Population Studies Objective Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Population Studies MCQs Set 34

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1 Which of the following is considered under the United Nations Age-sex accuracy Index ?
1 Mean deviation of the age ratio for males from 100
2 Mean deviations of the age ratio for females from 100
3 Three times the mean of the age differences as reported sex ratios
4 All the above

Answer: Mean deviations of the age ratio for females from 100
2 In the direct approach of standardisation the age distribution is held constant, which refer as :
1 Reference population
2 Standard population
3 Both-Reference and standard population
4 None of the above

Answer: Standard population
3 Which of the following is not the function of ‘Regional Evaluation Teams’ of Government of India ?
1 Sample check of family planning acceptors
2 On the spot check of sterilizations carried out in family planning camps
3 Sample check of maternal and child health services
4 Sample check of beneficiaries of Janani Suraksha Yojana

Answer: Sample check of family planning acceptors
4 Which one of the following implies Maternal Mortality Ratio5100 ?
1 100 Mothers ages 15249 years die due to birth related factors per 1,00,000 mothers aged 15249 years
2 100 mothers die due to birth related factors per 10,000 mothers who gave birth
3 100 mothers die due to birth related factors per 1,00,000 births
4 100 mothers die due to birth related factors per 1,00,000 women in reproductive age

Answer: 100 mothers die due to birth related factors per 1,00,000 births
5 Who proposed the formula I (Impact)5P (Population)3A(Affluence)3 T(Technology) ?
1 Julian Simon
2 Ricardo
3 Paul Ehrlich
4 John Bongaarts

Answer: Paul Ehrlich
6 Which of the following cannot be considered as ‘tragedy of common’ ?
1 Over exploitation of ground water
2 Catching fish indiscriminantly from sea
3 Practicing multicropping in own field
4 Smoking in public place

Answer: Practicing multicropping in own field

Assertion (A) : Currently female life expectancy is higher than males is India.

Reason (R) :Family planning practice among couples has increased leading to less maternal deaths.

Codes :
1 Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) could be one explanation of (A)
2 Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
3 (A) is true and (R) is false
4 (A) is false and (R) is true

Answer: (A) is true and (R) is false
8 When was the book entitled ‘The Limits to Growth’ was published :
1 1962
2 1972
3 1982
4 1992

Answer: 1982
9 What is the term used for a particular environment to support maximum number of individuals of a given species for a prolonged period of time ?
1 Population density
2 Maximum growth rate
3 Biotic potential
4 Carrying capacity

Answer: Population density
10 What does ‘system theoretical approach’ to population environment conclude ?
1 How poor people create livelihoods for themselves ?
2 How poor people access and use resources and livelihood assets ?
3 How development processes mediate population environmental relationships ?
4 How do basic fundamental demographic like population growth and changes in fertility, mortality and migration affect the environment ?

Answer: How development processes mediate population environmental relationships ?
11 What is full form of the term “RMNCH1A” ?
1 Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, child health1Adolescent
2 Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, child health1Adolescent
3 Reproductive, Maternal, Nutrition, child health1Adolescent
4 Reproductive, Maternal, Nutrition, child health1Anemia

Answer: Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, child health1Adolescent
12 Which of the following is not true about information generated through ‘Health Management Information System (HMIS)’ ?
1 Timeliness of information is more important than accuracy
2 Information should be consistent
3 Information should be complete
4 Information should be valid

Answer: Information should be complete
13 In which of the following year Jansankhya Sthirta Kosh(JSK) was established in India ?
1 2008
2 1995
3 2002
4 2004

Answer: 2008
14 Which among the following estimate is not available from the Sample Registration System (SRS) Bulletin ?
1 Crude birth rates
2 Crude death rates
3 Fertility indicators
4 Contraceptive prevalence rates

Answer: Crude death rates
15 The ‘Bhore Committee’ was appointed by which among the following :
1 Indian National Congress
2 British Government in India
3 Government of India
4 None of the above

Answer: None of the above

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