i. Factors associated with the area of origin.
ii. Factors associated with the area of destination.
iii. Intervening obstacles.
iv. Stream and Counter stream
Codes :Answer: i, ii, iii
i. Factors associated with the area of origin.
ii. Factors associated with the area of destination.
iii. Intervening obstacles.
iv. Stream and Counter stream
Codes :Answer: i, ii, iii
Assertion (A) : In India, Family Welfare programme could not achieve the desired goals.
Reason (R) : It remained primarily a government programme with high unmet need of contraception.
In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct ?
Codes :Answer: Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
Identity the correct chronological order they occurred.
Answer: Bucharest, Mexico, Cairo, China
Answer: Pharmacy Act, 1948
Answer: Calculation of death rate among population in Calender year
Answer: Rajiv Arogya Shree Scheme
Answer: To achieve population stabilization by the year 2045
i. Children are considered as an economic asset
ii. The community encourages people to have children
iii. Parenthood provides status
iv. Old age security
Codes :Answer: i, ii, iii, iv
i. Large subsistence sector characterised by abundant labour, disguised unemployment and low productivity of labour.
ii. Big push in terms of providing finance to encourage economic growth.
iii. A small capital sector which uses reproducible capital, modern techniques, employs labour on wages with a profit motive.
iv. Certain minimum effort needed to raise the per capita income to a level at which sustained development could be maintained.
Codes :Answer: i, iii
Answer: Nuclear
Answer: Number of births averted
Answer: Increase Contraceptive Prevalence Rate to 70%
i. Diarrhoea
ii. Pnaemonia
iii. Birthing related
iv. Congenetial disease
Codes :Answer: iii ii i iv
i. Reverse Survival Method
ii. Own Children Method
iii. Stable Population Method
iv. Method using General Population Model
Codes :Answer: i, ii, iii, iv