Philosophy Objective Questions and Answers | Philosophy MCQs with Answers | Quiz Set 13

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1 Who among the following has not criticised Human Rights ?
1 Bentham
2 Alian Pellet
3 Locke
4 Nietzsche

2 Which one of the following feminist activists gave the slogan ‘ The personal is political’ ?
1 Carol Harisch
2 Simon de Beauvoir
3 Mary R. Beard
4 Kate Millet

Answer:Carol Harisch
3 Which one of the following philosophers celebrates the free play of language as an endless difference of meaning ?
1 Derrida
2 Russell
3 Wittgenstein
4 Husserl

4 Which one of the following lists correctly depicts Heidegger’s four modes of language ?
1 Assertion, Discourse, Idle talk and Saying
2 Assertion, Reason, Emotion and Idle talk
3 Assertion, Understanding, Discourse and talking
4 Assertion, Reason, Understanding and Idle talk

Answer:Assertion, Discourse, Idle talk and Saying
5 Who among the following mentioned a distinction between authentic and inauthentic forms of existential discourse ?
1 Heidegger
2 Husserl
3 Sartre
4 Derrida

6 Three major modes of intentionality, according to Husserl are :
1 Perception, Inference and Opinion
2 Perception, Imagination and Understanding.
3 Perception, Imagination and Signification.
4 Perception, Inference and Signification.

Answer: Perception, Imagination and Signification.
7 Which one of the following lists of phenomena of consciousness in-itself is listed by Sartre under the ontological category of ‘being’ ?
1 Necessity, Essentiality, Objectivity and Fame
2 Necessity, Facticity, Objectivity and Shame
3 Necessity, Essentiality, Facticity and Shame
4 Essentiality, Facticity, Objectivity and Fame

Answer:Necessity, Facticity, Objectivity and Shame
8 onsider the following Assertion (A) and Reason (R) in the light of Gandhian view and select the correct code :
  1. Assertion (A) : Non - Violence presupposes the capacity to strike.
  2. Reason (R) : Strike is a passive resistance

Code :

1 Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
2 Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
3 (A) is true but (R) is false.
4 (A) is false but (R) is true

Answer: (A) is true but (R) is false.
9 Who among the following upholds the view that ‘The principle of demand and supply can not be the basis of any Science’ ?
1 Ambedkar
2 Gandhi
3 Vivekananda
4 Marx

Answer: Gandhi
10 Which among the following is not true about the Gandhian principle of ‘Bread Labour’ ?
1 It was designed to promote simple living among all citizens.
2 It was designed to promote dignity of labour.
3 It was designed to promote reaction against capitalists.
4 It was designed to promote a sense of equality transcending the prevailing division of labour.

Answer:It was designed to promote reaction against capitalists.
11 Who among the following has said that, ‘If we want to Cultivate true spirit of democracy, we can not afford to be intolerant. Intolerance betrays want of faith in one’s cause’ ?
1 Vivekananda
2 Ambedkar
3 Tilak
4 Gandhi

Answer: Gandhi
12 In the light of Frege’s view which of the following is incorrect ?
1 Definite descriptions with proper names have both sense and reference, and their reference is determined by their sense
2 Sense, is the mode of presentation of object which is the reference of the expression whose sense it is
3 The reference of the predicate is concept
4 The reference is the mode of presentation

Answer:The reference is the mode of presentation
13 “The meaning, is the use” does not imply that :
1 Useless discourse is gibberish
2 Language games vary from one form of life to another
3 If the linguistic expression turns out to be an apt tool within the context of it’s language game, it is meaningful
4 Analysis of language cannot eliminate puzzlements

Answer:Analysis of language cannot eliminate puzzlements
14 When “Calling” something good is characteristically praising or commending or recommending; it refers to :
1 Descriptive fallacy
2 Assertion fallacy
3 Speech Act fallacy
4 Naturalistic fallacy

Answer:Speech Act fallacy
15 Consider the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) given below and choose the correct code as your answer :
  1. Assertion (A) : “We can and must conceive that blue might exist and yet the sensation of blue not exist”.
  2. Reason (R) : Sensation, according to Moore, has two elements, consciousness and the other, object of consciousness.

Code :

1 Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) correctly explains (A)
2 Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not a correct explanation of (A)
3 (A) is true, (R) is false
4 Both (A) and (R) are false

Answer:Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) correctly explains (A)

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