following can be placed under ‘‘Opinion’’, according to Plato ?
1 Belief of Chair
2 Chairness
3 Blackness of Chair
4 Whiteness of Chair

Answer:Belief of Chair
14 According to Nichomachean Ethics phronesis refers to :
1 Practical Wisdom
2 Cardinal Virtue
3 Natural Excellence
4 Happiness

Answer:Practical Wisdom
15 ‘‘The mind creates the ideas of causality and necessity ; we do not observe them.’’ This statement can be attributed to which one of the following modern western philosophers ?
1 Mill
2 Hume
3 Descartes
4 Locke


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