Population Studies Objective Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Population Studies MCQs Set 24

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1 Which of the following method is used for district level population projection ?
1 Logistic method
2 Ratio method
3 Exponential method
4 All of the above

Answer: Ratio method
2 The estimated National Growth Rate of the population of India according to the SRS Bulletin September 2014 is :
1 12.4
2 13.4
3 14.4
4 15.4

Answer: 14.4
3 The main objective of National Family Planing Programme launched in 1952 was :
1 To bringdown the birth rate and death rate
2 Reduce birth rate to the extent necessary to stabilize the population at a level consistent with requirements of national economy
3 To promote modern method of contraception and discourage traditional methods
4 To facilitate second stage of population transition

Answer: Reduce birth rate to the extent necessary to stabilize the population at a level consistent with requirements of national economy
4 According to the Human Development Report-2014 released by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), how many persons are living in poverty with “overlapping deprivations in health, education and living standards” ?
1 0.75 Billion
2 1.00 Billion
3 1.2 Billion
4 1.3 Billion

Answer: 1.2 Billion
5 Which amongst the following is not an Environmental Conference ?
1 World Heritage Convention, Paris, 1972
2 Convention on Biological Diversity, Nairobi, 1992
3 United Nations Framework Convention on climate change New York, 1992
4 World Summit on Sustainable development

Answer: United Nations Framework Convention on climate change New York, 1992
6 Which of the following relation between the three measures of mean, median and mode for a symmetric frequency curve is correct ?
1 Mean > Median > Mode
2 Mean < Median < Mode
3 Mean 5 Median 5 Mode
4 Mean 2 Mode 5 3 (Mean2Median)

Answer: Mean 5 Median 5 Mode
7 Which amongst the following is not an indicator of gender equality ?
1 Sex ratio of 0 - 6 population
2 0 - 4 mortality rate
3 Decision making and autonomy
4 Marriage related female migration

Answer: Marriage related female migration
8 Who among the following proposed ‘The Diet Principle’ in the area of population theories ?
1 Thomas Doubleday
2 Spencer and Gini
3 Thomas Saddler
4 C.P. Blaker

Answer: Thomas Doubleday
9 Which of the following sources provide demographic data in India ?

(a) Census

(b) Vital Registration System

(c) Demographic Surveys

(d) Population Register

Codes :
1 (a), (b), (c)
2 (a), (b), (c), (d)
3 (a), (b), (d)
4 (a), (c), (d)

Answer: (a), (b), (c)
10 Which one of the following is the MDG target set for under five mortality rate for India in the year 2015 ?
1 39 per thousand live births
2 42 per thousand live births
3 47 per thousand live births
4 49 per thousand live births

Answer: 42 per thousand live births
11 Which of the following source, provide data on household income ?
1 Census
2 Civil Registration System
3 Sample Registration System
4 National Sample Survey

Answer: National Sample Survey
12 Identify the method followed for adjustment of age not stated in census age data :
1 Pro-rating
2 Ranking
3 Addition
4 Substraction

Answer: Pro-rating
13 Which combination is correct to arrange four states of India by decreasing population size in as per 2011 census data ?
1 UP, Bihar, Maharashtra, West Bengal
2 UP, Bihar, West Bengal, Maharashtra
3 UP, Maharashtra, Bihar, West Bengal
4 UP, Maharashtra, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh

Answer: UP, Maharashtra, Bihar, West Bengal
14 According to the census of India 2011, which among the following group of the states has 52 percent children in age group (0 - 6) years ?
1 Uttar Pradesh and Bihar
2 Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra
3 Bihar, Maharashtra, Rajasthan
4 Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan

Answer: Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan
15 Which one of the following is the correct relationship between prevalence (P), incidence rates (I) and duration (D) of disease ?
1 D5PI
2 I5DP
3 P5DI
4 P5D1I

Answer: P5DI

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