Population Studies Objective Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Population Studies MCQs Set 26

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1 Birth interval between the survey point and the following birth is called as :
1 Forward Birth Interval
2 Open Birth Interval
3 Closed Birth Interval
4 Straddling Birth Interval

Answer: Forward Birth Interval
2 Which one of the following pair of columns of life table relates to person-years lived ?
1 qx and lx
2 qx and Lx
3 lx and Tx
4 Lx and Tx

Answer: Lx and Tx
3 Which among the following category is the input for construction of net nuptiality table ?
1 Marriage and divorce
2 Marriage and migration
3 Marriage and mortality
4 Marriage and fertility

Answer: Marriage and mortality
4 Which one of the following disease has window period ?
1 T.B.

Answer: HIV
5 In which of the following migration streams in India females dominate the most ?
1 Urban to Urban migration
2 Rural to Urban migration
3 Urban to Rural migration
4 Rural to Rural migration

Answer: Rural to Rural migration
6 Which of the following statements is not correct in defining a place as ‘urban’ ?
1 Statutory status of a settlement
2 Population size
3 Presence of pucca road and piped water supply in a settlement
4 Proportion of male workers in non-agricultural activities

Answer: Presence of pucca road and piped water supply in a settlement
7 What information is missing in service statistics for computation of incidence rate of disease ?
1 numerator
2 denominator
3 numerator and denominator
4 none of the above

Answer: denominator
8 Who among the following proposed ?
1 Paul Ehrlich
2 Kingsley Davis
3 Carr Sauders
4 Easterlin

Answer: Paul Ehrlich
9 Which one of the following characteristics of husband makes wife most prone to spousal violence ?
1 Husband’s drinking behaviour
2 Husband’s controlling behaviour
3 Husband’s education level
4 Increasing age-gap between husband and wife

Answer: Husband’s controlling behaviour
10 Find out the correct combination of answer according to the following statements :

(a) Increasing urbanization is an indicator of deteorating quality of living

(b) Level of urbanization is closely linked with economic development

(c) Level of urbanization is closely linked with economic and social development

(d) Level of urbanization is closely linked with economic, social and technological development

Codes :
1 (a) only
2 (a) and (c)
3 (a), (b), and (c)
4 (a), (b), (c), and (d)

Answer: (a), (b), (c), and (d)
11 Which amongst the following statement is not correct ?
1 Domestic violence is a violation of the human rights of women
2 Domestic violence has significant economic costs including loss of women’s labour hours and increased health care costs
3 Domestic violence has significant public health consequence including effects on unwanted fertility, contraceptive use, infant and child mortality, children’s access to immunization and other health care
4 Domestic violence does not affect women’s mental and psychological health

Answer: Domestic violence does not affect women’s mental and psychological health
12 Find out the correct answer of the urban units for which Indian census provide data.

(a) Conurbation

(b) Urban agglomeration

(c) Rural urban fringe

(d) Metropolitan cities

Codes :
1 (a) only
2 (a) and (c)
3 (b) and (d)
4 (c) and (d)

Answer: (b) and (d)
13 According to Rostoks which one among the following determinants does not have significant affect on the pace of development.
1 Propensity to apply science to economic ends
2 Propensity to accept innovations
3 Propensity to seek material advancement
4 Propensity to consume

Answer: Propensity to consume
14 Gender equality and women empowerment is emphasised in one of the Millennium Development Goals, identify the goal from the following :
1 Goal 1
2 Goal 2
3 Goal 3
4 Goal 4

Answer: Goal 3
15 UN Joint score method is used for which among the following purposes ?
1 interpolation of population
2 evaluation of age - sex data
3 population projection
4 all of the above

Answer: evaluation of age - sex data

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