Population Studies Objective Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Population Studies MCQs Set 8

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1 Out of the following Ministries/organizations, which one was responsible for making last set of available population projections ? Answer using codes given below :

(a) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

(b) National Population commission

(c) Planning Commission

(d) International Institute for Population Sciences

Code :
1 (a) alone
2 (a) and (d)
3 (a), (b) and (d)
4 None of the above

Answer: None of the above
2 In which of the following year Thomas Malthus write “First Essay on Principle of Population” ?
1 1698
2 1898
3 1798
4 1959

Answer: 1798
3 The International Day for Older Person’s is celebrated on which of the following date ?
1 1st March
2 1st October
3 15th September
4 30th July

Answer: 1st October
4 The term ‘Glass Ceiling’ refers to which of the following ?
1 Barriers that prevent women from advancing beyond a certain level
2 Barriers that prevent children from advancing beyond a certain level
3 Barriers that prevent older people from advancing beyond a certain level
4 None of the above

Answer: Barriers that prevent women from advancing beyond a certain level
5 Which of the following is the best example of the result of ‘push factors’ operating in place of origin ?
1 Labour out migration
2 Movement along with head of the family
3 Movement of students for better education
4 Movement after marriage

Answer: Labour out migration
6 Which one of the following combination of States is correctly arranged in ascending order (lower to higher) of their population Size, as per 2011 Census data ?
1 Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal
2 West Bengal, Bihar, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh
3 Maharashtra, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal
4 Bihar, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh

Answer: West Bengal, Bihar, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh
7 The estimate of Total Fertility Rate in India given by Sample Registration System is found to be lower than estimated in demographic surveys.

Which of the following statements correctly explains it ?

1 Field workers in demographic surveys are better trained and thus capture more births
2 Field supervision in demographic surveys is better and thus more births are captured
3 Both (1) and (2) are correct
4 The statement made about the level of TFR in two sources of data is not correct

Answer: The statement made about the level of TFR in two sources of data is not correct
8 Which amongst the following is not true about the Rashtriya Kishore Swasthya Karyakram(RKSK) ?
1 It focus on holistic model based on continuum of care
2 It introduces community based interventions through peer educators
3 It covers, compulsory health check-up adolescents in the age-group of 10-19 years
4 It targets nutrition reproductive health and substance abuse among adolescents

Answer: It covers, compulsory health check-up adolescents in the age-group of 10-19 years
9 “Building Knowledge Base on Population Ageing in India (BKPAI)” Survey was conducted in which of the following states of India ?
1 All States of India
2 Only in Major States of India
3 Only in South Indian States
4 Selected Seven States of India

Answer: Selected Seven States of India
10 According to 2011 Census, which of the following states has the lowest population density?
1 Rajasthan
2 Gujarat
3 Madhya Pradesh
4 Orissa

Answer: Rajasthan
11 Among the following which one does not constitute a target under Millennium Development Goal (MDG) ?
1 Reduce MMR by three quarters
2 Achieve Universal Access to ‘Reproductive Health Services’
3 Achieve Universal Access to Primary Education
4 Reduce under five mortality by two-thirds

Answer: Achieve Universal Access to ‘Reproductive Health Services’
12 According to data published in SRS Bulletin Dec. 2016, which state has highest level of infant mortality rate in Urban areas ?
1 Odisha
2 Madhya Pradesh
3 Bihar
4 Uttar Pradesh

Answer: Bihar
13 Arrange the following countries according to their level of population growth rate (average annual percent change), low to high (Estimates for 2016, World Fact Book) using code given below :

(a) USA

(b) UK

(c) Japan

(d) France

Code :
1 (d), (c), (a), (b)
2 (b), (c), (d), (a)
3 (c), (d), (b), (a)
4 (a), (c), (d), (b)

Answer: (c), (d), (b), (a)
14 According to 2011 Census, which of the following state has the lowest female literacy ?
1 Jammu and Kashmir
2 Bihar
3 Jharkhand
4 Rajasthan

Answer: Jharkhand
15 Arrange the following countries according to their population growth rate (average annual percent change), low to high (Estimates 2016, World Fact Book) using code given below :

(a) Pakistan

(b) India

(c) Sri Lanka

(d) Bangladesh

Code :
1 (d), (b), (c), (a)
2 (c), (d), (b), (a)
3 (c), (b), (a), (d)
4 (d), (b), (a), (c)

Answer: (c), (d), (b), (a)

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