Philosophy Objective Questions and Answers | Philosophy MCQs with Answers | Quiz Set 25

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1 According to which of the following a theory cannot be correct because it is obvious to us as language users that when we speak of truth we are not talking about such things as referential and descriptive linguistic conventions.
1 Davidson
2 Strawson
3 Russell
4 Dummett

Answer: Strawson
2 Which of the following statements is incorrect according to Frege ?
1 Proper names are noun phrases and not proper nouns.
2 “The Golden Gate Bridge” is a proper name.
3 Names are syntactically “definite”.
4 Semantics does not recognize multiple homonyms.

Answer:Semantics does not recognize multiple homonyms.
3 According to Bertrand Russell referent of a name, which object or person the name refers to is determined by the beliefs a person holds about that object is known as
1 Referential theory
2 Picture triangulation
3 Notion of entailment
4 Theory of description

Answer: Theory of description
4 The semantic content of a proper name is identical to the descriptions associated with it by speakers, while their referents are determined to be the objects that satisfy these descriptions is sometimes called as
1 Russell – Dummett theory
2 Russell – Davidson’s theory
3 Frege – Dummett theory
4 Frege – Russell theory

Answer: Frege – Russell theory
5 According to Russell there are two ways of grouping particulars ; one into ‘things’ and the other into ‘series of perspectives’, which of the following sets of terms is used by him, respectively.
1 ‘pieces of body’ and ‘background’
2 ‘objects’ and ‘minds’
3 ‘form’ and autobiography
4 ‘pieces of matter’ and ‘biography’

Answer:‘pieces of matter’ and ‘biography’
6 “Hermeneutic consistency” refers to
1 the analysis of texts to achieve incoherent explanation of them.
2 the criticism of texts to achieve consistency in them.
3 the analysis of texts to achieve a coherent explanation of them.
4 interpreting texts in a consistant way.

Answer:the analysis of texts to achieve a coherent explanation of them.
7 “Understanding is not a process of reconstructing the state of mind of the author, but one of articulating what is expressed in his work” – is the view held by :
1 Gadamer
2 Habermas
3 Dilthey
4 Heidegger

8 Noema in Husserl’s phenomenology refers to :
1 Real content of an intentional act
2 Ideal content of an intentional act
3 Real content of an unintentional act
4 Ideal content of an unintentional act

Answer:Ideal content of an intentional act
9 Which of the following depicts Heidegger’s distinction between appearance and phenomenon as prescribed in his book Being and Time ?
1 Appearance is that which shows itself in something else, while phenomenon is that which shows itself in itself.
2 Appearance is that which shows itself in itself, while phenomenon is that which shows itself in something else.
3 Appearance is that which hides itself in itself, while phenomenon is that which shows itself in itself.
4 Appearance is that which shows itself in itself, while phenomenon is that which hides itself in itself.

Answer:Appearance is that which shows itself in something else, while phenomenon is that which shows itself in itself.
10 The inference of heavy rain-fall by seeing the flow of muddy water in the river is called :
1 Kevalānvayi
2 Kevalavyatireki
3 Pūrvavat
4 Śesavat

Answer: Śesavat
11 What type of cognition (Jñāna) according to Nyāya can not be perceived ?
1 Nirvikalpaka pratyaks.a
2 Savikalpaka pratyaks.a
3 Smr.ti
4 Prtyabhijñā

Answer: Nirvikalpaka pratyaks.a
12 According to Varn.adharma the Śāstracarcā should be done by :
1 All people
2 Brāhmins only
3 Brāhmins and Ksatriyas
4 All except the sūdras

Answer:Brāhmins only
13 What type of karma is compared in the Gita with the seed which lost its potency ?
1 Akarma
2 Vikarma
3 Niskāmakarma
4 Sakāmakarma

14 Which one among the following is not correct regarding R.ta ?
1 It is a cosmic order.
2 It is a moral order.
3 It is not applicable to heavenly bodies.
4 It governs the sacrificial acts.

Answer:It is not applicable to heavenly bodies.
15 Which one of the following statements is true with respect to ‘Post feminism’ ?
1 It is similar to anti feminism.
2 It believes that goals of third wave feminism are achieved.
3 It is a label used to depict a wide range of critical approaches to previous feminist discourses.
4 It believes that goals of first wave feminism are achieved.

Answer:It is a label used to depict a wide range of critical approaches to previous feminist discourses.

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