Population Studies Objective Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Population Studies MCQs Set 33

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1 Which amongst the following is not migration model ?
1 Zipf’s Gravity Model
2 Todaro’s Model
3 Stouffer’s Model
4 Coal-Trussel Model

Answer: Todaro’s Model
2 Information on which of the following is as collected first time in Independent India :
1 Religion
2 Caste
3 Consumption of Tobacco and Alcohol
4 Disability

Answer: Caste
3 Which of the following is true about the stationary population model life table ?

(a) it excludes migration

(b) it holds fertility constant

(c) it has fixed mortality rate

(d) it is not very good as a descriptive model and is mainly useful for analytic purpose

Codes :
1 (a) is true
2 (a) and (b) are true
3 (a), (b) and (c) are true
4 All the above are true

Answer: (a) and (b) are true
4 Arrange the following states, (high to low) by percent couple using modern contraceptions according to NFHS-3 :

(a) Delhi

(b) Haryana

(c) Himachal Pradesh

(d) Jammu and Kashmir

Codes :
1 (a) (b) (c) (d)
2 (c) (a) (b) (d)
3 (d) (c) (a) (b)
4 (b) (c) (d) (a)

Answer: (b) (c) (d) (a)
5 Arrange the following states, high to low by their level of Infant mortality rate (Latest figures from SRS) :

(a) Madhya Pradesh

(b) Odisha

(c) Bihar

(d) Rajasthan

Codes :
1 (a), (b), (c), (d)
2 (b), (a), (c), (d)
3 (b), (a), (d), (c)
4 (a), (b), (d), (c)

Answer: (b), (a), (c), (d)
6 Which of the following pollution does not cause persistent charm to life supporting system ?
1 Noise Pollution
2 Radiation Pollution
3 Organochlorine pollution
4 All the above

Answer: Radiation Pollution
7 Which one of the following is not demographic determinants of population aging ?
1 Fertility decline
2 Mortality decline
3 Migration
4 Nuptiality

Answer: Migration
8 The process in which migrants movement of their existing houses giving shelter to new migrants is called :
1 Progressive Population replacement
2 Reverse Gentrification
3 Invasion - Succession cycle
4 Cycle of assimilation

Answer: Reverse Gentrification
9 Arrange the following states, high to low, by percent women aged 20-24 married before 18 years of age (NFHS-III)

(a) Kerala

(b) Tamil Nadu

(c) West Bengal

(d) UP

Codes :
1 (c), (d), (b), (a)
2 (d), (c), (b), (a)
3 (d), (c), (a), (b)
4 (c), (d), (a), (b)

Answer: (d), (c), (b), (a)

Assertion (A) : According to Esther Boserup, innovation and technological advances would allow food production to keep pace with population growth.

Reason (R) : In recent years India has become self sufficient in food production to keep pace with the population growth.

Codes :
1 Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
2 Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
3 (A) is true but (R) is false
4 (A) is false but (R) is true

Answer: Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
11 Where do we find greatest bio-diversity in the world ?
1 Temperate forests
2 North West ledar stands
3 Mexico
4 Tropical Rain forests

Answer: Tropical Rain forests

Assertion (A) : Progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) is far from satisfaction in India.

Reason (R) : The shortfall in India’s performance towards achieving these goals could be attributed to three fundamental factors viz., inadequate funding, in appropriate administration and ignorance of policy governance issues.

Codes :
1 Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
2 Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
3 (A) is true but (R) is false
4 (A) is false but (R) is true

Answer: Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
13 Myer’s blended population index is used to correct :
1 Sex-ratio
2 Digit preference in age data
3 Net-migration rate
4 Natural growth rate

Answer: Digit preference in age data
14 The presence of Ozone layer in the upper atmosphere is important because :
1 It enhances the green house effect
2 It has led to sharp increases in all types of skin cancer
3 It absorbs harmful ultra-violet radiation
4 It reduces the amount of acid rain and urban smog

Answer: It reduces the amount of acid rain and urban smog
15 Which one of the following measure is not a measure of population ageing :
1 Aging Index
2 Old-age Dependency Ratio
3 Old-age Sex-ratio
4 Median age of the population

Answer: Old-age Sex-ratio

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