Population Studies Objective Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Population Studies MCQs Set 27

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1 Which one of the following methods is used to project district population ?
1 Component method
2 Regression method
3 Ratio method
4 Mathematical model

Answer: Ratio method
2 Which of the following period is covered by the latest available population projections for India ?
1 2001 - 2026
2 2011 - 2026
3 2011 - 2036
4 2006 - 2026

Answer: 2001 - 2026
3 Choose one of the following given below relations between Quartile Deviation (Q.D.), Mean Deviation (M.D.), and Standard Deviation (S.D.).
1 4 Q.D. 5 5 M.D. 5 6 S.D.
2 5 Q.D. 5 6 M.D. 5 4. S.D.
3 6 Q.D. 5 5 M.D. 5 4 S.D.
4 4 Q.D. 5 6 M.D. 5 5. S.D.

Answer: 6 Q.D. 5 5 M.D. 5 4 S.D.
4 UN Joint Score (JS) is based on empirical relationship between the Sex - Ratio Scores (SRS) the Age - Ratio Scores Male (ARSM) and the Age - Ratio Scores Female (ARSF). Which one of the following relationship given below is correct ?
1 U.N. Joint Scores (JS) 5 2 (SRS) 1 ARSM 1 ARSF
2 U.N. Joint Scores (JS) 5 3 (SRS) 1 ARSM 1 ARSF
3 U.N. Joint Scores (JS) 5 4 (SRS) 1 2 (ARSM) 1 2 (ARSF)
4 U.N. Joint Scores (JS) 5 5 (SRS) 1 3 (ARSM) 1 3 (ARSF)

Answer: U.N. Joint Scores (JS) 5 3 (SRS) 1 ARSM 1 ARSF
5 Which one of the following is five guiding principle of “Primary Health Care” ?
1 Nutrition, hygine, prevention of diseases, population control, human right approach in health care
2 Population control, water and sanitation, public health strengthening, quality of care, environmental sanitation
3 Equitable distribution, community involvement, focus on prevention, appropriate technology, multisectoral approach
4 Social development, preventive and promotive health, gender equity, quality of care, convergence of services

Answer: Equitable distribution, community involvement, focus on prevention, appropriate technology, multisectoral approach
6 Which of the following is correct regarding National Population Policy 2000 ?
1 It has 14 socio - demographic goals, 12 strategic themes and 1001Point Action Plan
2 It has 10 socio - demographic goals, 12 strategic themes and 1001Point Action Plan
3 It has 10 socio - demographic goals, 10 strategic themes and 1001Point Action Plan
4 None of the above

Answer: It has 14 socio - demographic goals, 12 strategic themes and 1001Point Action Plan
7 Which one of the following is appropriate definition of ‘Reproductive Health’ ?
1 It is defined as free from reproductive morbidity
2 It is defined as free from reproductive trace infection
3 It is state of complete physical mental and social well being in all matters relating to the reproductive system, its functions and processes
4 It implies that people are able to have a satisfying and safe sex life and they have capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if when and how often to do so

Answer: It is state of complete physical mental and social well being in all matters relating to the reproductive system, its functions and processes
8 Who convened the first India Population Conference in Lucknow in 1936 ?
1 P. K. Wattal
2 B. T. Ranadive
3 Radhakamal Mukherjee
4 Taraknath Das

Answer: Radhakamal Mukherjee
9 Which one of the following was not part of Family Planning Programme in China during 1950 - 70 under the leadership of Mao Zedong ?
1 F. P programme was linked with Social Development
2 F. P was implemented using localised community approach
3 F. P programme aimed at equitable access to basic education health and income
4 F. P programme imposed ‘One Child Policy’

Answer: F. P programme imposed ‘One Child Policy’
10 Most of the countries have expanded their family planning/Familywelfare services to cover scope of Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) services. Which of the following world population conference had recommended this expansion ?
1 Belgrade 1965
2 Bucharest 1974
3 Mexico 1984
4 Cairo 1994

Answer: Cairo 1994
11 Arrange the following four states of India by their decreasing level of “Ante-natal checkup” (NFHS - 3 data) :

(a) Andhra Pradesh

(b) Kerala

(c) Tamil Nadu

(d) West Bengal

Codes :
1 (b), (c), (a), (d)
2 (c), (b), (a), (d)
3 (c), (a), (b), (d)
4 (b), (a), (c), (d)

Answer: (b), (a), (c), (d)
12 As per family welfare program in India, the first check up of a pregnant woman is prescribed in which of the following periods ?
1 First eight weeks
2 First twelve weeks
3 First twenty weeks
4 First twenty eight weeks

Answer: First twelve weeks
13 Which one of the following is not goal under NRHM ?
1 MMR 5 100
2 CBR 5 21
3 Under - weight children 5 20% below 3 years
4 Anemia among women 15 2 49 5 28% years

Answer: CBR 5 21
14 In view of the changing age composition, the base of age pyramid of India is :
1 expanding
2 shrinking
3 stationary
4 oscillatory

Answer: shrinking
15 Which one of the following indicator of fertility is related with mean length of generation ?
1 crude birth rate
2 gross reproduction rate
3 net reproduction rate
4 total fertility rate

Answer: net reproduction rate

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