Photosynthesis MCQs | Photosynthesis Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

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1 Photorespiration, usually occurs in
A One cell organelle
B Two cell organelles
C Three cell organelles
D Four cell organelles

Answer: Three cell organelles
2 Stomata opens
A In day time - for gaseous exchange
B In day time - no gaseous exchange
C In night time only - for gaseous exchange
D In night time only - no gaseous exchange

Answer: In day time - for gaseous exchange
3 Which of the following statements about phytochrome is true?
A Pr absorbs yellow light and becomes Pfr
B Pfr absorbs red light and becomes Pr
C Pfr absorbs yellow light and becomes Pr
D Pr absorbs red light and becomes Pfr

Answer: Pr absorbs red light and becomes Pfr
4 Blackman's law is related to
A Respiration
B Transpiration
C Photosynthesis
D Root pressure

Answer: Photosynthesis
5 Photosynthetic bacteria do not contain
A Quantasome
B PS-I and PS-II

Answer: Quantasome
6 The photorespiratory carbon-oxidation cycle involves the interaction of
A Chloroplast
B Mitochordria
C Peroxisomes
D All of these

Answer: All of these
7 Hill reaction occurs in:
A High altitude plants
B Total darkness
C Absence of water
D Presence of ferricyanide

Answer: Presence of ferricyanide
8 Cyclic photophosphorylation invloves
C PS I and PS II
D P680

Answer: PS I
9 The first stable product of Clavin cycle is
A 3-phosphoglycerate
B 1, 3 biphosphoglycerate
C Ribulose - 5- phosphate
D Glyceraldehyde - 3 phosphate

Answer: 3-phosphoglycerate
10 PS-II occurs only in
A Stroma
B Granal thylakoids
C Stromal lamella
D Matrix

Answer: Granal thylakoids
11 Which of the following statements is correct?
A Photorespiration is useful process.
B C4 plants are more efficient than C3 plants.
C C4 plants are less efficient than C3 plants.
D Photorespiration is absent in C3 plants but present in C4 plants

Answer: C4 plants are more efficient than C3 plants.
12 Photorespiration shows formation of
A Sugar but not ATP
B ATP but not sugar
C Both ATP and sugar
D Neither ATP nor sugar.

Answer: Neither ATP nor sugar.
13 Kranz anatomy is usually associated with
A C3 plants
B C4 plants
C CAM plants
D Enterogasterone, gastrin, pancreozymin and cholecystokinin

Answer: C4 plants
14 C4 plants have better productivity because
A C4 plants absorb more light
B C4 plants absorb more CO2
C C4 plants have more amount of RuBisCO
D C4 plants does not carry photorespiration

Answer: C4 plants does not carry photorespiration
15 The first carbon dioxide fixation product of C4 plant is
A Oxaloacetic acid
B ribulose biphosphate
C phosphoenol pyruvate
D phosphoglyceric acid

Answer: Oxaloacetic acid
16 Carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis. The chemical used to remove this gas most effectively from entering a control apparatus is
A Calcium oxide
B Distilled water
C Potassium hydroxide solution
D Sodium carbonate

Answer: Potassium hydroxide solution
17 Photosynthesis in C4 plants is relatively less limited by atmospheric CO2 levels because
A There is effective pumping of CO2 into bundle sheath cells
B RuBisCO in C4 plants has higher affinity for CO2
C The primary fixation of CO2 is mediated via PEP carboxylase
D Six carbon acids are the primary initial CO2 fixation products

Answer: The primary fixation of CO2 is mediated via PEP carboxylase
18 The chemiosmotic coupling hypotheisis of oxidative phosphorylation proposes that adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is formed because
A ADP is pumped out of the matrix into the intermembrane space
B High energy bonds are formed in mitochondrial proteins
C There is a change in the permeability of the inner mitochondrial membrane towards adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
D A proton gradient forms across the inner mitochondrial membrane

Answer: A proton gradient forms across the inner mitochondrial membrane
19 Which of the following is incorect about the light reactions of photosynthesis?
A P680 and P700 are the reaction centres of PS-I, and PS-II respectively
B Light energy provides energy for the photolysis of water through excitation of the reaction centre of PS-II
C NADPH is not produced in cyclic electrons transport in light reactions
D Reactions of the two photosystems are needed for the reduction of NADP

Answer: P680 and P700 are the reaction centres of PS-I, and PS-II respectively
20 In blue-green algae, photosystem- II contains important pigment concerned with photolysis of water. It is a
A Phycocyanin
B Cytochrome-c
C Chlorophyll -b
D β-carotene

Answer: Phycocyanin
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