Population Studies Objective Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Population Studies MCQs Set 10

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1 Which of the following is not government strategy under ‘Mission Parivar Vikas’ for high fertility districts ?
1 Assured services
2 Building additional HR capacity
3 Ensuring commodity security and promotional schemes
4 Public-private partnership for increasing modern contraceptive methods

Answer: Public-private partnership for increasing modern contraceptive methods
2 Which one of the following statement is correct about the high sex ratio in a state of India ?
1 High number of males than females in the population
2 Low number of males than females in the population
3 High number of female infants than male infants in the population
4 High number of females than males in the age group 15-49 years

Answer: Low number of males than females in the population
3 Which one of the following is not part of the RMNCH+A Programme ?
1 Maternal Health
2 Adolescent Health
3 Geriatric Health
4 Family Planning

Answer: Geriatric Health
4 As per the SRS Bulletin December 2016, among the following states, which is having the highest female infant mortality rate ?
1 Bihar
2 Rajasthan
3 Madhya Pradesh
4 Uttar Pradesh

Answer: Bihar
5 Which one of the following is not the part of commitment under the Family Planning-2020 Programme ?
1 Expanding the basket of choices
2 Provision of services to all beneficiaries including adolescents through integrated RMNCH+A
3 Fostering Partnership with Non-governmental sector for improved service delevery
4 Universal access to family planning services by 2020

Answer: Universal access to family planning services by 2020
6 Life expectancy at age 1 for india as per SRS Abridge life Table 2011-15 was about ?
1 65 years
2 67 years
3 70 years
4 75 years

Answer: 70 years
7 Which one of the following is not a mandate of ‘National Commission on Population’ ?
1 To formulate state specific plans for promotion of family planning programme
2 To review, monitor and give directions for implementation of National Population Policy
3 To promote synergy between health, education and development programmes
4 To develop a vigorous people’s programme to support the national efforts

Answer: To formulate state specific plans for promotion of family planning programme

Assertion (A) : The contraceptive use among women who had 3 or more sons found to be high compared to those who had less children.

Reason (R) : Contraceptive use may have been adopted primarily by those who wish to stop child bearing.

Code :
1 Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of (A)
2 Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the only explanation of (A)
3 (A) is true, but (R) is false
4 (A) is false, but (R) is true

Answer: Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the only explanation of (A)
9 With reorganisation of administrative boundaries, which of the following measures of migration gets affected ?
1 Migration rate
2 Percentage distribution of migration in different streams
3 Percentage distribution of migration in distance categories
4 Net migration

Answer: Percentage distribution of migration in distance categories
10 Which of the following age groups has been used to describe the “Young Population” by United Nations ?
1 15-19
2 15-24
3 15-29
4 15-34

Answer: 15-24
11 Earth quake is an example of which of the following hazard ?
1 Geological Hazard
2 Climatic Hazard
3 Man made Hazard
4 Environmental Hazard

Answer: Geological Hazard
12 The tendency of a population to grow after achieving the replacement level of fertility is known as :
1 Population Explosion
2 Population Momentum
3 Population Structure
4 Population Pyramid

Answer: Population Momentum
13 Which of the following is the prime reason underlying ‘Rural-Urban’ migration in India ?
1 Search of jobs and better employment opportunities
2 Lure for better civic amenities
3 Better educational facilities
4 Cultural diversities

Answer: Search of jobs and better employment opportunities
14 Which of the following states witnessed ‘negative net migration’ during 1980s ?
1 Maharashtra
2 Punjab
3 Gujarat
4 Haryana

Answer: Punjab
15 Which one of the following is not the key highlight of National Health Policy 2017 ?
1 It aims to achieve universal access to good quality health care
2 It proposes to free drug and free diagnostic services in public hospitals
3 It proposes atleast 5 beds per 1000 population to enable access within the first 60 minutes after a traumatic injury
4 It advocates pre-screening to reduce morbidity of non-communicable diseases

Answer: It proposes atleast 5 beds per 1000 population to enable access within the first 60 minutes after a traumatic injury

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