Philosophy Objective Questions and Answers | Philosophy MCQs with Answers | Quiz Set 8

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1 Which one among the following is not a condition of VÂkyÂrtha (sentential meaning) jáÂna according to the NaiyÂyikas ?
1 VyÂkaraàa
2 TÂtparya
3 ÀkÂßkîa
4 Àsatti

Answer: VyÂkaraàa
2 Which type of hetvÂbhÂsa is committed by the following anumÂna ? Select the correct code : ‘ParvataÉ vahnimÂn nÍladhömÂt’
1 SÂdhÂraàa SavyabhicÂra
2 SvaröpÂsiddha
3 VyÂpyatvÂsiddha
4 BÂdhita

Answer: VyÂpyatvÂsiddha
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3 According to the NaiyÂyikas ‘padasƒkti’ is
1 An additional padÂrtha
2 An eternal padÂrtha
3 A relation between two padas
4 A relation between a pada and a padÂrtha that stands for it

Answer:A relation between a pada and a padÂrtha that stands for it
4 Which of the following statements is not true with regard to PÂtanjala Yoga ?
1 God is one among Puruîas
2 PÂtanjala Yoga admits three pramÂàas
3 PÂtanjala Yoga advocates Monism
4 PÂtanjala Yoga admits prior moral training

Answer:PÂtanjala Yoga advocates Monism
5 ‘‘The silver that appears in a shell cannot be unreal because it appears ; that silver cannot also be real because it is found to be not there when we see the shell properly’’. This is the view of :
1 RÂmÂnuja
2 Êïwarakçisàa
3 ìaØkara
4 NÂgÂrjuna

6 Given below are Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Consider them and select the correct code given below, in the context of ìaØkara’s Philosophy : Assertion (A) : ìaØkara’s philosophy denies the world outright Reason (R) : The fact is that there is a real external world Code :
1 (A) and (R) are both true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
2 (A) and (R) are both true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
3 (A) is false and (R) is true
4 (A) is true and (R) is false

Answer:(A) is false and (R) is true
7 The correct sequence of evolution according to SÂØkhya is
1 AhaØkÂra, manas, karmendriyas, JáÂnendriyas, mahat
2 JáÂnendriyas, manas, karmendriyas, ahaØkÂra, mahat
3 Karmendriyas, JáÂnendriyas, manas, mahat, ahaØkÂra
4 Mahat, ahaØkÂra, manas, JáÂnendriyas, karmendriyas

Answer:Mahat, ahaØkÂra, manas, JáÂnendriyas, karmendriyas
8 Prakçti in SÂØkhya philosophy is :
1 Unconscious and dependent
2 Conscious and passive
3 Unconscious and active
4 Conscious and independent

Answer: Unconscious and active
9 In MÍmÂØs philosophy, all the following propositions are true except :
1 MÍmÂØs upholds the theory of SvataÉ prÂmÂàyavÂda
2 Self is considered as active
3 Vedas are apauruîeya
4 The perceptual error in case of shell-silver illusion is because of adhyÂsa

Answer: The perceptual error in case of shell-silver illusion is because of adhyÂsa
10 Given below are Assertion (A) and a Reason (R). Consider them and select the correct code in the context of Buddhism : Assertion (A) : NirvÂàa is momentary Reason (R) : Sarvam KîaàikaØ KîaàikaØ Code :
1 Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
2 Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
3 (A) is true and (R) is false
4 (A) is false and (R) is true

Answer: (A) is false and (R) is true
11 Which among the following is not correctly matched with Sri Aurobindo’s concept of three poises of Supermental consciousness ?
1 Comprehending consciousness
2 Apprehending consciousness
3 Analytical consciousness
4 Projecting consciousness

Answer: Analytical consciousness
12 Who among the following has addressed supreme reality as ‘Jeevana DevatÂ’ ?
1 Sri Aurobindo
2 S. Radhakrishnan
3 B.R. Ambedkar
4 R.N. Tagore

Answer:R.N. Tagore
13 Who among the following has said that ‘It is better that mankind should become atheist by following reason than blindly believe in two million of gods’ ?
1 Gandhi
2 Tagore
3 Vivekananda
4 Ambedkar

14 Given below are an Assertion (A) and a Reason (R). Consider them and select the correct code given below in the context of K.C. Bhattacharya : Assertion (A) : Judgements of Philosophy are Pseudo Judgements. Reason (R) : In all Judgements Predicate is Contained in the Subject Code :
1 Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
2 Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
3 (A) is true but (R) is false
4 (A) is false but (R) is true

Answer:(A) is true but (R) is false
15 Who among the following holds the view that : ‘Divine knowledge is creational, and as there is nothing outside God. He himself is the object of his knowledge. He creates as he knows, and knows as he creates.
1 Tagore
2 Vivekananda
3 K.C. Bhattacharya
4 Iqbal

Answer: Iqbal

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